Question for first time half and full marathon runners...



  • maybe I'm just weird but I run because I like to run.

    someone asked me the other day what I was training for. I said, "*nothing, it's just for S&G".

    maybe I should add that I started running to quit smoking. goal achieved. maybe that's why I love running so much ... because I can!

    *I am however eyeballing a 50 miler next year
  • tmccutcheon
    tmccutcheon Posts: 66 Member
    I have run 7 marathons but none since 2004 and am now trying to build a base to train for one next spring. I love setting the goal of finishing and then laying out the training plan to get me there. I also find that I lose about 20 pounds while training for a marathon so I guess I better get started since I've got 30 to lose.
  • 321blueeyes
    321blueeyes Posts: 279 Member
    Why? Because it's an awesome goal to achieve!

    I started running half marathons about 5 yrs ago, in my 2nd year I tried training for a marathon but developed a stress fracture in the ball of my foot... so backed off my mileage and changed strategies.

    Now I run 4-5 "road" races each year 10k to half marathon distance. For anything longer, I run trail races 4-5 each year (22 miles is longest so far... but this was on a mountain so is surely equal to the effort of a full marathon road race! my finish time was slower than a full marathon road race would be too!).

    And now I'm seriously thinking about trying for a 50k after I get down to goal weight :) Any other ultra converts out there?
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
  • This doesn't answer your question, but it's funny :) and I posted it on YouTube and it has almost half a million hits. It says something about how people think those training for marathons are crazy !!

  • MayMaydoesntrun
    MayMaydoesntrun Posts: 805 Member
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I'm training for a half right now. In May I couldn't run a quarter mile. I can now run 5-6 regularly, and I've gone as far as 8 (albeit slowly!). I'm doing it because I didn't think I was capable of something like this. But apparently, I am!
  • I ran my first full this past May (my first half the previous May). Running makes me feel like a rock star..that's why :)
  • ashesoh1234
    ashesoh1234 Posts: 132 Member
    I ran my first marathon in 2006 and what I tell people - and this is the honest truth - is that it was one of the most fun things I've ever done! It was a blast! I met the greatest people (training buddies), was in great shape, and learned a lot about myself and what I'm capable of. What's not to like??
  • KimertRuns13_1
    KimertRuns13_1 Posts: 702 Member
    Great topic!
    And congrats to all of you on your success!

    Why? for me..
    The first half marathon was because I'd ran enough 5k's to equal a full marathon I'm sure. I needed a bigger goal than just a 5k. I started running over 2 years ago when I was 230 lbs. Once I lost around 60 lbs I decided i needed a bigger goal.. so I met a group of running ladies and they encouraged me to start training for a half marathon. I did. And then I registered for the one that was local to me. Many people asked why and even told me I was crazy...they still do! But I was determined to do it and my hubby even got on board. We trained together and found we enjoyed it lots. We finished our first half marathon in April of this year. 2:28:05.. 2 minutes faster than my goal!

    I've been training since just before summer for my 2nd half marathon which is coming up on October 2nd. My reason for running it... because I'm afraid NOT to. I'm now 70 lbs down and my biggest fear is gaining that back and losing my fitness. Sure I run lots of miles each week because I want to but I feel like having the goal of finishing another half marathon gives me something to work towards so that I don't just quit. My fear is quitting and losing my level of fitness. I've worked so hard to get to where I am today (and still have a ways to go) and I feel like having the goal in front of me keeps me moving forward.

    I have 2 half marathons coming up in October and I am very excited.
    I have been giving an inkling of thought to a full but most of the time when people ask me if I am going to run a full my first answer is always, "NO because I am only half crazy!" haha
  • Sorry to revive an old topic, but I just really wanted to reply! :)

    I starting training for my first half marathon two weeks ago, and I am running it in April.
    I decided to run it for two reasons:
    1. I never thought I could do something like that. I'm not extremely athletic, and I hate running. However, after seeing several seasons' worth of "Biggest Loser" contestants run marathons on and off the show, I decided I could do it. After all, if a man who was 400 lbs a few short months ago and can make it 26.2 miles, I can run 13!
    2. You never see fat marathon runners. Honestly, they're always ripped and in great shape. I had a baby nearly two years ago, and it still looks like I just had him. I'm ready to get in shape. (And if I'm already in shape when we decide to have another, it will be easier to bounce back after the birth.)