My first really hard day...



  • Think about it this way... If were to lose that much weight in such a short amount of time and continued to do so,-Not only is it really bad for you- your skin would just be hanging off your body. You are doing thing the right way and your body will be happier and healthier for it. :)

    Yes exactly! It is always better to let your body go at it's own pace because you don't want to be thin and wrinkly.

    But I understand your frustration, I have a hard time eating all of my calories as well and I am guilty of not yet once eating my exercise calories - except for the day I was super sick and got some fast food.
  • mynika
    mynika Posts: 312 Member
    Thank you so much everyone for your encouragement, Today is another day, and I actually made myself eat breakfast... ughh... but I know in my heart that each one of you are right... I have to just keep on taking it slow. I will do this, and all of you are such awesome people!!! Have a great day!