I think I'm developing bulimia.



  • Carrot sticks with non fat dip,
    rice crackers,
    and i buy things like, banana peppers, olives, non fat cheese singles, and tuna and make awsome next to nothin calorie, crackers that taste awsome! melt the cheese on them and its great. (no guilt!)
  • fionat29
    fionat29 Posts: 717 Member
    I have suffered with bulimia, it is a very pernicious disease. While you have it you think that it is totally logical to get rid of everything you have over eaten.It makes sense, you don't want to put on weight so if you overeat, well, just be rid. It can't do any harm right? But you are just kidding yourself, I was lucky enough not to do any damage to the enamel on my teeth and I don't think I've caused myself any ulcers or anything. When I went to the doctor, they suggested therapy but guess what? 6 months waiting list!! In the meantime, my mum saw the letter from the doctors telling me, all hell broke lose and I stopped.
    I think because my bulimia was purely a logical thing, there was no psychology in the background, I was just ridding myself of unwanted lbs even though I wanted the food in the first place., I just needed a push to get me to stop.
    I wasn't young when this happened, I was married , 35 years old, I'd already lost 77lbs with WW and I didn't want to put the weight back on.
    These days sometimes I think about it but because I am on MFP I seem to have no problem sticking to my cals and I'm doing more exercise than I've ever done. It's much more fun than making myself sick after I've had too much to eat or drink.
    This is the first time I've admitted to this, it's why I won't write a blog, but hopefully no-one will think the less of me. :blushing:
  • love your picture "perishable"!! Thats hilarious
  • elksy
    elksy Posts: 45
    I have suffered with bulimia, it is a very pernicious disease. While you have it you think that it is totally logical to get rid of everything you have over eaten.It makes sense, you don't want to put on weight so if you overeat, well, just be rid. It can't do any harm right? But you are just kidding yourself, I was lucky enough not to do any damage to the enamel on my teeth and I don't think I've caused myself any ulcers or anything. When I went to the doctor, they suggested therapy but guess what? 6 months waiting list!! In the meantime, my mum saw the letter from the doctors telling me, all hell broke lose and I stopped.
    I think because my bulimia was purely a logical thing, there was no psychology in the background, I was just ridding myself of unwanted lbs even though I wanted the food in the first place., I just needed a push to get me to stop.
    I wasn't young when this happened, I was married , 35 years old, I'd already lost 77lbs with WW and I didn't want to put the weight back on.
    These days sometimes I think about it but because I am on MFP I seem to have no problem sticking to my cals and I'm doing more exercise than I've ever done. It's much more fun than making myself sick after I've had too much to eat or drink.
    This is the first time I've admitted to this, it's why I won't write a blog, but hopefully no-one will think the less of me. :blushing:
    No one will think less of you! <3
    It does seem logical! As soon as I'm done, I realize what a mistake I've made... but at the time, it just seems like a way to "have my cake and eat it too," so to speak.
    Thank you so much for sharing. Even though I wish no one had to go through an eating disorder, it helps to know that others have had the same experience... and that it's not always as dramatic as the messages on tv portray it to be.

    @Perishable: Thanks! I'll start eating higher fibre foods. :)
    @Rhiannagreene: OH MY GOD THERE'S NON-FAT CHEESE? Why have I never heard about this?! Now I'm excited to take a trip to the grocery store tonight!
  • @Rhiannagreene: OH MY GOD THERE'S NON-FAT CHEESE? Why have I never heard about this?! Now I'm excited to take a trip to the grocery store tonight!

    yes! but there singles, like kraft singles, but yeah there NON fat and theres like non soy non dairy cheese to super low fat and good tasting. I heard soy cheese is bad for women so that cheese is good.
  • elksy
    elksy Posts: 45
    @Rhiannagreene: OH MY GOD THERE'S NON-FAT CHEESE? Why have I never heard about this?! Now I'm excited to take a trip to the grocery store tonight!

    yes! but there singles, like kraft singles, but yeah there NON fat and theres like non soy non dairy cheese to super low fat and good tasting. I heard soy cheese is bad for women so that cheese is good.
    This has restored my faith in humanity. If non-fat cheese is possible, anything is!
  • djanels
    djanels Posts: 1
    NOT good advice; ur not going to recover by just coming up with other ways to 'get rid of' the food u eat.


    i agree with the other posters but i have a suggestion

    if you find yourself binging, can you binge on fiber-heavy foods, such as fruits and veggies, mix some Metamucil in your water, and take a swig of coffee, so you just end up pooping it all out? in the midst of that chaos, you can have something you're craving (chocolate, cheese, whatever, but pick one, or just a little of two!) and it won't be as bad. this is what i do and i'm still losing weight at a steady pace that is the same when i have a week where i don't binge eat at all.

    and if i feel like im going to eat, i just try to go to sleep or take a bath or do something where i can't eat (and i hope to get over the urge).
  • oh_em_gee
    oh_em_gee Posts: 887 Member
    NOT good advice; ur not going to recover by just coming up with other ways to 'get rid of' the food u eat.


    i agree with the other posters but i have a suggestion

    if you find yourself binging, can you binge on fiber-heavy foods, such as fruits and veggies, mix some Metamucil in your water, and take a swig of coffee, so you just end up pooping it all out? in the midst of that chaos, you can have something you're craving (chocolate, cheese, whatever, but pick one, or just a little of two!) and it won't be as bad. this is what i do and i'm still losing weight at a steady pace that is the same when i have a week where i don't binge eat at all.

    and if i feel like im going to eat, i just try to go to sleep or take a bath or do something where i can't eat (and i hope to get over the urge).

    ITA! Purging is a sign of a serious problem. I was borderline bulmic in high school. For me, it was a control issue. Coming up with another unhealthy way to be in control wouldn't have helped me in the long run. What did help was some counseling and working to develop a higher self esteem.
  • KALMdown
    KALMdown Posts: 211 Member
    NOT good advice; ur not going to recover by just coming up with other ways to 'get rid of' the food u eat.


    i agree with the other posters but i have a suggestion

    if you find yourself binging, can you binge on fiber-heavy foods, such as fruits and veggies, mix some Metamucil in your water, and take a swig of coffee, so you just end up pooping it all out? in the midst of that chaos, you can have something you're craving (chocolate, cheese, whatever, but pick one, or just a little of two!) and it won't be as bad. this is what i do and i'm still losing weight at a steady pace that is the same when i have a week where i don't binge eat at all.

    and if i feel like im going to eat, i just try to go to sleep or take a bath or do something where i can't eat (and i hope to get over the urge).

    I agree, that was not smart advice. Anorexics & Bulimics use ex-lax & suppositories to get rid of the food. That is no way healthier than purging. You can become dehydrated and mess up your digestive system.

    I suffered from bulimia for years. I'm lucky not to have permanent damage but I do believe my metabolism has suffered from it. I'm glad you are seeing a healthcare professional. Good Luck & Good Health!
  • Bulimia is no joke. I am glad that you are seeking the help you need if you believe that you are headed down that road. A lot of the time bulimia has psychological roots and it may take some therapy to find out what's going. I applaud you for recognizing it before it's too late and I hope you take the advice that the ones who have been through what you're experiencing to heart because I wouldn't want anyone to go through that. Take care.