How to cut back sugar...



  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    I can't believe so many people can congregate on one site and be so anti-sugar that they talk about cutting extremely healthy things out of their diet. Why, WHY, WHY would you cut fruits out of your diet to meet some arbitrary number for your sugar intake?

    some people are just sensitve to sugars. all sugars, doesnt matter where they come from they are sugar, and you can easily over do it even on things like fruit.

    Unless you (general you) get tested for insulin resistance and other insulin related problems, most of these "sensitive to sugar" arguments are faulty at best. Damn near everyone is sensitive to sugar. It spikes your insulin and gives you that "sugar rush" feeling. When sugar is combined with fiber, like fruit contains in good amounts, then the sugar sensitivity to the insulin spike won't be as bad because the fiber alters the insulin response. Also, when combined with other types of foods, greek yogurt for example, the insulin response will be completely different yet again.

    Once again, people take a nutrient (sugar in this case) and instead of looking at the different ways it behaves in the body, automatically assume it's terrible for you because of some number on a website saying you're eating too much of it.

    Fruit has so many benefits in terms of energy production, long term health, vitamin/minerals and yet people here are telling others to cut it out of their diet? I am honestly blown away by this garbage.

    actually i am or rather was well now boardline pre diabetic

    and quite frankly i take an extremly easy and lest the scietific view of it, I eat carbs/sugars i feel crappy and draggy. I dont I feel good and energetic and thats really i all i need to know

    and i will never tell a person to cut anything out of their diet. will say sugar is sugar. I will say some to better limiting these things, but i also will say you got to figure out what works for YOU

  • actually i am or rather was well now boardline pre diabetic

    and quite frankly i take an extremly easy and lest the scietific view of it, I eat carbs/sugars i feel crappy and draggy. I dont I feel good and energetic and thats really i all i need to know

    That's fine and that works for you since you're borderline pre diabetic. However (and I'm not necessarily talking about you here) when people come into the forums and tell other people that eating fruit is wrong because of the sugar content when 95% of the population doesn't have an issue with it, I take offense to it because it's:

    a) selfish
    b) scientifically wrong
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    Asking a question like that is quite loaded... but I can understand the confusion because there are many on "kicks" that solely use one liners to solve all weightloss secrets lol. How I react to a certain amount of sugar in my diet may be completely different for you. I am diabetic on insulin... 2 needles a day. I watch my blood sugars closely and know what works for me. During weightloss I keep my sugar content to no more than 8 grams of sugar per 100 cal... but as with fruit (since it is higher in grams of sugar per portion) I still have it but choose wisely for the day so my meals are balanced and keep my levels even. I find when my meals/snacks are balanced, I do not get "hungry"...protein, fiber, sugar carbs whatever the name... all work together.