flatter stomach??



  • maemiller
    maemiller Posts: 439 Member
    you cant spot reduce. Weight reduction is the only way you can get rid of that extra layer of flab :(

    I thought i could do the same, but my trainer at the gym told me that it doesnt work that way
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    A person can't spot reduce, but they can spot tone.
  • Smores18
    Smores18 Posts: 119 Member

    If you have diastasis recti (which is what they are explaining here, mostly caused by pregnancy, though it can happen to men and women who have not been pregnant too) then you should definitely check out Julie Tupler and the Tupler Technique. Her exercises help to close the diastasis. I had a c/s with my pregnancy and have a flap because of it. If you have a diastasis it's pretty much impossible to get rid of that belly without closing the diastasis first. I've just started doing the maternal fitness routine by Julie Tupler because we are planning on having another baby soon, it helps close the diastasis and prepare the proper muscles for labor. Also anytime I do any other exercise (zumba, yoga, etc.) then I wear a belt that draws the recti muscles together. I have noticed more of a difference in my tummy than anywhere else in my body, I'm pretty sure that it's because I am fixing the diastasis and pulling those muscles back together.

    If nothing else at least google Julie Tupler, go to her website, and follow the instructions to see if you have diastasis. If you do then that's definitely where you need to start.

    IMPORTANT!: IF you do have a diastasis DO NOT DO CRUNCHES, they will only make the diastasis worse and you won't be able to lose to belly flap. If you don't have a diastasis then crunches are great for toning.
  • Smores18
    Smores18 Posts: 119 Member
    Here's the website, check it out.

  • remember when we use to do hula hoops i,m gonna get one and see if that might help my stomach mucles will let you know
  • remember when we use to do hula hoops i,m gonna get one and see if that helps with the stomach fat i will let you know
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    In terms of food, cutting out white carbs (bread, pasta, pastries), sugary treats and pop helped me a lot. I also switched to lactose free milk - many people have a slight sensitivity to lactose and don't even know it. Mine was very slight but it made me bloated.
    Also keep up your exercise routine and work in some extra ab work - it will help hold in your gut.