How in the heck do I survive Disney World



  • deb_rn
    deb_rn Posts: 144 Member
    I went last summer, had lots of treats and ate pretty much what I wanted. I walked so much that I didn't gain any weight!!! I decided that I was not going to ruin my vacation by obsessing over food!
  • Bookers23
    Bookers23 Posts: 187 Member
    Eat, biggest roller coaster, pepto bismoll and repeat for each meal.
  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    I wouldn't worry to much about exercise, you will get PLENTY walking around Disney World. As for food, just try to make the healthiest choices possible. Don't sweat it, relax and enjoy yourself!!
  • Mom0fTwo
    Mom0fTwo Posts: 326 Member
    you can do this workout anywhere you go, in your hotel room somewhere out side and all you need is yourself no weights, i log it as circuit training, do it twice a day it is fast and only takes about 25 mins each time, even less if you don't do the running at the end
  • I totally understand where you are coming from. Its hard to step out of your day to day and still maintain what you have worked hard for.

    Disney has actually changed their menus a bunch to accommodate more healthy choices. They even have fruit stands in some places. If you choose to do a character breakfast, take a banana or apple to go as a morning snack. You do walk a lot while there so keep that in mind as well. drink water and re-fill the bottle with the fountains, saving money and calories!

    MOST IMPORTANT, you are in the happiest place on earth...HAVE FUN!

    If anyone would like, check out my new blog,
  • sizzlinoverthefat
    sizzlinoverthefat Posts: 136 Member
    I've shared this tip on several occasions but it may work........

    Buy some cheap, colored bangle bracelets. I have black, gold and silver. In the morning, I put 5 (you can determine how many), of each color on my right wrist. Black is for water, gold is for fruit and silver is for veggies. As I have a serving of each, I move the appropriate bangle from my right wrist to my left. At Disney, you may not be keeping a food journal and may lose track, but the bracelets may help you as they do for me, in keeping focused so that I know if all the bracelets are on my left wrist at the end of the day, I know I've done well.

    Have a great time!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Bump.... I love and will use this idea for myself. thanks
  • sizzlinoverthefat
    sizzlinoverthefat Posts: 136 Member
    you can do this workout anywhere you go, in your hotel room somewhere out side and all you need is yourself no weights, i log it as circuit training, do it twice a day it is fast and only takes about 25 mins each time, even less if you don't do the running at the end

    bump! thanks for this info:smile:
    The 100 Workout so appealing is the short amount of time it takes to exercise the whole body (glutes, quads, thighs, core, and hamstrings) as well as the convenience of not having to go to the gym.

    Thinking of giving the workout a try? Here’s how you do it:

    •100 jumping jacks
    •90 crunches
    •80 squats
    •70 leg lifts
    •60 jumping jacks
    •50 crunches
    •40 squats
    •30 leg lifts
    •20 jumping jacks
    •10 minutes of running
  • egdanger1
    egdanger1 Posts: 59 Member
    OP here. Thank you all for the good advice. Well, I did survive. I actually lost a few pounds. I know that it was all the walking. We even rented a bicycle and did the loop around the Epcot Resorts a few times. Those bridges killed my legs, but it was a spectacular burn. I did enjoy myself. But, honestly, MFP has gotten me so used to not gorging that I actually did not over eat or have too many sweets. Yet, I was very satisfied.
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    You actually might be surprised with all the walking you will be doing that everything might balance itself out. Have a great time and make healthy (but don't deprive yourself) choices. Also consider for asking for half orders or sharing your meal, I did that last time and didn't feel like I was missing out.

    Totally agree!! You will be walking and burning constantly!! Don't put in your food while you are at the table. Do it while killing time in line @ the Rockin roller coaster....or whatever! Stay on plan, but have fun & enjoy!!
  • egdanger1
    egdanger1 Posts: 59 Member
    Disney pro/freak here!

    I've gone to Disney 3 times in the last 3 years (2x on property w/ the dining plan, once without). The only time I actually gained weight was the one week we stayed off property, and did not have the dining plan!
    I'm going to assume that you have the table service DDP and not the QS plan. This means (for those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about) that you get 1 Quick Service meal, 1 Table Service meal, and 1 snack. This is a lot of food in one day, especially since for both your QS meal and TS meal you get an entree and dessert - Its a lot of food!!!!
    I'm assuming you have already chosen, and made your ADRs for the TS restaurants? I hope so, because if not, your not going to get into any! March is a very busy month, and the restaurants have been booked 180 days in advance - That means not much of a chance of a walk up at any of the popular places, and no chance in heck of a character meal.
    Anyway.... Have you been to - You can see all the menus on there, even the QS and snack options. This will prepair you for when you get into the restaurant, you will know what you can, and cannot order.
    Where are you staying? I believe there is only one Mod resort that has a gym, however, they all have jogging trails. All of the Deluxe resorts have gyms - Ask for a room near them, and get their early in the morning. Of course you'll have to get there extra early so you can get to the parks 15 minutes before rope drop..... lol
    Lastly, there is so much walking in Disney - Indulge a little! Don't over do it, but you can still have something. Ooh, and if you ask the CM for an extra bottle of water INSTEAD of the dessert with your QS meal, they will be more than happy to do that for you. Good luck, and if you need any help planning, PM me - I love to help people plan Disney Trips!

    We had the Deluxe Dining Plan- which was sooooo much food (but I like it because I am able to use all of the snack credits to buy small edible gifts for my son's classmates). I did alright with the DxDDP. I guess my stomach is getting used to smaller portions. We stayed at the Yacht Club. We were able to walk the Crescent lake loop and rent bicycles. I never had a chance to use the gym. We did a lot of walking, of course, at the parks. We kept a quick pace when we could. Belive it or not, I acutally lost a few pounds on my trip.
  • I went over Christmas break and I tried my best to stay healthy but our hotel charged for internet (lame) so I didn't get to track. Always get water with your meals, and remember most of the menus are marked with "healthy options." A lot of places have grilled chicken sandwiches and things like that. I went to the space station restaurant in Magic Kingdom (I can't remember the name, but it's pretty hard to miss. Something cafe) and got a kids' turkey sandwich with grapes and a water. It came with fries but I didn't eat them. This was enough food for me but it may not be enough for you. My point is, most of the restaurants are making it easier to stay healthy. Plus, just think of all the walking you'll be doing!

    It's hard to resist all the Mickey-shaped ice cream bars, but if you're craving something sweet, the ice cream stands have Edy's fruit bars in a couple of flavors which are yummy. I got mine in Animal Kingdom. I think Epcot is the hardest to stay focused on because all the food is so good and interesting. You can do it!
  • AliciaLucas_72
    AliciaLucas_72 Posts: 112 Member
    OK, we are leaving for DW in a few weeks for a WHOLE WEEK, here is the problem:

    1. I am on vacation, when I am on vacation I do what I want (well, before MFP)

    2. There are so many gooooood and yummy things in the World to eat, how can I resist

    3. We are on the dining plan (pre paid for food), I shutter to think of wasting my money by not eating

    4. I want to stay within my calorie count, but HOW CAN I (see 1 through 3)

    5. I don't want to spoil it for the rest of the family by pulling out my cell phone at every meal and obssessing over calories

    6. Usually I take a break from my workout sessions on vacation, but I don't think that this will be possible......

    I think several people have already touched on this, but I will reiterate, there are a lot of healthy choices in all of the DW parks and restaurants, also you are walking sooo much so that counts as exercise. and track a way. I am sure your family will understand and if you don't think so prep them ahead of time. and you eat a lot less then you think because you are running around and that can be bad because at the end of the day you may sit down to a bigger meal then you should. just get a good breakfast drink A LOT of water and make sure you make the best choices you can when possible.
  • When i went i had no dining plan. Just a budget and tons of walking to do. If you have a strict budget you buy less junk since you would rather spend your cash on the souvenirs instead. If you see everything once you've logged several miles walking too. Since it was summer time i must have sweated out a few pounds too.
  • alorick
    alorick Posts: 194
    I wouldn't stress, really. We went in December and I lost 2 pounds. I ate whatever I wanted, but we walked ALL DAY LONG. It'll even out. :)
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    You will walk A LOT so don't forget to track that...
    Who cares if you whip your phone out? If your family cares about your weight loss journey then they shouldn't cringe when you look up calories. Keep the numbers to yourself and be true to yourself.
    If you don't stay as strict as you are now (Not on vay cay) then you will gain. If you are okay with that, then go wild. If you are not okay with that, stay strict.
  • Hello! I think in the face of adversity is when you have the greatest opportunity to shine. You say you "do what you want" while on vacation and "usually take a break from workout sessions" on vacation. But is being focused on health something you used to do either? I think this trip to Disney World is a great opportunity to show yourself how far you've come and to prove to yourself you can stay on track anywhere in the world. With that said, no need to obsess and get crazy with your phone at every meal - you know you shouldn't pick the fetucchini alfredo or the meat with cream sauce over it - just make wise decisions and log them all at night. You'll likely be walking alot during your trip too, so be sure to log that! If there's a gym in your hotel, perhaps you could wake up before your family and hit the gym to start your day.

    In my opinion, you should enjoy your vacation but also not lose sight of the change you're trying to make with your health. If there's a delicious dessert at a restaurant you want to try, split it with your family and have a few bites, but don't have the entire thing yourself! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!
    Ditto That!!:flowerforyou:
  • kbrogan78
    kbrogan78 Posts: 158 Member
    Another thing to keep in mind is that portions are quite large! At restaurants here at home, I almost always have leftovers, but that's not an option when you're in the parks and I hated wasting all the food.

    When I was at WDW with my sister last spring, we almost always split an entree and each got a salad. At the fast food places, we'd get a sandwich and fries plus a salad, again sharing it all. Last fall, when our entire family went to Disneyland (yep, we're Disney people!) I often ordered off the kids menu. Again, still plenty of food and also cheaper! The kids' food often comes on adorable Mickey-shaped plates or bowls, which is fun, and sometimes includes things like little bags of baby carrots, which you can stick in your bag and save for later.
  • moleighsmom
    moleighsmom Posts: 59 Member
    If the whole idea of staying on track seems really difficult, remember what Walt said, "It's kind of fun to do the impossible." :smile:
  • bedoozled
    bedoozled Posts: 189 Member
    My roommate and I actually went to Disneyworld a while back, and aside from one or two splurges, I found it ridiculously easy to stay within my calorie count - mostly thanks to all of the walking you do while you're there!! I found if you choose the right places to eat (mainly, the sit down vs. grab and go restaurants) you can find healthy choices in most of the theme parks - so try and do that, walk as much as possible, and remember a couple of bad days on one week in one year aren't going to do anything irreversible to you!