I am amazed that not many people train their legs



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I asked one woman if she does barbell squats, dumbell squats, or even lunges.

    She said "No, I just run." I nodded and went back to my training. Couldn't believe it. Do people really have this misconception that running whether it's outside in 100% heat or on the treadmill works your legs enough? I mean seriously? How many marathon runners do you know out of the millions that there are have fabulous and porportioned legs? Probably less than 5%. Their legs look horrible. They may have great endurance but you can get endurance doing any HIIT training or sports.

    Back to the original post, what makes me shake my head when I read this, and other posts by "bodybuilders" on this forum who post things like "not enough" "does nothing" "you must increase weight" "blah blah blah" is that I think they seriously believe everyone wants to constantly build more muscle.

    Above we even have "they look horrible" when talking about runners legs. That is pure opinion, of course. And I see nothing in the account given to suggest that the woman who "just runs" is under any misconception. It seems more likely a misconception by the OP that this woman wants to build more muscle in her legs. I'm going to make an assumption of my own and assume that she can see her own legs. On that assumption, it seems more likely that she is simply happy with the way her legs look from "just running" (*gasp*).

    There are people who think bodybuilders "look horrible", ya know. It's all personal preference when it comes to what one finds appealing.
  • I do. Sometimes I do full body strength training, and sometimes I'll do a dedicated leg day followed by a dedicated upper body day. I need to train my legs because I have bad knees and it helps AND because I want to tone my hips, thighs, and bum. I'm still recovering from my leg workout I did on Monday . . .
  • giaciccone
    giaciccone Posts: 257
    This might be just me here... But I never look at what other people in the gym are doing. I pull all of my gym research from online places (like MFP) and work out videos then repeat them there. It does me no good to look at others in the gym because it screws with my head.

    And I do lunges at home on the Wii Fit. They're very helpful to me.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Glad to see I woke all the "runners" up this morning/afternoon. =)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    I've seen those stickly legged men and women, and they look odd, and on men, i don't find it attractive at all.
    At my gym, the leg press, and smiths are constantly being used to do squats (with wrong form obviously LOL), or free squats, deadlifts, calf raises.
    I did however meet a fellow calf raiser yesterday, that said there IS something (can't remember the name) that some people get, like stubborn calves or something, and your calves wont gain mass. He said his are really strong, but as far as actual physical size, he cant get them to get any bigger. He saw some people go as far as implants to fix this.----what?!
    Indian club or "high" calf insertion. It's predominant in many African Americans. The insertion is "high" and gives the calf a club like appearance. No matter how hard and heavy you work them, the calf will still look "high".
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    If you care about your health and your quality of life as you get older, train your legs and your posterior chain. I have a very weak posterior chain and my squat is embarrassingly low. RDLs, lunges, Bulgarian squats, and leg press are what I focus on.... I think it will be a life-time project for me to get my hip flexors and legs to the strength I'd like.....
    Absolutely. If a house has a bad "foundation" it will only stand as long as that foundation. Legs are the foundation of our bodies. What injures more elderly over 65, leads to necessary emergency help and is common amongst them? Falls. Medicines, and poor lighting attribute, but having poor leg strength to help "catch yourself" from a slip will encourage a fall. Also like any other muscle, if it's not "challenged" somewhat, it atrophies and becomes unconditioned. In the legs, that would lead to pre mature deterioration of cartilage in the knees, hips and ankles because weight is transferred to the joints to hold you upright, rather than the muscle doing it.
    Working legs is good. HARD DAMN work, so it's always a motto in the gym "REAL MEN SQUAT" or "REAL MEN WORK LEGS".
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Muscular men with chicken legs look funny!

    Leg press is my favorite thing..... Until the day I tried it at a new gym (my college gym when I went back for grad school) and couldn't get the sled to lock back into place after my set. I had to call some 20 year old football player who worked there over to help the old fat lady (me) figure it out.

    The End.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Muscular men with chicken legs look funny!

    Leg press is my favorite thing..... Until the day I tried it at a new gym (my college gym when I went back for grad school) and couldn't get the sled to lock back into place after my set. I had to call some 20 year old football player who worked there over to help the old fat lady (me) figure it out.

    The End.

    LOL it's ok. =)
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I didn't read all of the responses, but I wanted to say that I'm all about working my legs and butt. Squats and lunges are my butt's best friend. I don't want a flat or nonexistent butt, so I know that getting lots of toned, strong muscles there will help. Also, I want strong legs, so I do everything I can to work those muscles too.

    I have to wonder if people are generally more focused on working their upper body muscles because those are the muscles men are more likely to show off - and it does seem like weight lifting has been a mostly male-geared thing in the past. Shorts for me are probably the same thing as no shirt for most guys - I want to look my best in as little clothes as possible.
  • Speedy89
    Speedy89 Posts: 64
    biking is the best leg workout...if stay on a high gear and make sure you pump hard with every pedal.

    I never use weight training for my legs...and they're still jacked and toned because of all the biking I do.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    biking is the best leg workout...if stay on a high gear and make sure you pump hard with every pedal.

    I never use weight training for my legs...and they're still jacked and toned because of all the biking I do.

    I agree. My husband is a cyclist (as are all his office) and he has huge thighs, but little teeny arms.
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    I've seen those stickly legged men and women, and they look odd, and on men, i don't find it attractive at all.
    At my gym, the leg press, and smiths are constantly being used to do squats (with wrong form obviously LOL), or free squats, deadlifts, calf raises.
    I did however meet a fellow calf raiser yesterday, that said there IS something (can't remember the name) that some people get, like stubborn calves or something, and your calves wont gain mass. He said his are really strong, but as far as actual physical size, he cant get them to get any bigger. He saw some people go as far as implants to fix this.----what?!
    Indian club or "high" calf insertion. It's predominant in many African Americans. The insertion is "high" and gives the calf a club like appearance. No matter how hard and heavy you work them, the calf will still look "high".

    So that's why my calves look like they do. I never thought anything about it because they are proportional to my body and look fine to me, but they are indeed high.
  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    I don't run, not even on the treadmill because I don't like to so I am not going to get into that argument. I know a lot of women think that if they lift weights they will bulk up and even some women who lift think they won't do legs because they will bulk up. Some peopel(men and women) are genetically gifted and find it easy to build muscle in some areas very quickly. My best friend has wicked triceps without even trying, me I have to beat the crap out of them with heavy weights and tri-specific exercises. I have always told women that if you want a killer butt, get into the gym and squat, squat squat. In just a few weeks I can literally see my butt get higher and tighter and smaller and rounder. I do squats at 140lbs right now, I do leg press, leg extensions, leg curls. I also do a full body workout 3x's a week because if I had to do a leg day I would wimp out. I do cycle my workout with upper body exercise, abs, lower body exercise until I have gone through them all.
  • ChocFiend
    ChocFiend Posts: 219 Member
    Im a girl and train my legs more than anything else! i do lots of squats and lunges with kettlebells and do bench presses (think thats the right name). im usually the only girl in the weight section at the gym and get some funny looks sometimes from both sexes! Stopped wearing my glasses now, so cant see the funny looks i get,, lol
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    biking is the best leg workout...if stay on a high gear and make sure you pump hard with every pedal.

    I never use weight training for my legs...and they're still jacked and toned because of all the biking I do.

    Full Squats are the best leg workout over any kind of machine, biking, running, or eliptical machine. There is simply no other leg workout or exercise that not only stimulates muscular growth in your legs, but skeletal loading and bone density enhancement, connective tissue stress and strength, as well as providing a level a central nervous system activity.

    Also let's not even talk about how much they work your core.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    biking is the best leg workout...if stay on a high gear and make sure you pump hard with every pedal.

    I never use weight training for my legs...and they're still jacked and toned because of all the biking I do.
    Debatable. The key to overload is to tax the muscle to where it CAN'T contract anymore. If you're pedaling for 30 minutes, it's obvious that point can't be reached. This would be more muscle endurance than strength so the movement is considered aerobic (slow twitch fiber activation). Weight lifting is anaerobic and uses a different muscle fiber (fast twitch).
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    I don't run, not even on the treadmill because I don't like to so I am not going to get into that argument. I know a lot of women think that if they lift weights they will bulk up and even some women who lift think they won't do legs because they will bulk up. Some peopel(men and women) are genetically gifted and find it easy to build muscle in some areas very quickly. My best friend has wicked triceps without even trying, me I have to beat the crap out of them with heavy weights and tri-specific exercises. I have always told women that if you want a killer butt, get into the gym and squat, squat squat. In just a few weeks I can literally see my butt get higher and tighter and smaller and rounder. I do squats at 140lbs right now, I do leg press, leg extensions, leg curls. I also do a full body workout 3x's a week because if I had to do a leg day I would wimp out. I do cycle my workout with upper body exercise, abs, lower body exercise until I have gone through them all.
    First exercise I recommend to a female who asks for a "toned" butt.
  • rairye
    rairye Posts: 27
    My legs are naturally stronger than my upper body so I pride myself in being able to train my legs and "show off" what I can do :) I devote equal to upper and lower :) Side note, I have back problems (not due to weight, have a bulging disc) and working out my lower body actually helps strengthen my lower back and I rarely have pain anymore :)
  • Im a girl and train my legs more than anything else! i do lots of squats and lunges with kettlebells and do bench presses (think thats the right name). im usually the only girl in the weight section at the gym and get some funny looks sometimes from both sexes! Stopped wearing my glasses now, so cant see the funny looks i get,, lol

    I hear ya. I'm one of those too (in the weight section, not giving funny looks).
  • demonNIИ
    demonNIИ Posts: 187
    On the running outside vs the treadmill. I don't trust myself to run outside... I'm too afraid of traffic...obstacles and getting hurt LOL. I am one of the clumsiest people I know and always trip over things since I wear glasses and don't have good peripheral vision. So the treadmill it is for me...feel safer in a more secure building with staff all around. And lately have been hearing about lots of women being raped/kidnapped out running.