Couch to 5K-General Support



  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 731 Member
    Hello - great post!

    1. Name - Vanessa
    2. What level you are currently on in the C25K program - was repeating week 1 when friends joined in, have to stop and rest for two weeks atm for shin but will be back on it two weeks Thursday!
    3. Do you have a race goal in mind, and if so, what is it? Would like to try for a 5k January latest - then there is this one which I'd LOVE to do!
    4. Why did you start running? Get and then keep fit, sense of achievement, convenience for cal burning (wherever/whenever)
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    We did week 2 day 2 today (my little girl and me). It's such a great way for us to spend a lovely half hour together. I think we'll finish week 2 tomorrow, and start week 3 on Sunday.
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    Decided to repeat week 4. I am still struggling with the second 5 minute run. I get a stitch at the end so I want to get through that before I try to go farther.
  • 1. My name is Jessica

    2. I just started today so week 1 day 1 and felt great after completing, but I'm worried about getting sore since I haven't worked out in awhile!

    3. I don't have any race goals in mind right now but may look into local races to make a goal.

    Have fun everyone and I'm glad there's a general support forum. Add me as a friend if you'd like!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    Week three day one today. Hit a hill just as the three min run started. That was erm fun.
  • Nette2172
    Nette2172 Posts: 16 Member
    I did Week 3 Day 1 yesterday. It is going pretty well but I seem to have an issue with hip pain after I run. It seems to get better on my off day. I plan on going to get new running shoes and hopefully they can help me figure out how to run pain free. :-)

    I never thought I would make it this far so I am feeling pretty good! :-)
  • flabulous4
    flabulous4 Posts: 599 Member
    Week three day one today. Hit a hill just as the three min run started. That was erm fun.

    I ran yesterday and the (small) hill that used to nearly kill me...snails used to pass me...I ran up it and wondered why I wasn't slowing down. It takes a little while but it is worth it!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    Week three day one today. Hit a hill just as the three min run started. That was erm fun.

    I ran yesterday and the (small) hill that used to nearly kill me...snails used to pass me...I ran up it and wondered why I wasn't slowing down. It takes a little while but it is worth it!

    The frustration is that I'm running on what used to be my regular 5k short run. I can't believe that I've got so unfit. I used to whistle along that road! Oh well. It will come back to me eventually!
  • flabulous4
    flabulous4 Posts: 599 Member

    The frustration is that I'm running on what used to be my regular 5k short run. I can't believe that I've got so unfit. I used to whistle along that road! Oh well. It will come back to me eventually!

    Some of us have never had a 'regular 5K short run'. Sadly I am now the fittest I've ever been!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member

    Some of us have never had a 'regular 5K short run'. Sadly I am now the fittest I've ever been!

    Sure. But you *will* have a regular 5k short run, one day soon, in the near future.... :-)
  • I do a spinning class twice a week and a kickboxing class once a week. I also move through my weight training quickly to keep my heart rate up.
  • ccmccoy09
    ccmccoy09 Posts: 284 Member
    1. Name
    2. What level you are currently on in the C25K program
    3. Do you have a race goal in mind, and if so, what is it?
    4. Why did you start running?

    This group is such a good idea! None of my friends are casual runners (some run marathons, some don't run at all) so it's good to have an online group.

    1. Christine
    2. Week 5 (repeating day 2 today)
    3. Susan G. Komen for the Cure 5k on Nov. 6, Oceanside Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving.
    4. I hated running but hate the gym more. I wanted to start some exercise that got me outside and let me get in some good cardio. It also needed to be something I could do alone and for relatively cheap.

    I'm jogging about 5 days a week, so I repeat some of the C25k days. Running 20 minutes straight tomorrow is freaking me out. I'm a little nervous to see what week 6 brings!
  • flabulous4
    flabulous4 Posts: 599 Member

    Running 20 minutes straight tomorrow is freaking me out. I'm a little nervous to see what week 6 brings!

    I bet the 20 minute run won't be as bad as you think...enjoy!
  • kiwifebes
    kiwifebes Posts: 26 Member
    I just did run 2 week 5 today and felt great. Looking forward to the next run but also a bit nervous.
  • sjostrich
    sjostrich Posts: 117 Member
    Hey all! I didn't strictly follow the C25K but did use it as a guideline. I ran a Race for Life 5K in July (my first race ever) in 31 mins! I never was a runner (unless I needed to catch the last train home!) but now that I've been raising money for charity, and (a bonus) seeing a marked increase in my fitness levels and self-confidence, I think I've got the bug now!

    I started following the Hal Higdon novice training guides just after my 5K and now I'm doing a half marathon this Sunday! Once you start you just can't stop! Before you know it you'll be able to run for miles without walking breaks! Amazing :D
  • gailduncan
    gailduncan Posts: 35 Member
    1. Gail
    2. Week 8
    3. My only goal is to be able to run 5k
    4. Can't run, wont run. In the gym I could do long sessions of the cross trainer and rower but would never go near the treadmill. I found running difficult which kind of made me feel like I was failing at being a human being. Some of my friends think nothing of entering 5 and 10k races so I wanted to be able to do it too.

    I've been doing C25K for much longer than 8 weeks due to holidays and what not. Whilst my level of fitness have greatly improved, I'm running 28 mins but only covering 3.5km and feel like I'm never going to hit 5k. The last few sessions have been a bit of a struggle. Do you think I may have been doing too slow a pace on the earlier weeks?
  • Garrett1234
    Garrett1234 Posts: 147 Member
    Hi I'm Garrett
    I just finished day two of week one.
    I don't have a race goal in mind.
    Have begun running for fitness.

    I walk and ride my bike for exercise, but with colder weather and darker mornings coming on I was looking for an alternative to the morning bike ride. So I'm doing c25k on a treadmill. My twist is I'm doing it barefoot.
  • zipline
    zipline Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone.

    1. Marco
    2. Just finished W1D2
    3. No specific race goal in mind. We'll see what the future holds
    4. My main reason for starting is for weight loss. Never been able to run because of the weight, and I would love to be able to one day go for a run with wife who is runner. I have a little while to go before that happens! :)
  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    1. Gail
    2. Week 8
    3. My only goal is to be able to run 5k
    4. Can't run, wont run. In the gym I could do long sessions of the cross trainer and rower but would never go near the treadmill. I found running difficult which kind of made me feel like I was failing at being a human being. Some of my friends think nothing of entering 5 and 10k races so I wanted to be able to do it too.

    I've been doing C25K for much longer than 8 weeks due to holidays and what not. Whilst my level of fitness have greatly improved, I'm running 28 mins but only covering 3.5km and feel like I'm never going to hit 5k. The last few sessions have been a bit of a struggle. Do you think I may have been doing too slow a pace on the earlier weeks?

    Hey, dont loose heart, its not about speed, its about getting out running. Im on kinda week 7 or 8 somewhere, i did follow the C25K quite strickly for the first 4 weeks, then it starts to push you to run faster and faster, which for the moment, im not too worries about, last night i did a 5k in 37 minutes had to walk for 90 seconds after 18 minutes and 27 minutes, due to stitch (which iv never had since startin this program so dont know where it came from). but i know i can keep going now for well over 30 minutes on a good run, and to make 5k i need to. Run at your pace, and make sure to can sustain it for 30 to 35 minutes, when you can do the everytime you run, then start to look at speeding up you pace, just adding 0.5 miles per hour will knock off about 4 minutes your 5K time.

    Thats all im doing now, running 5K's then trying to beat the time i did previously, not always going to do it, but i am getting quicker :)
  • Garrett1234
    Garrett1234 Posts: 147 Member
    @ Gail, I'm the worst runner in the world. Can play soccer, ride a bike, walk for hours, but run? I suck! So take heart you're not the only one who finds it an immense challenge.

    You'll notice the c25k sites suggest that if you can't keep up with the pace they suggest, repeat weeks, etc. It's not about getting there on schedule, just about working towards being more fit. 8 weeks shows a lot of determination!