
  • Marie-the supplies are in craft dept. of most stores. in scrapbooking. Bigramma-glad you're getting wet! also glad you lost lbs but I think I found them:-( And you are feeling well enough to exercise! GO BIGRAMMA! Marie-scallops are great with so many recipes to try. They are especially tasty when grilled. night everyone.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: HAPPY VALENTINE :heart:

    :heart: :heart:
    :heart: :heart:
    :heart: :heart:
    :heart: :heart:
    :heart: :heart:
    BIGGRAMMA Posts: 2,273
    Hope you all are having a very :heart: :heart: HAPPY VALENTINES DAY. :heart: :heart:

    :love: :love: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: :smooched: :smooched:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    May your day be filled with love and happiness.
  • What-no Chocolate? ^o^ hope you are all having a happy Saturday We are in Texas on I-10 Hi Marie! not having a good food day. I had a hypoglycemic episode in which I eat too much when trying to remedy it. we had sandwiches for lunch in a rest area with a pretty view. walked a little. It's my turn to sleep - take care
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Phoebe----I was wondering if you came across on your way to Florida. Interstate 10 is a long way from me.. So you will be going thru Houston.
    time for you to sleep. I got your e-card today thanks. And I have been working on cards today. I order me som Christmas designs that I can do directly on cards. That is really handy. I place my order online give them my credit card # And just like Magic it is there for me to use. After I download it and make a disk. The company I order most of my design is Embroidary Library.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey Phoebe, I was wondering how you were going to go to get to Florida. Interstate 10 is a long way from me. I guess you are already out of Texas now. Have a safe trip.

    Ellie. I remember you talking about green tea What kind do you drink? does the diet green tea work.? I have been drinking lipton green tea Taste pretty good on these chilly morning and evening. But I still like my Latte before bedtime.

    Biggramma, how are you and the exercise doing. When I first started to used these scale monitor it ask me if I exercise and I said no. they soon called me back and said as long as I still go to the bathroom that was exercise and I do that plenty taking these water pills.

    So Jeffrey I get plenty of exercise. But I know I need to do more. I still get around in Walmart.

    Sandy----Just keep at it.

    Pat, Its been wawhile since we heard from you.Hope all is fine. Your weather has been something else. first all that snow and now tornadas. We ussed to live in Midwest cidty, My husband was station at tTinker Air Force Base. We had a Storm cellar but thank goodness we never had to go down in it.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Well I lost 2 post so this is my last try.
    Hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine Day.
    So nice to have you all here. Marie

    I see that I didn't lose them Somehow my hand must have slipped and click on send message

    So we end with a triple dose of me. Sorry about that.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good Morning buddies,

    Here it is Sunday Morning and the sun is out but a little chilly. Where did our nice spring like weather go? Alice should be here shortly and she will help me some on my computer and then out for lunch. and shopping. Hoping Jerry will eat out of the freezer today. I have some roast I froze from last weekend may make him a beef pot pie. Thats sound good.

    Hope this fine you all well and as happy as can be. I am happy as I can be. Had a really good night.
    Now have a great day----Marie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Belated Happy Valentines to one and all!
  • Hi from rainy florida. hope you are having a lazy Sunday. got in some walking today. had lunch at a buffet. good vegetables. but still had too much-It was the rolls but that was the main meal so a sandwich with soup will be plenty tonight. bye
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good Morning all,

    Not much going on today. Don'dt even know what I am going to eat yet. I Think iI will be an egg omelet this morning.

    My daughter Alice came out yesterday and we drove out to a nearby town to have Lunch and do some shopping. I had a wonderful Havest Salad with shrimp. It was so good. At a resturant call Cotton Patch. Last night I just had a Lean Cusine Dinner. For breakfast it was waffle. As far as I know I stayed under my 1300. We look up the resturant on internet and they just had their Menu and not the nutriction, But I did get plenty of Walking in.

    Today it is going be a little cool and cloudy. A good day to stayed in my PJ and robe.And just relax.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Good Morning!! I have to confess and I feel awful that I over indulged yesterday by going over my 1200 calories by almost 700 extra calories. We had a small party for my granddaughter and between the food I ate, the piece of birthday cake I ate and the glasses of wine I drank, I feel more than guilty today.
    :embarassed: I am going to try to work extra hard on my elpitical today and make up for all those calories. Have any of you ever went over by so many calories????
  • Hi all you Sneaker People! had a great long sleep-hope you did too. What is on your agendas for today? we hope to be home tonight but we don't know yet Take care
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy, I am sure we all have at one time or another. I know I have, But don't beat yourself up over one day. Just get up and start over. It is so hard to change old habit. I change my calories from 1200 to 1300 and do much better at it now. I eat from 1200 to 1300 a day.

    Hello Phoebe, you are much closer to home now. Alice and I went to Rockwall east of Dallas and went to a Michael TShey did have all those little doo dads. Our Michael here in Mesquite is not not that big of a store. All I ended up buying was some 3 in 1 glue. and I had a 50% off coupons So it only cost me 1.99 We did have a wonderful lunch. I didn't gained any this morning so I'm guess I am OK.

    Maybe you s now is all gone now. How close are you to Chicago? We went thru In. to get to Oh. to visit Alice when she was living there. And went to a casino there. But I'm thinking that must have been in the southern part of In..

    Ellie---I never been in your part of the country but would love too. we did get as far as New orleans once.

    Biggramma---- Sunny calif. But it is not always is it?

    I have not forgotten you, Been keeping up with you on Blue Team. Doing great!

    Everyone have a great day. Marie

    Biggramma--- Sunny Calif. But it is not always. is it.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy, I am sure we all have at one time or another. I know I have, But don't beat yourself up over one day. Just get up and start over. It is so hard to change old habit. I change my calories from 1200 to 1300 and do much better at it now. I eat from 1200 to 1300 a day.

    Hello Phoebe, you are much closer to home now. Alice and I went to Rockwall east of Dallas and went to a Michael They did have all those little doo dads. Our Michael here in Mesquite is not not that big of a store. All I ended up buying was some 3 in 1 glue. and I had a 50% off coupons So it only cost me 1.99 We did have a wonderful lunch. I didn't gained any this morning so I'm guess I am OK.

    Maybe you s now is all gone now. How close are you to Chicago? We went thru In. to get to Oh. to visit Alice when she was living there. And went to a casino there. But I'm thinking that must have been in the southern part of In..

    Ellie---I never been in your part of the country but would love too. we did get as far as New orleans once.

    Biggramma--- Sunny Calif. But it is not always. is it.?

    Shar ----I have not forgotten you. I keep up with your Blue team and you are doing pretty good. Keep up the good work..

    Have a great Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Marie
    BIGGRAMMA Posts: 2,273
    Good Morning from not sunny California....we are having rain, snow in the mountains and some very serious winds....In fact the Grapeview which is the major road between Southern and Central California is closed because of 100 MPH winds....Very dangerous to drive in that.

    I am loving this weather since we need it so bad....not the winds...but the snow and rain....

    I hope everyone is having a very nice day....


    I am sure you all remember when we celebrated Lincoln and Washington's birthdays on the real day....:flowerforyou:
  • Hello Everyone!

    Marie- We live about 2.5 hours east of Chicago. Northeast Indiana. Out in farm country! Yup the snow is gone but maybe some more tomorrow.

    PJ- travel safe!

    Sandy- Don't worry about going over the calorie count. It is over and done. You will just have to "lose" those calories! It is so hard not to indulge at family gatherings and parties. I know from first hand experience. Just elipitcal away the extra calories! Keep focused and keep thinking of reaching your goals. You will make it! It is a journey down a winding road not a short path.

    We are all fine here. Pretty quiet weekend. Just the normal. Cleaning, laundry, grocery, etc. We are thinking about meeting our oldest in Gatlinburg, TN in a few weeks. I am getting excited about that. The youngest is not coming home for spring break this year. She is going to see her sister in Atlanta. I really miss my girls but I know they are doing well and have a good foundation.

    You all take care and enjoy this Monday! There will never be another one like it!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Thanks for all the encouragement, I did work extra hard today and have 299 calories left for a snack later. My downfall is having a glass or wine or two daily but I am going to try and stop that habit so I don't use all my calories on wine, when I should be eating something healthly. I am happy to be on this board where I can be honest, it will help me be honest with myself. :wink:
  • We are heading home. We were sent to pick up a load of peanuts in Blakely GA. yes it is the town on the news. we joked about that. We actually were next door to the bad pnut place. the locals were talking about it. thankfully, the plant we went to seemed in good condition. It has no affiliation with PCA. it has been a long time since we have been in a place where our cell phones had no signal-we were about 40 miles away from there before we had reception today. be careful stay safe