

  • lor007
    lor007 Posts: 884 Member

    It's been like this for months..... and she eats my *kitten*. Cuts up my fresh fruit, allllll of it, and drowns it in sugar.... UUUGGGGHHHH. Can't wait to find my own place and have my OWN KITCHEN. HELLLLL YA!!

    Does she buy groceries you eat, let you live in her house rent free, let you use water/electricity without paying the utility bill, babysit occasionally for you..? If the answer to any of those are yes then I would get over it.
  • portexploit
    portexploit Posts: 378 Member
    Do they make mini-fridges with locks on them?

    If they do, I'm totally getting one..... and putting it in MY ROOM....

    Problem is now y'all know where my new hiding spot would be.........

    My grrandma has a lock on her fridge. The kind in the picture

    One time i made half a salmon, it was 2lbs... i left it on the stove to cool, my uncle ate half of it. He doesn't share worth a damn the most selfish self centered pig i know. I just went in to his stuff, took 3 big containers of crystal light and 1 packet of chicken. Made me happy.
  • mtkautz
    mtkautz Posts: 218 Member

    It's been like this for months..... and she eats my *kitten*. Cuts up my fresh fruit, allllll of it, and drowns it in sugar.... UUUGGGGHHHH. Can't wait to find my own place and have my OWN KITCHEN. HELLLLL YA!!

    Does she buy groceries you eat, let you live in her house rent free, let you use water/electricity without paying the utility bill, babysit occasionally for you..? If the answer to any of those are yes then I would get over it.

  • Annie5859
    Annie5859 Posts: 280 Member
    Too funny! But the sad thing is that this happens at my house too, only it's my 2 sons and husband eating my skinny cows. I even buy them regular ice cream, but they think MY ice cream tastes better! :P
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Two options:

    1) Buy enough skinny cows for everyone (28 a week for your mum + 7 for you + some for anyone else passing through)

    2) Read up on some of the things Nestle has done in developing countries and never buy skinny cows again

    Sadly, I went for number 2. I liked their hot chocolate :cry:
  • fitmommy2012
    fitmommy2012 Posts: 451 Member
    Yeah I am TOTALLY with you on this! My husband (and his family when they come over) eat all of my "diet" foods too! I mean they will scarf down my skinny cow snacks, my fiber one bars and my fresh fruits and veggies!! It makes me ANNOYED as heck...so I always have to try and hide them! LOL - people really need to have some respect! GEESH! :noway: :grumble: