
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    My daughter Alice did not make it out today. she had to work all day yesterday and needed some rest.
    my other daughter Kathy is surpose to get moved into their new house out in the country Next weeekend so we will be going out there. And I mean it is in the country, the nearest store which is asmall is 7 miles from her. Then it is 12 miles to a Walmart and larger stores. So just them and their longhorn cattle and all thier dogs. One of the female just had puppies 7 of them. Any one wont a cattle hearding dog? They have 6 other dogs all the same breed. She plans on getting some baby ducks. I think it is about 45 minuets away from us East of us. And Alice is 45 minuets west of us.
    Both her and her dh still work here so they will have a long drive everyday..thank goodness gas came down some. We are to have Easter out there.

    Jerry and I done nothing today. Just rested and watch TV. Gonna eat out of freezer tonight..Better get up and do something. See you later Guys
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Sure was good to hear all the updates on family and pets. :smile: Did my elipitical this morning, then did some organizing in my laundry room. Went to my step son's house for dinner and played a little Wii. :laugh: Came home, had a video call with my son who lives in Portland, Oregon and now I am going to chill out and watch some TV. :tongue:

    Talk to everyone tomorrow, have a good evening and a better tomorrow.

    BIGGRAMMA Posts: 2,273
    Good evening....I did not do anything today....Just watched the race....

    I do not exercise on Sunday...only because I exercise Monday thru Saturday....My old body needs a day off..:happy:

    I did talk to my daughter in Beaverton, Oregon....She is having sleepless nights due to my granddaugher's new hamster...seems like the little thing has his days and nights mixed up..:laugh:

    My roast in the crock pot was very good...I used BBQ sauce and onions in the pot with the roast....House smelled really good...

    Hope everyone had a very blessed Sunday......:flowerforyou:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good Morning. everybody

    SNOW IN GEORGIA?????????????????????

    To the new Elli----looking forward to you joining us.
    Hey guys---Elli contacted me thru the message broad after seeing us on Senior Golden Sneakers Club. Said she will be joining us. Will be glad to have her here. Welcom elli.

    Phoebe, biggramma, Sandy, Jeffrey, Ellie143, Barbie good morning to you all.

    well got to get up and get dress to head into Dallas to see about a Brace for my back.
    See ya later. Marie
    BIGGRAMMA Posts: 2,273
    Good morning....It is sort of rainy here this morning......I hope those of you who live where the weather is so bad are safe.

    I was going to go to Target this morning...but since I have to have my CT Scan at 8am tomorrow morning..I will go after I am finished with that.....So today I will just putter around the house...

    Have a good Monday everyone...:flowerforyou:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Got back from Dallas. got my brace order, will pick it up Friday morning. my insurance will pay all but 11 dollors on it and she says it will make me feel full all the time and be sure to remember to eat for I wont be hungry. That will be the day. But I hope so. She said it work like a corset. I have an old brace that I got when I fracture my tailbone. But it was the most horrible thing. But this one is more stremlined should be better.

    Have a nice day----Marie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,130 Member
    :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: BigGramma
    I'll be thinking good thoughts for you tomorrow when you get your CT scan.

    :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: Marie---Your new back brace sounds like it could be the ticket to better things.

    It rained last night and washed the snow away. We got our car back from the shop so the dogs will get to go to the dog park again.

    I'm getting to like the new exercise bike better and better. My legs that can walk or line dance for hours are being seriously challenged by the bike. I am doing weight loss level 1 and feel wiped out at the end. I'll keep at it until it feels comfortable. I'm determined to meet the challenge.

    good luck to all on your challenges. We can do it one day at a time.:love::flowerforyou:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Barbie , what kind of bike did you get? I really don't have room for one. If this brace help my back I would really like to be able to walk further than I
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Good Evening everyone.

    Hope your back brace gives you some relief Marie and lets you walk easier. :flowerforyou:

    We had a little snow last night, but my son came and shoveled for us and the sun did the rest. :smile:

    Biggamma, my son lives right near Beaverton, such a small world. My son used to work at Intel and my daughter in law still does. Are you familiar with the area? Good luck with you cat scan tomorrow.

    Barb, sounds like you are doing great and committing to your goals. :happy:

    I am on track and have decided to boast it up a bit to see if I can lose a little more weight, I am at a standstill. :frown:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning

    Lovely day here . should get around 70 today with a southern breeze. Jerry is going to work out in the garden today. [Good I will have the house to myself,,]

    I can hardly wait till Friday to get my Back brace and see how comfotable it is. or not.

    This morning I need to clean my freezer out . What a mess. can't find nothing in it. Wish I wouldn't buy so much.

    You all seems to be doing just fine. Love to hear that.

    Well goint to get up and get some work done.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,130 Member
    Barbie , what kind of bike did you get? I really don't have room for one. If this brace help my back I would really like to be able to walk further than I

    :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: Our exercise bike is a Nordic Track C2si My husband researched different models online. I was a skeptic but now I like it. The seat was uncomfortable at first but after a few days it feels better. It is much more challenging than I expected even at the Level 1 weight loss level.

    I still like walking best as an exercise.

    I hope the back brace turns out great for you.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
    BIGGRAMMA Posts: 2,273

    Well I went this morning and had the CT Scan....will get the results on the 17th....I know there is no change...but you know how doctors like to keep testing...guess they want to cover their butts in case somewhere down the line something happens...

    I got sort of dizzy getting off of the table...never have before...but it did not last long..Guess I just got up to quick....usually I get up by myself so I take my time...this time the young man up faster...

    Then I went to Target and the first thing I did was get some coffee to drink while I shopped....Had not had any yet.....It helped...

    Now I just have to drink a lot today to wash the contrast/dye out of my system....:drinker: :drinker:

    Did not really rain yesterday...just sort of spit a little.

    Hope you all are having a terrific Tuesday.....:flowerforyou:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Biggramma---- I too et dissy after laying on my back and have to sit awile before I get up on my feet. but everyone has been real nice about it and tell me to take my time.

    Barbie--- I will take your lead a make it my goal to lose 4 lbs. in March. Will take more but will be real happy with 4 lbs. anybody else want to join us grannies. a lb a Week.

    Hello Phoebe, Jeffrey and

    have a great day Marie

    CW 197
    Gw for March 193
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Good evening, been gone all day. just getting on the pc. And now the phone call we just got was Jim's sister telling us that his dad had another heart attack and he is now back in the hospital. This time, they transferred him to the large hospital, and the doctors there tell us that his heart is too weak for a pacemaker now. So, it is just a matter of time, maybe days.
    They hope he can come home tomorrow.

    take care all, I've been reading the posts. Marie, I hope you will like the brace
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    i everyone - I'm elli - i finally figured out where to find the group! I've been reading the posts - it'll take me awhile to get to know everyone!
    I live in Colorado - where we're having a very strange winter - it was 74 today........I'm kind of holding my breath waiting for a big snowstorm to hit - the east sure is getting slammed. And snow in Georgia!!!!
    I'm kind of a work out nut - i try to go to the gym 3 times a week, do hot yoga once or twice and then walk on the days i don't get to do anything else. Today i didn't do a thing so i'm feeling fat! I'm renovating my house and after i helped one of my sons I had wood stripping to work on.........Anyway - i'm happy to be in the group - looking forward to getting to know you all! elli
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Welcome Elli, hope you enjoy our posts, motivation and support we all give to each other. :smile:

    Biggamma glad your cat scan went well and I agree, getting up too fast can make us all dizzy, especially since you hadn't eaten.

    PJ, sorry to hear about Jim's dad, I hope he is not in any pain and can die comfortably at home. :brokenheart:

    I took a day for myself today and went to a casino. Played some Let it Ride and Three Card Poker,
    I came home a winner, so it was a good day. It is my birthday next week and I can't go that day , so I went today. I don't go very often, so it was a big treat. :laugh:

    I didn't eat well and didn't exercise today, but will get back on track tomorrow.

    Have a good evening. :happy:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,130 Member
    :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: Welcome Elli, I'm glad you joined the group. I admire your exercise routine. I line dance three days a week, walk my dogs on the hill at least once a day and take them to the dog park where they run and I walk for 20-40 minutes about 4 days a week. We just bought a Nordic Track exercise bike and I'm getting to like it a lot.

    Keep in touch. MFP has been great for me. :bigsmile: There's a lot of support and encouragement.:bigsmile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning all you lovely people.

    I wonder what happen to Jeffrey? Will send him a note by our mail today to see what's going on. Hope all is well at his household.

    :heart: :heart: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart:

    glad to see you here. You are aabout the same age as my kids. They are 52,54& 57. must be nice to be young. When you get my age you start falling apart.

    Be back later, Jerry is ready to go to the store. so better get in high gear.----Marie
    BIGGRAMMA Posts: 2,273
    Welcome Elli....I hope you enjoy your journey here.

    We may get some rain today.....had a good storm least it was pouring when I woke up to go to the bathroom at was all of that :drinker: :drinker: I was drinking to wash the dye out of my system.....We need so much more rain...the drought is very bad here.....

    I hope you all are having a wonderful Wednesday...:flowerforyou:
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Hello Everyone!

    Sorry I have not checked in! My wife has had a bad cold but is getting better now. I been cooking, cleaning, shopping and all that stuff, so I have been busy. I have kept up with my workouts and am doing fine.

    Looks like my oldest daughter is getting her contract to teach next year so that is a good thing. The youngest is going to see her over spring break. They are best friends. That really pleases me. Work has been very busy, tax season.

    I am going to speak to a youth weight loss class next Monday about my weight loss and the journey. That should be fun. The parents will be there too. It is through one of the area hospitals. The weather here is finally improving some, but not quick enough for me! We may go to the casino on Sunday. We have some comps built up so it will be a cheap trip. I hope to get a little outside work done on Saturday, weather permitting.

    Glad to see you new folks here, please make yourself at home!

    Take care one and all!
