How effective is an AM workout?



  • I have another problem. I'm working out right now. I have to walk 20 more mins on the tredmill and do 4 more types of exercises. I haven't ate dinner but I'm thinking about peanut butter & banana sandwich. Do I go ahead and eat it or will it ruin the workouts/walking I just did?
    You most DEFINITELy want to refuel your body after a workout! Sounds like a perfect combo...protein/carb:drinker: :bigsmile:

    I eat something light before I workout...also a protein carb...but some people don't chose to eat before a workout as they say they feel sick. I think it's something your body gets used to. I feel it's VERY important for myself to fuel up a bit before I throw my body into a workout mode...though I try and do it an hour and some before I hit the gym... Same with after the really want to be eating something within 45 minutes or so refuel you body after all the hits it took draining the carbs.. the protein gives you the boost you need to keep your body heathly.

    Also you definitely want to be drinking plenty of water before during and after your workouts...our bodies lose a lot of water during that time... in fact, drink plenty all day and it will become such a habit it won't be any big deal anymore... but I do drink much more during my workouts!

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