
    BIGGRAMMA Posts: 2,273
    GOOD MORNING....Wow I just did 30 minutes on my elliptical...I have never done that....I was watching the View and got interested in the show...had Mutts on....and just kept going....

    I will still do more this afternoon.....just because that is my routine and I don't like to change it to much.

    Hope you all are doing well....Prayers going up for you all....:flowerforyou:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi biggramma. Got carried away there. huh!!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou:

    I am feeling fine now also my appetite is back,,,[ Darn it.]]
    I was warching BL last night and Bob was showing a pkfg. of green giants Steamers with cheese sauce And it got 2 bags of them . I had the whole bag for 135 calories. Nice veggies too. Boy am I full. I have over 700 calories left for supper and snacks. Way too many.:devil:

    Its so good having you all hear to talk to. And the calorie chart is just fantastic I have been reading a lot of the other threads too. We all have the same problems. [We just love to eat]:flowerforyou:

    Jeffrey how is you MIL doing?

    Sandy--- did you make it without meat yesterday? I could live on veggies and beans. Also Baked goods is a weakness for me. :yawn: :yawn:

    Phoebe when are you heading back home? I bet those cats are ready to get out of that truck. And you too.

    Have a great day:drinker: Tea time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey Seniors. I have been reading the post and there are so many challenge on but I don't want to sign up for one with all those wonderful Kids. I think we need one here but I don't know how to figure% and do not like to keep records. Any one game to start one?? Let me know. Marie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Goof morning you loely bunch of people. Just got up. Came in here to poke my head out the door to see how the temp. is. feels pretty nice. :wink:

    Haven't got a thing plan today excepdt go to the grocer store with Jerry. He buy his milk
    and bananas on Friday and anything else we might need. They carry a nice line of veggies so like to check them out.:heart:

    Breakfast this morning will be an egg and oatmeal.:bigsmile: :

    Have a lovely day:flowerforyou: Marie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,130 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Morning to All,

    Thanks, Marie, for checking on me. All is well here. We had six inches of snow overnight Wednesday. When I took the dogs out for their first walk they got so busy playing that they forgot to do business then they insisted on going out again an hour later. What a mess of towels, wet socks and clothes. Our all wheel drive vehicle in the shop getting some warranty work done so the only vehicle we have is the red Miata, totally unsuited to driving in the snow. Reluctantly I had to skip my line dance class so I moved all the rugs and dog beds in the entryway, got out my CD player and danced by myself for an hour. At one point Brandy, the black standard poodle lay down in the middle of my dance floor. Later, Sasha, the red standard poodle got on her back legs, put her front paws on my shoulders and wanted to dance with me.

    I got more exercise later shoveling snow off the walk, driveway, and back deck and of course more dog walking.

    A lot of the snow melted but it's still very white today.

    I'm game for some sort of challenge. What about starting with reporting new successful eating or exercising strategies? :glasses: :flowerforyou:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Didn't post anything yesterday, had a busy day and didn't even exercise. :noway: Put up some new vertical blinds, went to a meeting, had hair done and came home to change to go to a benefit from my church. It was a dinner fashion show and although they had raffles I didnt win anything. :ohwell:

    Did fine without the meat on Ash Wednesday, of course the day you have to fast is the day you are the hungriest. :laugh:

    Went back to exercise today and even though we had dinner at the banquet, I managed to stay within my 1200 calories.

    Hope everyone and their families are doing good, and hope all get back to good health.

    Have a good day!! :bigsmile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Guys,

    Good to hear from you Barbie. Sound like you have fun with your furry friends.

    Sandy----If we just make up our mind we can do it. Just like you did. Good girl.

    I am surpose to go in Monday and get fitted for a back brace. I don't think I am going to like it. But we shall see.

    It has really turn chilly here But is too warm up after a chilly weekend.

    Phoebe hope Jim's father is during better How old is he?

    Bigramma--- I guess you are still busy exercising.

    And last but not forgotten Jeffrey----Is you MIL better?

    Got to go and find me a sweatshirt to put on. I thought I was through with them.

    Happy Day Marie
    BIGGRAMMA Posts: 2,273
    Good evening....I am still around...Just don't have much to add to this forum thread...I don't really do much....You all have such busy lifes and do fun things.....I am pretty much a stay at home....not because I can not get out...I can...I just don't really have anything to do....I did go grocery shopping today....I :heart: going to the grocery store.

    I got a roast to put in the crock pot since my truck driving son comes home tonight or in the we will have it Saturday evening.

    Tomorrow morning I have to go over to the hospital to have some blood drawn before I have my CT scan on Tuesday.....I have a lung nodule that my Pulmonary Doctor likes to keep track of...I am not at all worried about it...since he found it 5 years ago and it has not grown...So I want to leave it alone..but he is talking biopsy..But I think not....

    Our weather has been very nice here...but I hope we get some much needed rain soon...

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone...:flowerforyou:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Good Luck with those tests BigGramma, I will say a prayer for you if that is okay. :flowerforyou: I am presuming you have back problems Marie, hope the brace helps you. :wink:
    Talk to you tomorrow, have a good evening and a wonderful new day.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,130 Member
    GOOD MORNING....Wow I just did 30 minutes on my elliptical...I have never done that....I was watching the View and got interested in the show...had Mutts on....and just kept going....

    I will still do more this afternoon.....just because that is my routine and I don't like to change it to much.

    Hope you all are doing well....Prayers going up for you all....:flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Hi Biggramma

    I'm like you. I can exercise a lot longer with the TV on. We have a stationary bike in our living room in a perfect place to watch TV. I love watching TV and often I'll knit or fold laundry with the TV on but exercising and watching TV is the best thing for me if I'm going to take off those nasty pounds. I had peanut butter today and really needed to do something about all those calories.

    Be safe :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning all of you.

    Biggramma---- I love hearing from you. And see what going on in Ca.Good luck on your test . Enjoy your roast.. Its nice to have your son living with you.

    Sandy --- I have had back problems for years but is getting worst now. Can't stand too long, as soon as I sit down it goes away. Jerry, Docter told him the other day that after75 you don't have to worry about prostate cancer. But I don't really believe that. My father had it and all I remember about it was the docter said he would probally die of natural cause or getting hit by a car than dying with prostate cancer. But my oldest brother who is 76 has prostate and the cancer has spread all over his body. And even has bone cancer. He had some radiation and right now he is not in any pain

    Barbie-- So nice to hear from you again. How many furry friends do you have?.

    Phoebe, Jeffrey missed you guys yesterday.

    Have a great day:flowerforyou:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Good Morning, hope all woke up to a beautiful healthly day. :flowerforyou: Marie, the doctor told my husband the same thing, that if you are over 75, they rarely do anything about prostate cancer. He said it is the slowest form of cancer and in most instances an elder gentleman would probably die of something else. My husband is 68, so he had the surgery.

    I hope you stay out of pain until you get the brace. I think back pain is one of the worst kind of pains you can have.

    How is everyone else doing? Hope you are on track with your diets and exercise and if a little encouragement is needed, we are here. Hope all the famlly members are doing great. I am personally stuck at losing 5 pounds, doesn't seem my scale wants to go any lower. :frown:

    Have a great day everyone.

    BIGGRAMMA Posts: 2,273
    GOOD MORNING..... I am back from having my blood drawn....I hate needles....This little gal hurt me and left a big bruise on my arm....oh well it is just part of it......

    My son does not live with me...he lives down the block from me...but when he comes home he spends alot of time with me....and my dog....He loves my dog..:laugh:

    Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend so far....Looks like rain here today...but they say not until tomorrow evening...:flowerforyou:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Biggramma I hate needles also, I can never watch them take blood or even give me a shot. :noway:
    Sorry about your bruise, hope it heals quick. :flowerforyou: It is nice that your son lives so close, you get your privacy and his company which is good. I looked at the pictures of your cat and dog and they are gorgeous. What kind of cat is JJ? I have a mutt who we think is german shephard and terrier.
    We rescued him from California 9 years ago, where my step daughter saw him in a ditch off the freeway, thus his name Freeway. :laugh: He has been through a lot, when rescued he had a shattered femur and no feeling in his leg. We ended up having his leg amputated and he gets along wonderful on three legs. :wink: He has bone cancer now, but is doing very well. We won't let him suffer and want him to enjoy his last days as much as possilbe. He is a special dog with a special place in our hearts. :heart:
    BIGGRAMMA Posts: 2,273
    JJ is a minature poodle.....and the cat is JJ's Kitty...she is just a gray shorthaired cat....mixed breed.

    What a special family you are to rescue that dog....I hope he does well...and that he does not suffer...makes me sad :cry: when animals are sick.....

    Not much going on here...

    Hope you all are having a super Saturday.....:flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,130 Member
    On the subject of pets (also known as furry friends, children, babies, the angels of my heart) we have four.

    :heart: Haifa is a black and white cat that we found abandoned in 1995 as a tiny kitten at a rest stop on US 101 north of Ukiah, California. He is aloof and very scornful of the three younger pets. He likes to sit behind us on the back of the couch and bite our hair.

    :heart: Brandy is a black standard poodle born in July 2005. She was the next to smallest in her litter and full grown is only 45 pounds. She is a kisser and loves to chase birds and both the cats. Her favorite place to sleep is in the middle of the bed.

    :heart: Bernie is the son of a stray cat that was saved by a friend. He was born October 2006. He is very affectionate and loves to tease the dogs and hunt for birds and rodents when he's outside. His favorite place to sleep is on top of me.

    :heart: Sasha is a red standard poodle born July 2007. We weren't going to get another dog but when we heard about her we couldn't resist. As the next to smallest in her litter of 11 she had been body slammed by one of the larger male litter mates. Her leg was broken and she'd been isolated from the other puppies so she could heal. It was a challenge keeping her from running and jumping while she healed but now if you see her run you'd never know she'd been injured. Full grown she weighs only 35 pounds.

    I tried the easiest of the weight loss workouts on the Nordic Track bike this morning and it was hard enough to make me uneasy about what the harder workouts involved. I played music from my MP3 player and the 20 minutes seemed to go pretty quickly.

    Hope everyone enjoys their weekend. :flowerforyou:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good Morning

    Phoebe---- where are you? Haven't heard from you in a few days. Hope all is fine. Hope your FIL is Ok

    Barbie, sounds like you have a time with you animals. we enjoy ours too. Calie the cat is usally on my lap and Sammie the Jack Russell is on Jerry lap..If Jerry is outside they are both on my lap. They play a lot together.

    Biggramma ----How is JJ and JJ 's kitty.?

    Jeffrey---how are your felines? Have you talk you wife into letting you have another kitty?

    Sandy, That was so nice of you and your husband taking in your dog. So glad he is getting around so good on 3 legs.

    I am thinking about getting me a stationary bike. I look on walmart site and they have some pretty reasonable. My circulation is so bad and I stay cold all the time.

    Well everybody have a wonderful Sunday. Marie
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Good morning everyone, hope you are all having better weather than us today!! supposed to snow this afternoon, of course I know it won't be anything compared to everyone north of Tennessee, but it is something here, coz no one stays home.. they all have to go to the store.

    Not me, I am in for the duration.
    Marie, my fil is a stubborn coot.. he says about a pacemaker, that he does not want a pig valve inside his chest!! We think He Thinks he wants to go ahead and die, but when the time comes, he will regret his decision. He went home from the hospital, and we will see him next week. We will have to call his daughter today to get a true update on his condition, coz he won't tell us more than he wants to say, and his speech is slurred to the point that we can't understand him.. don't know what that is about. He always did slur his speech a little bit.
    Marie, If you are going with a full size bike, make it a recumbent bike.. those others are too painful on a sore back. I urge you to try one of the little tabletop pedalers first. you can use it on your arms, then your legs without the big space the recumbent takes up.. Just my two cents!!

    catching up on emails and cleaning up the pc a bit, then I will download some audiobooks onto my mp3. THat is about all I have planned today.
    I love hearing about your pets,, Barbie, it sounds like you have or need a king size bed!!
    Sandy, that is sad about Freeway, but you are right to spend a lot of time with him. He knows what is going on, and he accepts it.. they always do, better than humans!! It makes you wonder about pet food when the pets get the same diseases as people. I've read that raw pet food advocates believe illness is caused by diet. I don't know about it myself, the ingredients on pet food sounds like human food to me!! or at least some brands.. not all.. I remember my fil fed his dogs 'Twin Pet' canned food.. you could see the red dye tint in the food when you opened it. His chow died from cancer and I wondered about that food.
    take care and have a safe day
    BIGGRAMMA Posts: 2,273

    Looks like rain here today...but I have been saying that for several days...but now the forecasters are also saying it...

    JJ. and JJ's Kitty are doing well thank you for asking...

    My house smells wonderful this morning...the roast that I put in the crock pot before I went to bed last night really smells good....My son will enjoy making wraps out of it....BBQ sauce and onions along with the meat.....Yum..

    I hope everyone is having a blessed Sunday.....:flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,130 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi Everybody,
    It's a new month and the snow is melting. I can't take the dogs to the dog park because our car is still in the shop and two seater sports car won't hold two adults and two dogs. Brandy and Sasha are OK when they're walked on leash but as soon as they see a bird they try to run after it. Walking dogs on leash is good exercise but exhausting>

    the pets take up so much space in bed that lots of nights Jim sleeps on the hide a bed in the living room so he can stretch out without kicking an animal.

    I know there are lots of kinds of exercise bikes so it's probably a good idea to try them out and be sure that they don't hurt somewhere when you use them. I don't worry too much about an upper body workout on the bike. I have some 3 pound and 5 pound hand weights and I do stuff with them for my upper body.

    Time to get out of the chair on onto the bike then into the shower.