Help with YOUR Shin Splints.



  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Also "check your running form" ....excuse me? Run how you NATURALLY run..... everyone is different. I got mine the moment I 'tried' to fix my 'form' to something that my body didn't naturally do.

    Everyone runs different, some run toes, others mid foot, others heel strike. Does not mean they run incorrect at all..... its what THEIR body naturally runs at. Changing that can lead to problems.
  • How to 'treat' them? I ran mine out.

    Sorry but a dull ache? Mine was so bad I could not walk down stairs, up stairs, hell even a gutter was hard. I could not walk properly.... for 3 months.

    I ran 10km with mine..... each time I ran it was on grass..... I ran my shin splints better. Also stretch the calves...... that's what causes them in the 1st place.

    I suspect you never had shin splints, you had a calf strain. I ran 11 miles with mine almost every day, see my diary Aug 16-20. It didn't ran them out, it made it so bad that I couldn't walk without limping. Don't do my mistake, rest ! rest is key to recovery. Just because you can endure the pain doesn't mean it's ok.
  • Also "check your running form" ....excuse me? Run how you NATURALLY run..... everyone is different. I got mine the moment I 'tried' to fix my 'form' to something that my body didn't naturally do.

    Everyone runs different, some run toes, others mid foot, others heel strike. Does not mean they run incorrect at all..... its what THEIR body naturally runs at. Changing that can lead to problems.

    Excuse me ? poor running form is painful, naturally painful. It's not natural to strap a huge elastic cushion to your heel, you shouldn't land on it in the first place. You adapt quickly to midfoot striking because it is how you naturally run.
  • teebeegeebee
    teebeegeebee Posts: 218 Member

    I have tried running on and off for the last 2 years and thought I had a shin splint problem......

    Recently I spoke with my physiotherapist about this pain I was getting in my knees and she assessed me and suggested using a foam roller on my ITB muscle and this along with some stretches has pretty much allowed me to return to running. I'm not saying this is the cure, just dont rule it out either\

  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    need to save this! My shins are killing me from 30DS and C25K
  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    Also "check your running form" ....excuse me? Run how you NATURALLY run..... everyone is different. I got mine the moment I 'tried' to fix my 'form' to something that my body didn't naturally do.

    Everyone runs different, some run toes, others mid foot, others heel strike. Does not mean they run incorrect at all..... its what THEIR body naturally runs at. Changing that can lead to problems.

    Excuse me ? poor running form is painful, naturally painful. It's not natural to strap a huge elastic cushion to your heel, you shouldn't land on it in the first place. You adapt quickly to midfoot striking because it is how you naturally run.


    BTW Be careful with running through pain. Also be aware that It's not uncommon for stress fractures to be confused with shin splints.

    OP - Considering that you have been running for quite some time now & a you are a woman (low calcium?)...., & assuming you havent changed anything such as increasing distance, speed, stride, running surface, grade, shoes, etc. I would suggest you check in with the doctor.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member

    Very good info! I was wearing old shoes and started getting shin splints when I started to run last week. Now I've replaced the shoes and the only thing that hurts are my calves but they go away as soon as I walk 2.0-2.5 MPH
  • madamecj82
    madamecj82 Posts: 207 Member
    bump ... Thanks!
  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    For those that get them from soccer (Soccer shoes have horrible support in them - no matter how expensive of shoe you get) I strongly recommend the inserts called "Superfeet" - I had chronic shin splints for 20 yrs and got these a couple years ago and have been pretty much pain free.
  • klakers3
    klakers3 Posts: 189 Member
    Bump for later.
  • cw106
    cw106 Posts: 952 Member
    got this today whilst rowing 10k.
    only change has been more flexible running trainers.guess i need more support/ stability so back to old trainers tomorrow.