How many of you go to a gym?



  • brianward81
    brianward81 Posts: 217 Member
    1. Tell him you won't get a membership.
    2. Start going like you normally want to but paying for each individual sessions. No membership, no foul.
    3. Do this for 2 weeks.
    4. Get your bank statement and show it to your fiancee.
    5. Ask him again.

    If he still says no, then you might need to resort to an abacus, some crayons and a song that relays the INCREDIBLY SIMPLE MATH to him.
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    gym rat here checking in. I go to the gym so often that the trainers go and my gloves from my truck, back out my truck, bring my truck to the front, bring me water, or towels, and they all know me and my son! lmao
  • demonNIИ
    demonNIИ Posts: 187
    Gym rat here too. I go 6-7 times a week... some days twice so that makes up 6-7 visits per week. Mine is $50 a month. But pretty much worth it since I take advantage of almost every category class offered.
  • BrianTheNegotiator
    BrianTheNegotiator Posts: 25 Member
    I walk around 50 minutes 6 days a week (usually 3-3.5 miles), and 3 days a week I go to the gym and either run a mile, do ellipticals for 15 minutes on 10 or higher intensity, or do the rowing machine for 15 minutes, plus weight machines, and 4 kinds of situps and some weights and pushups at home. Geez, it sounds like so much when I write it down.
  • suzan91
    suzan91 Posts: 3
    I think if your going to stick to it then no its not a waste of money..if your partner has self esteem issues why not suggest him to go with you!
  • LCDMomma
    LCDMomma Posts: 67
    I go to the gym and LOVE it. I picked a gym with daycare, so while I work out my kids are playing and having fun. The kids beg me to workout and for those days I need a break from the kids I workout and drop the to play. I also notice on the days I workout I eat less out of being bored.
  • katherines2230
    katherines2230 Posts: 276 Member
    My membership is only $10 a month and I couldn't be happier! There was an initial, one-time start up fee of $60 and an annual fee of $25 but STILL compared to what I've paid in the past it's totally worth it. I go at least 5 times a week and started working with a trainer last month. It's been the best thing I've done for myself in a really long time!
  • He should go with you. It's so much easier with a partner. My husband goes with me 5 days a week. Maybe he will change his mind in a few days for you.
  • That price is great. Going to the gym depends on the person. The gym is only a waste if you are not truly driven to do it. It can seem tiring to get up & go, but find ways, motivation, & methods, & you will find it's a great extra tool to becoming more heathier.:happy:
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    Where are the gyms where you get hit on ;-)
    Sheesh, I love the gym for the people-watching alone, although since they moved the rowing machine from the entrance, it has lost a bit of the gloss.

    That seems cheap, but will you go? You don't need a treadmill to run, in fact you'll use more calories running outside.

  • ljd0693
    ljd0693 Posts: 289 Member
    The only problem with the $12.99 a month gyms is that they hit you up for a "processing fee" of usually $80+ just to sign up which just goes into pocket of the person signing you up. That's how they make their money. They usually hit you up for "maintenance fees" every few months too.

    I thought about joining one but I didn't want to pay the $80+ sign up fee.

    I spent that money on buying P90X instead and can do everything at home.
  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    Well if men hit on you it should make him happy other men find you sexy. $13 is amazing. I wish!!! $45 monthly here. But do double check they have some sneaky fee's in there (starter fee's ect). But this is for your health so tell him it is important to you. He is right a lot of people don't end up using it. I once wasted $800 at a gym I did not go too. And 2 years later I'm still paying it off and kicking myself in the butt. I'm sure you won't do the same thing as me though.
  • at $13 I would sign up.....but you do have to keep yourself motivated to go. I had a gym membership where I paid 44 a month and rarely went. Just watch out for contracts and see if they have a month-to-month in case you change your mind in the future.
  • I go to the gym twice a week as part of a cardio rehabilitation programme following heart surgery. It is really good, I also walk between 3 km's and 5.5 km's per day always in the morning before breakfast. This time last year I could only walk about 60 metres without having problems.
    Getting fit and staying fit is something I never thought I would do .... but following a second chance at life and living I find that it is now one of my top five priorites every day.
    It's TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO late whan it happens to you as is often the case Prevention is far better that the cure trust me. Go to the Gym, and try taking the couch potato with you to show him that you are there to get fit and he should join in to
    :laugh: :wink: :wink: :laugh: :drinker: :drinker: :happy:
  • dckim
    dckim Posts: 311 Member
    I go to LA Fitness 5-6 times a week. It's $29.99/month and unlimited So Cal locations. I take cardio kickbox and bodyworks plus abs classes, sometimes yoga,spin, and swim. I love it!

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  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I loved the gym, but I loved it too much and didn't do my work properly around it :blushing:

    The high cost then was part of the problem. I felt like I had to go all the time to get my money's worth. If it had been less I may have done better with it in the long term.

    I have, possibly, some extra time to myself this year, but instead of the gym I'd like to do the C25K and maybe try social badminton or club tennis. There's a running club a couple of towns away, and when I can run a few miles, I'd like to join.

    I do love the gym, and maybe joining one will suit me again some day, but not for a while.
  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member
    I took P90X and meshed it into the gym. Ab Ripper X. My fav.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Why don't you go into the gym (with him if he will go), ask them to show you around, find out exactly what the deal is (is there a joining fee, do you have to sign a contract, can you cancel etc) then ask them for a free week trial?
    That way he will be reassured about what you'll be doing, you'll be well informed and if you like it you can try it out.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I don't go because I had gym membership pre children and rarely went, only to swim, and I could have paid per session for that. I used to do tai chi and cycle to work so I didn't need a gym. The gym here is only open during the day and I have a 3 year old at home with me most of the time, so I wouldn't be able to go, and I have found classes I can do without needing membership and I run, both of which has got me far fitter than I ever managed when I went to the gym.

    I also just don't like gyms. I don't like exercising indoors, and the other people annoy me.
  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member
    $13 to go for a walk???

    Walk to the gym, jog back or jog there and walk back. Take your partner with you and spend your £13 on some stretch bands or a yoga DVD etc.

    Or why not both of you join?
    Gyms today have activities,trainers, spas,pools and so much more. It isn't just a treadmill anymore. The only difference today is that everybody is on steroids. Their choice to ruin their body to look good today. Kiss your liver goodbye. Just look at the eyebrows. Steroids develop every muscle. The bigger the eyebrow muscle is the longer they have been taking steroids. I go to check it out. I love my gym.