
  • Good Afternoon!

    Pretty quiet here! Just waiting on the snow, AGAIN! Sandy congrats on the pounds off! Stay at it!
    Nothing much going on for the weekend uless we have to go to the hospital again for my MIL. Going to go and look for a carpet steam cleaner. Anyone have any suggestions or experiences in this area? I would like some advise. Outside of that pretty quiet and calm and that is good!

    Everyone take care!

  • Hi all..
    Jeffrey, I have one, it is good enough for me, and the only drawback is it is a small one, and I constantly, (every 3 sq. feet or so) have to remove the tank and refill it with water. I bought it for the same reason, it is a small one, that I can handle and store easily. So I guess I'm saying, get one with a larger resevoir.

    Hi Sandy, good news from you!! hope you are ready for the snow, it is so cold there this time of year.

    Hi Bigramma, I second Marie on the lean cuisine pizza. It is so satisfying. Also, lean pockets makes a pepperoni pizza pocket., I bought a box, but have not tried it. I've been trying their chicken with spinach alfredo or something like that. And I agree with you on ice cream.. my weakness is dairy queen or McDonalds ice cream.. my husband keeps some in the freezer, but it isn't sugar free so I avoid it. I forgot to look for the sf novelty ice creams today, wanted to get a box to try.

    We had chili in the crockpot tonight.. I was just craving a little spice.. I got it with a can of Rotel!! I don't know how you count calories for that..
    I am baking two ramekins with apples and a wheat flour crust, we shall see how they are. I put a little flour combo on mine, and a full crust on Jim's. I was going to just bake apples, but I had enough flour to put on mine. I have been craving baked apples, but they are too sweet so I make em at home.

    Got my A1C test done today, I thought you would get the number instantly, but they didn't tell me anything. So I will wait for a letter in the mail.

    Marie, I love casseroles, but I am the only one in the house that does.. so guess who doesn't eat casseroles often?? I love Smart Ones tuna casserole, I bought two today.
    I liked that information from SBD. I printed it, and I may suscribe to their newsletter.. I get a bunch of them already.
    I am having a bit of back pain tonight, this chair doesn't help at all. I am gonna call it quits, my computer is acting up and needs to be restarted, hopefully that will fix it.. hate it when it gets cranky:frown: take care all goodnight
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Phoebe,,,,,I been down menory lane. Alice and Bruce , Father family has a family web site.[ He died when he was 38.] We were already divorce but we remain friends. Any way I got an E-mail from one of his cousin too check the web site and they has our wedding picture on it and did not know when it was taken, so I told them any way brought back many fond menories. He was a truck driver too.

    I really like these TV dinners. i really like lean cusine tortilla crusted tilapia.

    all of you have a good night. Marie
  • ooooh Memory Lane is fun ,, sometimes!! It didn't leave you blue, did it?

    I didn't know there was a tilipia LC, thanks so much, I've got to get it..

    we are leaving shortly, the cats are outside, in the cool, but they need to get out a bit before the trip. we are going to Phoenix. I like going there.. partly coz we avoid the really bad weather they often have in California at this time of year.. snow Thick Fog heavy rain road closures, etc.. and partly because it doesn't take as long to get there:happy: So, it means we may get back soon too..

    not much to say today.. need to start getting ready and play 'catfish roundup'- that's what I call it when it is time to put all the cats in the car to go to work..

    take care all, and have a wonderful week.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Have a safe trip. Are all three of your cats going this time? Stpped by and get Sammy he loves to go in the car. But I don't know about a big truck. He will bark at them from inside the house but if he is out he run to the back gate. He is such a wimp. But I am glad he is that away.

    Hi to everyone else. I didn't get up untill 10 Am this morning. Had a nice cheese onmelet with bell peppers. I am leaving off bread, potatoes, rice and Pasta this week, Eat plenty of non stachie veggie to get my carbs in..That is what Alice my daughter is doing and she is losing about 2 lbs a week.

    Do need to get more exercise in tho.

    Talk to you guys later. Marie
    BIGGRAMMA Posts: 2,273
    Good morning....Have no plans today...just watching some Nascar...

    It looks like we may be getting some rain later

    Had my usual breakfast.....Cheerios and a 100 calorie pack of Craisins.....I eat this most mornings...sometimes it is oatmeal.....but always with some craisins or other dried fruit...

    Later it will be chicken breast and salad....I eat that alot also...with brown rice...

    That is one advantage of living can eat what you want....when you want...and if you want to eat the same thing all the time that is ok...don't have to please anyone but yourself...

    Hope you all are having a super Saturday.:flowerforyou:
    BIGGRAMMA Posts: 2,273
    Just did 20 minutes on my elliptical.....usually I only do 15 minutes at a time..but I felt good so just kept going....will do more later.....:flowerforyou:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey good girl. Lets us know about extreme make over of one of the houses in your town. I'm thinking march 8th. Have a ood day. Marie
    BIGGRAMMA Posts: 2,273
    That is what they told will be aired on March 8th
    BIGGRAMMA Posts: 2,273
    Well I just did another 15 minutes on the Elliptical.....I am now done for the week.....:flowerforyou:
  • bibramma will you do a few for me...
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good Morning everybody,

    I see you are awake. Must be Jim turn to be the driver. Or you stopped for coffee. Say I notice your weight has gone down again. So proud of you. I hope By Wed. I will have another lost. I have been working on it in fact I thinking about not having waffles this morning and have my eggs

    Bigramma-- Say you are getting with your exercise. That 's away to go. It is rather cold here this morning. Down to freezing. but will warm up a tad as the day go on. The sun is out.

    Jeffrey, I guess you went down to see your MIL. Hope she is doing just fine.

    Sandy----Keep those exercise going. You are doing fantastic.

    Hello to the rest of our friends.

    BIGGRAMMA Posts: 2,273
    GOOD is raining here today...and it looks like it will be all day....I have no plans today...just will be watching Nascar later.

    I have a crockpot full of chicken breasts in bbq smells great....My son will be taking most of him when he leaves this evening.....He is a truck driver...and trys to take several days worth of food with him....

    Hope everyone is having a very blessed Sunday...:flowerforyou:
  • hi from phnx this am. going ti sleep. see ya later.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning gang, Beatiful out this morning. The sun is so bright. and shinning. Makes you feel good all over.

    Phoebe, Hope you had a good niht sleep. or should I say good morning sleep.

    Bigramma, Did you enjoyed the nascar race? My daughter, Kathy is really into it. She tries to go to all the races when they reace here in Dallas. Jeff Gordon used to be her guy. I made her a Jeff Gordon Pillow lap quilt one year. How was your bbq chicken?

    My plans today is to stay on my program and stay active. For breakfast it will be eggs.veggies, 1 piece of toast, I get my milk in my coffee.Will plan the rest of my meals as I go along today.
    BIGGRAMMA Posts: 2,273
    Good is a little damp here this morning....does not look like rain just drippy...

    Yes I enjoyred the races guy Kasey did not win....but did come in 12th out of 43 so that is good..

    The chicken breasts turned out really tasty....very simple...I just put boneless, skinless chicken breasts in the crock pot with a jar of BBQ sauce and cook....My son likes to make wraps to take to eat during the week in his truck...He uses LaTortilla Factory whole grain low carb wraps...80 calories..I eat those all the more bread in my house...

    I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and that Monday is going good so far....:flowerforyou:

    Oh my weight is up by 2 I will have to stop eyeballing and start measuring again....:grumble:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Was trying to eat a good breakfast. But the calorie count came to 485 calories just for breakfast. I didn't eat it until about 10 AM so I will just called it brunch and have a light lunch of yogurt and fruit. Will that work???????? tonight it will be salmon and veggies. small serving of bulgar and fruit.

    Hope you all did better on breakfast than I did. The weather is getting a tad warmer. I am going to start walking around the park here . It has a nice little lake and I think it is 1 mile around it. There are benches all around it so It will probale take me an hour to get around it.. I will take my walker for my balance is terrible and of course take Sammie. He will want to chase all the ducks. Will take my camera and take pictures. We have lots of walking trails in our town. Used to hit a new one every day. Need to walk off some of that big breakfast.

    You all have a wonderful day Marie
  • hi from yuma az. warm and ptly sunny. biggramma your dinner sounds good and i like those tortillas too. they are great in the truck. where does your son go?
    marie i read about this program where you eat 500 appx calories per meal. so your breakfast would be ok. i had an egg mcmuffin. i give half the ham to the cats. better get a nap since we are getting loaded quickly today.
    BIGGRAMMA Posts: 2,273
    My son is a new truck driver...He has only been driving semi's for a year.....He has driven double tomato tubs....and is now driving ag animal feed etc.etc....he drives the whole state of California....Is usually home on the weekends...during the week he sleeps in his truck....

    He will be 50 next month...he had a health scare last year on his 49th bd.....and since has changed his whole eating year ago he weighed 383....he has now lost over 100 pounds..just by giving up fast food..and eating much healthier....and watching his portions....I am so very proud of him....:flowerforyou:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I haven't bought any breads in 2 weeks. but I did have some thomas light whole grain english muffins in freezer. They tasted good this morning. I also keep low carbs tortilla on hand they are high in firber. Will cook some bulgar for supper tonight with chopped hot peppers in it to go with my salmon.