Lose 5 Pounds a Month September 2011 Challenge



  • theresamommyof4
    theresamommyof4 Posts: 206 Member
    Oh no!!! Did I really start off our new board with my post about my weekend?!?! Lol!
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    Lol... Theresamommy... I'm sure many of us struggled over the weekend. I know I ALWAYS do. We go 4 days to get rid of any of the extra pounds we packed on!
  • My weekends are ok food wise....it's the extra drink or 2 of wine (or 3 or 4:blushing: ) that do me in.....always seem to be a couple of lb's heavier on Mondays!!
  • achasnis
    achasnis Posts: 119 Member
    urgh back to the 159's again. I am hoping it is because I am sick and sipping hot soup all day. Can't even believe the amount of sodium those darn things have!!!! ... Anyways weighing in at 159.2!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Quick post, been busy - today is my daughter's 3 year old birthday! Let's hope the terrible-two's are officially over! :drinker:

    Tomorrow is my work retreat. I will need to be sure to pack at least a few snacks, so that I am not completely caught off-guard with the menu. I think I'll bring some green tea, as well. And my workout clothes, so that I can go for a run. Not saying that I "will" go for a run, but at least bring them so I 'can'...

    I'm back from my retreat - I actually did pretty ok while I was there. I went for a run Wed night, and a walk Thurs morning. I had only a few bites of treats here and there, but then over the weekend I continued to slide... PMS / TOM + sneaking in a few too many carbs + being busy-busy = one super bad combination. I'll spare all the details, and suffice it to say that last night's supper was chocolate birthday cake and potato chips. By bedtime, I was so tired from the sugar-crash and disgusted with myself, that I am totally ready to be back on track today.

    Scale is still at 149. Only 4 days left. My primary objective is not to post a gain, so I have to at least get back to 148 for a maintenance month, and I'd love to get lower just to be able to say there was a loss, however small.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I am finally back. I had enough time yesterday to read about how every one is doing. Sorry I don't have time to comment. Today is the 2nd day in the last 2 weeks that all 3 kids have gone to school. We have been fighting a very nasty stomach bug this month and hopefully everyone stays healthy.

    This month is going to be one not for the books. I started the month hurting my back and was not exercising and then everyone got sick and I have been too tired or too sick to work out. I am avoiding the scale until the 30th. Hopefully it will be kind to me. I can't even get my nap time walk on the treadmill done because I have a new 4 month old who is not on the same schedule as the 2 and 4 year olds. And next week I have another infant starting. What was I thinking when I took 2 so close together.....oh I know I need to replace the ones who went on to school so that I can pay the bills. It is going to be very stressful around here for a few weeks.

    I will post the link for next month very soon.


  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    So it's officially autumn, yay! Who's excited about Halloween? What are costumes you never thought you'd wear but are now considering? Or, what are you going as this year?

    I have a rough anniversary to get past Oct 29th and then again Nov 9th (marks the one year of my husbands grandparents passing away. It's gonna be hard too.) so we don't have much for plans that weekend.

    But I do have a Halloween 5k Oct 30th, and the best news is that my youngest brother(11) Tyler registered with me! I'm trying to figure out what to wear since there's a contest too. I gotta make sure it's something I can run in..we just looked at a few Halloween stores today, lots of options, but still not sure yet..
  • Forgot to update since yesterday's weigh-in.

    I forgot to update:

    9/1/2011: 309
    9/8/2011: 306
    9/19/2011: 303.4
    9/26/2011: 298.4

    Difference: 10.6

    I will do a final weigh-in for the month on Friday. Also, yay for being under 300! I am so proud of myself!
  • Forgot to update since yesterday's weigh-in.

    I forgot to update:

    9/1/2011: 309
    9/8/2011: 306
    9/19/2011: 303.4
    9/26/2011: 298.4

    Difference: 10.6

    I will do a final weigh-in for the month on Friday. Also, yay for being under 300! I am so proud of myself!

    Well done!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    Well I've had not the best couple of weeks. Work is manic, so had less time to plan, been working late so have been tired, then along comes TOM and I get the biggest sugar cravings ever, right on the day that all my colleagues randomly bring in food. 30 donuts, chocolate biscuits, little chocolates - everything. My willpower was zilch and I ate THREE donuts :-((( Had a few other days like that, but in between I've tried to be good. However, not been able to get to the gym due to work schedule so am now making myself cycle to and from work whenever humanly possible as it's actually quicker than sitting in the traffic for the 6 mile journey I have.

    Anyway, I'd lost 2.4 lbs by 12th Sept I think, but haven't weighed myself. Somehow I don't think that by Friday I wlll have lost as much as 2.6lbs. But I'm here. And trying to get back fully on track.
  • thistleandfi
    thistleandfi Posts: 102 Member
    9/01 - 236.4
    9/12 - 233.8
    9/19 - 231.4
    9/23 - 228.8
    9/30 -

    Over 7lbs gone & good riddance! not going to stress too much over this week though i would like to cross the 8lb mark. in the midst of a lot of studying so its taken a lot of energy to make sure i'm eating well/enough. i'm ready for October now!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Let's get together on this journey again next month

    Here's the link to the October challenge.


    Hope I am around more next month and can get some more working out down.

    Hope everyone comes along again next month.
  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    Thanks Terri - I am duly signed up for October :-) !!
  • what helps me not crave a lot of candy of sweets is i eat good and have one or 2 bad days .. so you wont get tired of eating health all the time :D
  • FitasBarbie
    FitasBarbie Posts: 141 Member
    9/3: 158 lbs

    9/10: 156 lbs

    9/17: 154 lbs

    9/24: 154 lbs

    9/29: 152 lbs

    Just did my weigh in this morning yay Goal! 6 lbs lost this month. I'm doing my happy dance now!:happy:
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    1 Sept: 112
    8 Sept: 110
    15 Sept: 108
    22 Sept: 106
    29 Sept: 104

    Loss this month:
    7% of my weight

    BMI change this month:
    21.2 -> 19.6
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    Drunkwithwords- CONGRATSSS!!! SO excited for you Under 300 :)

    Mummyanne- 6 pounds down! Way to go!!

    Checking in before WEIGH IN DAY:

    Despite being rediculously busy (like I know sooo many of us are!!) I am taking it a day at a time and trying to have the scale move in the right direction. I had a complete binge on saturday and went over my calories sun and monday. BUT.... the last 2 days I have managed to get in a run AND stay under my calories. Its always a stuggle for me a to stay on track long term. Thats why I started this month with a HUGE gain and have been yo-yoing all month. Hoping for a loss tommorrow, close to the 5 lbs. We shall see!

    That being said... see you all next month! I am in again!
  • Sept 1: 62.4 kg (137.5lb)
    Sept 8: 62.1kg (136.9lb)
    Sept 15: 61.2kg (134.9lb)
    Sept 22: 60.7kg (133.8lb)
    Sept 30; 61.1kg (134.7lb)

    GW: 60kg (132.5lb)

    :grumble: I didn't make it, I put weight back on this week......but I have started doing the 30DS this week so I'll going to say it is muscle!!

    See you all next month :)
  • splackk
    splackk Posts: 163
    9/2: 120
    9/9: 117.6 (wow!)
    9/16: 116.6
    9/23: 115.6
    9/30: 114.4
    Total Lost: 5.6 for the month!

    I can't believe I did it! The month before I had only lost about a pound and a half and my motivation wasn't at its peak, hence the joining the challenge to begin with, but I made it and even passed my goal for the month by about half a pound. I'm very happy about that- tomorrow is my two year anniversary and we'll be eating out and I'm not going to calorie count (though I will log it!) Other good news- I am now OFFICIALLY within ten pounds of my goal weight thanks to this challenge keeping me on track.

    I wish I could join everyone again for the October challenge but I'm so close to my goal now I don't think it's possible to lose that last bit so quick, I'll be taking it a bit slower through the next few months. Thank you all for your hard work and motivation and hopefully I'll be seeing you around the boards!
  • Lozzy_82
    Lozzy_82 Posts: 324 Member
    Final loss for the month:

    1st Sept: 152.1
    8th Sept: 150.6
    15th Sept: 147.9
    22nd September: 146.0
    30th September: 144.8

    ***** Total loss: 7.3lbs *****

    I can't help but be a little disappointed :ohwell: I lost over 10lbs in both July and August and I was hoping for the same again! Oh well, I'm only 4 or 5 pounds away from a healthy BMI now, so I suppose it's to be expected that the loss will slow down.

    Well done everyone with your losses!