
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    kackie - about that sodium in the soup, I'm suspecting that perhaps when they did the nutritionals, they were using regular chicken broth and I used the low sodium stuff. Also, they might have added in some for extra salt added, and I didn't add any. If I have too much sodium, I usually feel it, and I didn't feel it. Hopefully, I'm right.

    Originally, I was to go to a meeting today, but the lady who is hosting it cancelled. I had a feeling she would. Well, I went bowling yesterday, out of 6 games I broke 100 each time. Since we didn't have the meeting, I went to the senior practice bowl today. Did really stinky the first game -- something like 68. But the next game I got a 155! Bowled 3 more games, broke 100 once and came close twice. After bowling I went to buy some tomatoes from this stand, and the guy had some honey crisp apples, so I had to get a small one and eat it right then (dirt and all). This stand is about 5 minutes from my house, but by the time I got home, I had finished the apple!

    Had this parmesan crusted perch tonight. I thought it had good flavor, of course, Vince picked off all the breading. His loss, that's all I can say!

    kackie - isn't it amazing how we eat the way we were brought up? When I was growing up, we always had fruit in the house. Dessert was always a piece of fruit. It wasn't until I met Vince and his family always had some sort of cake or brownie or cookie for dessert that I started to think of those types of desserts.

    Gilda - WooHoo for you! That's fantastic! <doing a happy dance>

    Randy - I hear ya about wishing places would post their nutritionals. Another thing that gets me is when an ingredient for a certain food isn't mentioned, so you can't ask to have them hold it. Like the other day I had a spinach salad, it was good -- don't get me wrong. I did ask them to hold the cheese and the croutons. But they didn't say that there were bacon bits on it. I honestly didn't think the bacon added anything to the flavor. So the next time I got it, I asked them to hold the bacon. They did hold it, but it just sort-of annoyed me that I didn't know about it because I really didn't think it added anything to the flavor. When a nutrition guide is not available, I try to find something in the data base that is as close to what I had as possible. Sometimes what I wind up having to do is log each food individually, which can become a pain.

    Sissy - I saw that, too, where the nutritionals of the foods tested were higher than what the restaurants post. I'm thinking that when the food is being tested for them to post the nutritionals, not much fat is used. However, when food is cooked, more fat (and therefore more flavor) is added. And like you said, a lot depends on how the food is cooked. One cook might go heavier an ingredient than another one.

    Tomorrow is going to be one of those days. I get up early, go to a board meeting at the Y, then take a spinning class, then play mahjongg, come home to make Vince's dinner as I'm hosting bunco here. I've been trying to clean up the house and get things prepared for tomorrow night.

    Oh, my latest "thing" that I've been on is having mushrooms. So I roasted some today. While they were in the oven, I put in some french fries for Vince. So you know what he said to me when I took the mushrooms out of the oven? "eewww, they got on my french fries". I answered "no they didn't, they are in separate dishes". "Well, the odor from those mushrooms got on my french fries". Seriously, if he didn't know that they were in the oven together, he'd never know the difference.

    Jane - prayers for you and your mom

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening. Just finished watching DWTS. Wonder who'll be the first to go?

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,129 Member
    no time to post today
    too much dog walking and garden and garage puttering then watching "Dancing With the Stars" tonight.

    Restaurant eating makes me crazy unless I can order broiled fish or chicken and a steamed vegetable (double order) with no butter. The Indian restaurant last night sent my calories through the roof.

    :bigsmile: it's easy to find someone's diary (if they have it open). Just click on their name above their picture on their post and you'll get their profile with lots of info and a box that gets you to the food diary. When someone asks why they're not losing weight or what can they do different, I can't begin to make a suggestion until I see what they are already eating. I post everything in my diary to see where I can make changes. I like the biggest plate of food for the fewest calories so when I was losing weight, I eliminated salad dressing and sauces because they had so many calories and so much sodium without adding a pile of food to eat. I gave up drinking coffee because I liked the tasty creamer that added 100 calories or more depending on how much coffee I drank and I stopped sweetening my tea when I learned all the bad stuff about artificial sweeteners and all the calories in sugar.
  • Hi All!

    Well, it's the middle of the night, but, wanted to say hello.

    Healing prayers for your Mom in hospital, Jane. May she feel well very soon.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    That is so true, exermom(Michele); re: about seeing the food. Onions don't get in there if spied upon at my house!!! (Grating quietly.....shhh)

    Ahh, everyone is back, doing well and actually, is it Sissy (?) I think, I read a bit back, was waiting for her Emerald Green Silk Jacket and then going on a cruise?? Did your jacket arrive and are you going soon to....somewhere (sorry, I do not recall the destination!) Cruising is great!
    Getting out into the world, coming home - all good!

    Had to laugh that once upon our return to our relatively mundane small town, I was so happy to arrive at the Post Office to pick up all the "held mail" before they closed early on a Saturday. Parked on Main Street, eyed the closed bank, no one.....absolutely not a soul around. Ahh, yes, this is my "nothing ever happens here" town.
    Called a few friends when we settled back in and was told that at 11:30 a.m. - not 30 minutes prior to the time I was parked downtown, a woman had stood in front of the bank on the corner topless - absolutely insisting that women had this right as well as men. Apparently, the police were not able to do a thing since there was no law to ad"dress" (pun intended) it. Oh, that cracked me up - think ya know a place :blushing: lol!!!

    Well, Pam, and the lady with 16to go - whoo - whoo! Paddle girl, nice (a big slurp from your pic - love it!). I'm only new on this journey, have never made the attempt to lose weight before. Who couldn't love Robin's dog watching the scale - what a cutie!

    And, thank you, Kackie, for reminding all of us that we are ever strong and mindful:smooched: (as well as snow is coming - Yay!)

    Going to the fair tomorrow with some friends to check out all the quilts, horses, and music.

    The scale and I are at an impasse. The other day had a bit of bug and I did look as blue as my picture here. ( My other 'puter crashed with, of course, everything I want on it. "DOA", the guy said. Unfortunately, harumph, my look told him that I already knew that, and that he was supposed utter magical fix-it abra-cadabra words over it. Instead he said, "no charge." So, not all bad..Grateful day!:heart:)

  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    HI!Hope everyone had a good day.Just looking over the posts.Busy day with therapy for back and knee.
    Mom was admitted to the hospital suddenly today with an infection.Asking for prayers for her for a quick recovery.
    have a good night.

    wishing your mom gets better soon:flowerforyou:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Jane - Hoping your mother gets better soon.

    Sally - Where is this one horse town where you reside? Reminds me of the towns where I have lived!

    Everyone - have a great Tuesday!
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning!

    Sally: I am laughing about the topless women in your little town. I love little towns...nothing is private for long & the newspapers are usually the best!

    Jane: Thinking of you and your Mom. Keep us posted

    Michele: I am sure you are right about the sodium count. I use low sodium broth as well for soups and other things and rarely add additional salt, so I have trouble getting accurate nutritional information to log unless I put the ingredients in separately myself! Also, regarding food patterns of our childhood: we too, always had a piece of fruit for dessert or a treat. I feel so sorry for children growing up in poverty who are never exposed to fresh fruit or many fresh vegetables. It is a shame that they cost so much more than "junk" food. When I was tutoring in our local island elementary school, I brought fresh foods for the letters of the alphabet each week. I brought blueberries for the letter "B" and my little ones had never had a blueberry. They grow them ON the island, and they had never seen or had them. So SAD!

    Mary: Good to hear from you! Hope all is well for you

    Barbie: All in all, it is just difficult to lose weight while eating out isn't it? Not impossible, but difficult, when you are not in control of what is in the food. Good for you for getting lots done in your garage, garden etc. It feels so good to get those things done.

    I made mashed cauliflower last night along with some roasted veggies and roasted chicken. It was a great but healthy "comfort food" dinner after a windy, cloudy day up here. It was very, very good. Even DH liked it a lot, so I recommend it to anyone and it is so easy to make. I was hoping to have some leftover for myself but DH ate all that was left in the pot.

    DH has friends coming in today to fish for a couple of days, so I need to get some food together for them. Think I'll make a big pot of chicken chili for them tonight and probably steaks the following night. They'll be gone all day, so that's not too tough!

    Have a great day, all! Kackie:heart:
  • SRA1
    SRA1 Posts: 2
    Good morning,

    Just wanted to pop in and say hello. I'm new to posting here so tell me if its ending up in the wrong place!

    I'm a 50++ working part-time until retirement. I'm married to my HS Sweetheart (43 years) the Mom of one and Grandmom of 2.
    I was a skinny kid and young adult but somewhere in my 30s seem to have lost it! Eighteen years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer, early stage but healthy now. I got to my goal weight 15 years ago but have let the pound here and there creep up and bite me in my ample backside! Have lost a total of 25 # and am slowly shedding more. I have Sjogren's Syndrome, an auto-immune disease that causes a constellation of aches, pains and fatigue. I occasionally need to work hard to balance stress and keep it in line. I excercise when I can and try to at least take short walks throughout the day. I look forward to your support and hope I can give some back!!
  • Jeanne3651
    Jeanne3651 Posts: 84 Member
    Hello everybody!

    Welcome to the new comers. I think you'll like it here, everyone is very supportive and helpful.

    Had a good day food wise yesterday and got in my one hour of water aerobics.

    I have to run now as I have a appt I have to get to. Will try to post more later.

    Jane my prayers for you and your mom.
  • Haven't been here in a couple of days... went to PT yesterday, she beat the **** out of me, and now I suffer again, so I called the doc, and she prescribed VOLTAREN instead of celebrex, so we shall see starting tomorrow. ALSO, she told me to tell the PT that they are to back off with the stretch and pull and push routine, trying to get my range of motion to 120, I am at 110 now. She told me to start walking more (went around my block 2x) and came home and iced.
    Also having problems with plumbing, terrible pains in abdoment, waiting for internist to call me back. I am on metamucil and colace 2x a day (2 in morning, 2 in evening)... terrible pains last night, then boom, this morning spent on potty... there has to be a way to regulate myself again, NEVER had this problem before.
    SO, not a good night, for sure..
    I did lose 2 lbs, probably from loss of appetite, but that is ok, wanted to lose more anyway.
    Will probably go up in the morning again, seem to flucuate quite a bit.
    Have a good day,
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI~All!Just a quick update.Mom is really having a rough time.She`s so fatigued and doesn`t have any energy.She is also having trouble eating,the dr and dietician are working on trying to get her to eat and build up her strength.
    It`s very difficult to sit back and let the medical field take care of her.She has Drs orders NO Visitors,which I`m glad. because she needs to rest and not having people in and out all day escept the medical personal.

    Coming from a big family,she would never get any rest.It`s hard to see my mom who is such a proud ,strong woman who hides her pain etc from her family be so sick because she thought she could take care of herself and didn`t realize how depleted she had come in such a short time.
    Thanks for all the prayers.I spent a good portion of the day talking to my 6 younger siblings.The back pain is not always the same form day to day.Dr wanted me to try mild back ex,couldn`t do.
    So i`m limited on the computer due to the pain.
    Know I`m rooting for you all and I`m glad I found this group.
    Have a good night.
  • Hi Ladies:

    It was my first day back at work since my vacation and what a day!!! I was glad to see the end of it, let me tell you, just like I had not even been off!!

    Jane - I hope your Mom gets feeling better and I hope you too get yourself feeling better and that you are taking care or yourself:flowerforyou:

    Gilda - Congrats on your weight loss:smile:

    Pam - Good for you. You are doing so well:happy:

    Cindy - Good luck on your 5k run:drinker:

    Sissy - I sometimes hate having to determine the calorie counts of the foods. I wish all restaurants were online:smile:

    Sally - Sounds like you live in quite the town:laugh:

    Natalie - I hope you have gotten your system straightened out. I have been having that problem for years and it drives me crazy:noway:

    Anyway, my Friends. I am so glad to be back posting and talking to you. I missed you all and reading your posts. You keep life interesting.

    Talk to you tomorrow.

    Love, Cathy xx
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Jane - I hope your mom feels better soon.

    A hug to all that are struggling right now. Everything will pass if we let it.

    I am reading a book on change that our center is embracing and giving free copies to every employee who wants one. Being that I am part of the "Green Group" we have a copy we are passing around and it is my turn. The book is in the car but I believe the title is "Switch". So far it is really interesting and a lot of good motivational stuff. I am only on chapter 2. lol We shall see what the next chapter brings. I hope it will help me get un-stuck with my weightloss and help me help my son in particular and my family in general.

    Have a great evening everyone!

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    sally - the garlic press is a wonderful invention, as is the food processor. I just made brownies for Vince. If he ever knew that I used prune puree instead of all the oil, he wouldn't eat them.

    Did an hour of spinning today. I was scheduled to go on a 2-1/2mile bike ride tomorrow, but it's been cancelled because of the weather. I was so looking forward to it, too. So it looks like I'll take the water aerobics tomorrow. Then in the afternoon I'll go to the senior bowling.

    Was supposed to have bunco here tonight but not one person came. In one respect that annoys me. Here I made a dessert (which I froze), bought fruit (well, I'll eat that), cleaned the house (it needed it anyway), and no one came. Looks like I'll have it here next month (the 18th). Then we're hosting a social for the Newcomers on the 29th. Last time we hosted a social I was so embarassed. We ran out of food. By the time I got to the food, almost everything was gone! There were lots of desserts, but practically no food. Not that I really wanted the desserts, but I was starving! So this year I'm determined that that won't happen again. I know Vince is going to get upset at me, but I'm going to make corn bread muffins (I'll just make a double batch so we can have them for Thanksgiving, too), I'm thinking that I'll put something in the crockpot, and a dessert. Oh, it's a pot luck, the host/hostess isn't supposed to have to cook anything.

    Watched DWTS yesterday, now to see the results.

    kackie - that IS so sad that the kids never saw a blueberry. Isn't it sad the food they serve in school cafeterias? I used to be a paraprofessional and they'd have health class (which I had to attend too) where they talked about healthy choices, then the kids went to lunch and the food they were served! How can they possible make healthy choices when the choice is a greasy hamburger or a greasy meatball sub?
    How do you make the cauliflower mash? I'm thinking that I can get some potatoes, boil them along with some cauliflower, then mash them together. If Vince can't taste the cauliflower, maybe I can get it past him.

    Sherry - welcome! You've come to the right place for support.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,129 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Jane, I'm thinking good thoughts for you and your mom.

    :bigsmile: it's time for the DWTS results......I have some favorites but I won't say who they are because this can be as emotional a subject as sex, religion, and politics and I like how we don't venture into controversy.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: we had more beautiful weather so I spent a lot of time walking the dogs and puttering in the garden.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    Hugs and love to those of you with troubles and worries about health, for yourselves or loved ones.

    I'm having a busy, busy week either looking after the twins or working in the gallery every day. I was supposed to be going to have my hair done today (highlights etc) in readiness for my dad's 80th birthday party this Saturday, but I had to cancel. So much to do in preparation for Saturday. We have about forty family members coming down from the north for the celebrations. It will be lovely to see them, but I am super-stressed.

    Need to get a move on but will try to pop in later today for a catch up.

    Amanda x
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    good morning ladies,

    hoping all is better with everyones health theirs or family....:flowerforyou: need to get to the gym but putting it off doing stuff around the house...so i am off before i say no gym today....have lots of errands to run ...will check in later...have a beautiful day

  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Good morning,
    Just wanted to check in to see how things are going. I have to get myself to the gym within the next 15 minutes---I could easily make an excuse today--so I know that today is the day I need to get there!
    I did have a 1 lb loss at my Weight Loss Challenge last night and I saw a bigger loss at my weigh in this morning for MFP. I am really happy with that.
    I get so frustrated with myself with this slow process....I regularly need to remind myself to not get discouraged and keep on working on these changes. I looked back at my weigh ins for the past year and saw that in one year, I am down 10 pounds. It really discouraged me....I also know that I could have been up 40 in a year too. I need to not let this negative thinking effect my choices. I have made some changes this month with my exercise program and I seem to be more consistent in my losses...we'll see how that goes.

    Let's enjoy this day!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Good morning, ladies! I am always glad to read how all of you are doing from day to day. Not much news here. I spent an hour fixing dinner last night - meatloaf, baked vidalia onions, and steamed veggies. When I pulled the meatloaf out of the oven as my husband came in the door, I tasted it because it smelled different than usual. Somehow, the hamburger from the local meat market that I had just pulled out of the freezer in the morning was either old or spoiled - very unusual. So I was totally bummed and ended up going out to eat. Not the way my food was supposed to go for the day, but oh well. I will just pick up and go on. (There weren't very many choices at the local diner, so ended up with a patty melt. Not the best nutritionally, but it tasted good anyway.) The worst part was that I went out to eat and still had to clean the kitchen!

    Here's hoping that everyone has a glorious Wednesday! Thank goodness it is a new day with new choices!
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    My team weighed in yesterday at work we lost 10 lbs.I lost 1 lb.
    I'll find out if we won for the week. But I believe I have already won
    I feel so much better. Knees don't throb all the time.
    I'm able to walk up stairs without stopping.
    Noticed last horsebacking riding got on with ease.
    Bailey my horse is probaly happy 30lbs less on her back.

    I'm learning everyones name. So If I screw up don't take it personal.

    Barbie -way to go on resisting temptation. I need to learn to just walk away.

    Kackie -Going to try cauliflower mash when I get off graveyard.

    Natalie - Hope everything starts to level out for you

    Jeannie - Sounds like a good book. Have to go to the used book store and see if they have it.

    Sherry- Welcome to the group. This group is the best always there for support. No matter what we need support with.

    Jane - My thought and prayers are with you and your mom.

    Sally- I learned the hard way lose fast gained back faster. This time if I stay the same or lose alittle I'm happy. That just mean I be able to maintain.

    Michelle- If I had half your get up and go. How long have you been on maintaince?
  • I’m still visiting with my folks and family so don’t have quite as much time for MFP. My post will be a little shorter today. (Okay, I can hear those sighs of relief!)

    Pam and Glida, a big congrats on your weight losses. Great jobs! Joyce, congrats to you too. Congrats too to everyone else who is staying on track and making progress. :flowerforyou:

    Jane, prayers for your mom.

    Kackie, woo hoo on all the veggies. Here you’ve tried the mashed cauliflower and I haven’t even made it myself yet. You’re inspiring me. I think I’ll look for cauliflower at the grocery store today. :happy:

    I am absolutely in agreement about what a shame it is that kids are being brought up on junk food. The documentary, Food Inc., is an eye-opener and well worth watching. You can buy it on Amazon. I’ll never look at food in the say way again. It’s especially sad that some of the crap food is subsidized.

    I’m back on track after an atrocious day of eating yesterday (Mexican food and a salad bar – it was a tempting salad bar as they had every goodie you can imagine, including feta, marinated artichoke hearts, shrimp, etc., etc.). I probably didn’t log all of my calories yesterday. It’s impossible to tell but I can make a SWAG (silly wild-assed guess – technical term) that I ate more than I logged. BUT, just the act of logging helped me feel settled about what I was eating and in control.

    Jeanne, hurray for you and your progress. :flowerforyou:

    Natalie, my sympathy for the problems you’re having. Hoping things get in balance soon.

    Michele, Vince makes me laugh. I think you need to have a blind tasting. Bake some fries by themselves, then bake them alongside some mushrooms. Bet he can’t taste the difference! LOL. :laugh:

    Sissy, you are right about how hard it is to estimate calories when you’re eating out. It’s much easier when you fix the food yourself.

    Amanda, good luck with the party. Sounds like you have a fun time in store.

    Mary, I’m laughing at the picture of you going out to eat then still having to clean the kitchen. Your word pictures are wonderful.
