How to break up with him...?



  • heresmyinsidevoice
    heresmyinsidevoice Posts: 311 Member
    Leave my picture on your night stand; next to your vibrator.

    I'm sorry - but THIS reply really is for the win. HA HA HA HA HA!!!

    Aside from just that - "He's got the best sense of humor, cute smile, and...wait for it...he's a bad boy" - is not worth it enough to give the guy weed money you're never gonna get back.

    Don't get me wrong - I love the bad boys. But there's a real technique on which ones to go for and which ones to throw burning bags of dogsh*t on their doorsteps:

    1. Make sure he's not a coworker.
    2. Make sure that aside from being all badass that he has a really well paying job that has some kind of job security - it's not good enough if he makes a decent wage at something he's not going to be doing regularly, then couch surfing at your place til he finds another job. That's lame.
    3. Make sure his friends are not *kitten* that don't have jobs. Chances are, if he's not already, he'll turn out to be just like his *kitten* friends.
    4. Make sure that the badassery he partakes in is of the legal kind. Here's some good examples:

    "Good" badass - showers regularly, has a career and a car, takes you to punk shows on weekends, likes to go for wings in a cruddy bar with you and have a couple drinks (by a couple it actually means two), thinks "Natural Born Killers" is one of the best movies ever, has a comic collection and action figure sets, plays in a band, has some really decent tattoo work from reputable tattoo artists.

    "Bad" badass - drinks full time and showers part time (if ever), is a chronic pothead, brags about all the stolen lawnmower parts he has in the shed that he sells to random people for beer money, has a record as long as his arm, has prison tattoos, never has enough money to date you, doesn't own a vehicle.

    If any of the "bad" badass stuff applies, don't date him. End of story.
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    Perhaps we'd be better off as friends.

    Nothing drives a guy more to the point of killing someone than to hear this line.

    I honestly try to work it out but if not. Be honest.

    "Sorry, this isn't going to work. You come across to me as an irresponsible person and I don't want that in my life. It's better this way."

    If you still remain friends well, then you are friends. It will save you a lot of drama down the road.

    agree with this. he needs to know why you are REALLY doing it.
    jsut tell him you hate the fact that 3days into being bf/gf you asked for money for a drug addiction and you dont need that in your life!
  • Deb2012
    Deb2012 Posts: 124
    Leave my picture on your night stand; next to your vibrator.

    Classic! Love it! Haha.
  • Jamakin
    Jamakin Posts: 4
    Just tell him, you have realised your not ready for a relationship and would just like to be friends for now and see what happens in the future. He'll be right, what doesnt kill ya makes tou stronger.