Lazy Vs Lazy



  • xxxTiaxxx
    xxxTiaxxx Posts: 310 Member
    In the Fall/Spring I work, go to school at least 18hours, study, take care of my nieces/nephews, run errands for different people, go to church, eat!

    Even if I have to exercise at 5:00a.m. or 11:00p.m. I will DO IT because I know it needs to get done. I am tired, but once you get your body into the grove you'll WANT to do it. There are so many, many, many, many, many, did I mention, many excuses as to why you can't do it, but those excuses will leave you in the exact same shape. So really, get rid of em' and find a simple exercise dvd like these people have mentioned already and DO IT. Especially if it's enjoyable like a dance cardio or something, you'll want to do it.

    Are you really that tired? You may need a vitamin? More water? Better foods, idk, I haven't looked at any responses/your food diary, just my suggestions. You said you get off at 8:00p.m? That's plenty time to eat something light, exercise, go to sleep and be back up ready for work. Your health is more important than anything else.

    Good luck, exercising doesn't have to be a drag :)

    That is some dedication there. I already know I need to start eating more fruits and veggies. I cant even remember the last time I had some fruit. And yeah.. I am VERY tired. Barely no sleep, no food and I got some deficiencies here and there. I need something fun though. And it would be great if I had someone who was a good support. I love my friends but their not very supportive haha. They live too far to exercise with and are pretty much constantly eating. Plus they dont help by saying that I don't need to lose anything even when I KNOW it has to be done.
    That's kinda why i'm hoping I find someone on here I can get along with okay and can help muster up that motivation I have run out of.
  • LimeyTart
    LimeyTart Posts: 303 Member
    Move the bike to a room with a tv, is that possible? If not, do you like to read? I cannot get on the bike/treadmill/stair machine at the gym without a book. I get bored senseless.

    Friend me, if you'd like. I'm full of motivation. And snark.
  • xxxTiaxxx
    xxxTiaxxx Posts: 310 Member

    If you don't have time, do that workout. 5 minutes here, 10 minutes there -- it adds up. If you have time to browse the forums, you have time to work out. :)

    LOVE IT!! And I'm really digging that site too. I think I could learn something from it =) Thank You
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    What am I suppose to do?

    I don't really HAVE time to exercise. Honestly! And I'm not really just saying that cause I'm lazy as hell. I know everyone else has jobs but I don't know how to balance work and exercise, at all! I leave for work by 6:45- 8am and by the time I get home it's anywhere between 7- 8:30+. It takes me like an hour and half to get to and from work that by the time I get home the last thing I wanna be doing is moving vigorously.

    Any suggestions?

    On days that I work late I exercise for an hour in the morning beginning somewhere between 4:30 and 5:30 AM, arrive at work between 7 and 730, I arrive home between 6 and 7, put my son to bed, get him packed for school the next day, get me packed for work the next day sit down at 9 and go to bed at 10 or 11 . . . this is the decision I've made. There's a difference between having the time and making the time.
  • AI1108
    AI1108 Posts: 488 Member
    What am I suppose to do?

    I don't really HAVE time to exercise. Honestly! And I'm not really just saying that cause I'm lazy as hell. I know everyone else has jobs but I don't know how to balance work and exercise, at all! I leave for work by 6:45- 8am and by the time I get home it's anywhere between 7- 8:30+. It takes me like an hour and half to get to and from work that by the time I get home the last thing I wanna be doing is moving vigorously.

    Any suggestions?

    On days that I work late I exercise for an hour in the morning beginning somewhere between 4:30 and 5:30 AM, arrive at work between 7 and 730, I arrive home between 6 and 7, put my son to bed, get him packed for school the next day, get me packed for work the next day sit down at 9 and go to bed at 10 or 11 . . . this is the decision I've made. There's a difference between having the time and making the time.

    Agreed. You have to make the time if you want it that bad. I leave for work anywhere between 6 am - 7 am, work from 8:30 - whatever the hell time the phones stop ringing, days that its 8 or before I hit the gym for anywhere between .5 - 2.5 hrs, and then have a nice 1 1/2 hr trek home. If you want it, you'll find the time.