Is anyone eating Primal?



  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    I have been trying to do the primal thing for the past week to break a 6 month plateau and I cant imagine how people can eat under 80g of carbs!!! I dont eat any grains/cereal/bread/pasta etc but still with fruits and veggies etc I still struggle to keep the carbs under 100. I do eat cheese and that adds a small amt but what are you guys eating??? I am getting real tired of eggs LOL. I only eat one serving s of fruit per day and then veggies which is where the carbs are coming from I guess. I am certainly not an expert on the diet, but why no peanuts?? or peanut butter?? they have same amt of carbs as almonds (at least the ones I have do).
    What do you guys snack on??
    Also if you do have grains like cereal or oatmeal or pie etc will you end up gaining that week? (In other words can I have a cheat meal once a week of so???)
    Also how do you get fiber??? I need at least 30 g per day!
    Thanks! I am going to check out a few diarys here for some thoughts as well!!

    though i do not eat primal (there are just sometthings i wont give up) most days i eat under 30g, most coming from veggies, i dont eat much fruit , maybe a piece or two on the weekends when i allow my self a little more carbs. when i eat too many i will gain, but worse than that my stomache goes into an uproar
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    I have been trying to do the primal thing for the past week to break a 6 month plateau and I cant imagine how people can eat under 80g of carbs!!! I dont eat any grains/cereal/bread/pasta etc but still with fruits and veggies etc I still struggle to keep the carbs under 100. I do eat cheese and that adds a small amt but what are you guys eating??? I am getting real tired of eggs LOL. I only eat one serving s of fruit per day and then veggies which is where the carbs are coming from I guess. I am certainly not an expert on the diet, but why no peanuts?? or peanut butter?? they have same amt of carbs as almonds (at least the ones I have do).
    What do you guys snack on??
    Also if you do have grains like cereal or oatmeal or pie etc will you end up gaining that week? (In other words can I have a cheat meal once a week of so???)
    Also how do you get fiber??? I need at least 30 g per day!
    Thanks! I am going to check out a few diarys here for some thoughts as well!!

    You can look at my diary ... most of the carbs come from veg and fruit, and of course if I have a glass of wine. Primal/paleo isn't about weight loss but more about healthier eating, so that's why there's guidelines to avoid certain foods. If you do some reading on it you'll find more info about why no grains, legumes (beans, peas, peanuts are a legume as well and not a true nut), soy, sugar; I also gave up dairy, but many people tolerate it quite well and continue to include it.

    I get fiber from the veg and fruit and have no problems. Be sure to eat enough healthy fats ... that's the hardest thing for people to get over after decades of being told it's bad.

    Personally I don't snack for hunger reasons ... usually it's a "walking by the pantry where the chocolate is" reason ;-)
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    My dog is.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    My dog is.

    Lucky dog. :happy:
  • hockey7fan
    hockey7fan Posts: 281 Member
    I read Mark's book this weekend and have started eating primal 100%. Before I was doing it about 80%. My dietician who works with diabetics and those who are pre-diabetic like me puts people on the primal way of eating without calling it that.

    I eat between 50 and 100 grams of carbs a day just by eating fruits and veggies. I eat lean protein, nuts, healthy fats too. All natural, no processed stuff.

    I have Celiac diease so I can't have anything with gluten. I do eat cheese and use butter for dairy products.

    I started on July 30th and have lost 22 pounds so far and I'm not feeling food deprived at all. Fresh raspberries and strawberries this morning with my eggs with onions, tomatoes and bell peppers scrambled in olive oil. Delicious!
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    I read Mark's book this weekend and have started eating primal 100%. Before I was doing it about 80%. My dietician who works with diabetics and those who are pre-diabetic like me puts people on the primal way of eating without calling it that.

    I eat between 50 and 100 grams of carbs a day just by eating fruits and veggies. I eat lean protein, nuts, healthy fats too. All natural, no processed stuff.

    I have Celiac diease so I can't have anything with gluten. I do eat cheese and use butter for dairy products.

    I started on July 30th and have lost 22 pounds so far and I'm not feeling food deprived at all. Fresh raspberries and strawberries this morning with my eggs with onions, tomatoes and bell peppers scrambled in olive oil. Delicious!

    Do you eat dairy at all?? I find that if I didn't eat dairy, I am not sure what else I would eat besides veggies and chicken. I dont eat red meat or pork, and I am getting so tired of chicken and eggs. If I didnt have cheese to change things up a bit I would not make it on this diet!!
    Also I have found that my sodium content is going up a lot because I am doing the turky bacon thing and also some turkey sausage etc.
    What do you snack on??
    I am trying this out, and have only been really serious for the past 4 days, but I am struggling with variety a bit.
  • hockey7fan
    hockey7fan Posts: 281 Member
    I read Mark's book this weekend and have started eating primal 100%. Before I was doing it about 80%. My dietician who works with diabetics and those who are pre-diabetic like me puts people on the primal way of eating without calling it that.

    I eat between 50 and 100 grams of carbs a day just by eating fruits and veggies. I eat lean protein, nuts, healthy fats too. All natural, no processed stuff.

    I have Celiac diease so I can't have anything with gluten. I do eat cheese and use butter for dairy products.

    I started on July 30th and have lost 22 pounds so far and I'm not feeling food deprived at all. Fresh raspberries and strawberries this morning with my eggs with onions, tomatoes and bell peppers scrambled in olive oil. Delicious!

    Do you eat dairy at all?? I find that if I didn't eat dairy, I am not sure what else I would eat besides veggies and chicken. I dont eat red meat or pork, and I am getting so tired of chicken and eggs. If I didnt have cheese to change things up a bit I would not make it on this diet!!
    Also I have found that my sodium content is going up a lot because I am doing the turky bacon thing and also some turkey sausage etc.
    What do you snack on??
    I am trying this out, and have only been really serious for the past 4 days, but I am struggling with variety a bit.

    I am eating cheese, butter and cream cheese. I like to take slices of lunchmeat and spread them with full fat chive and onion cream cheese, roll up and eat. I also snack on nuts or apple slices with almond butter. Do you eat fish at all? Shrimp, lobster, scallops? It would be harder if I didn't eat red meat or pork both of which I love.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    I eat tuna thats it. No shellfish or any other besides tuna. Just dont like it.
    Finding it hard to get the fiber in even with the veggies.
  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member
    I read Mark's book this weekend and have started eating primal 100%. Before I was doing it about 80%. My dietician who works with diabetics and those who are pre-diabetic like me puts people on the primal way of eating without calling it that.

    I eat between 50 and 100 grams of carbs a day just by eating fruits and veggies. I eat lean protein, nuts, healthy fats too. All natural, no processed stuff.

    I have Celiac diease so I can't have anything with gluten. I do eat cheese and use butter for dairy products.

    I started on July 30th and have lost 22 pounds so far and I'm not feeling food deprived at all. Fresh raspberries and strawberries this morning with my eggs with onions, tomatoes and bell peppers scrambled in olive oil. Delicious!

    Do you eat dairy at all?? I find that if I didn't eat dairy, I am not sure what else I would eat besides veggies and chicken. I dont eat red meat or pork, and I am getting so tired of chicken and eggs. If I didnt have cheese to change things up a bit I would not make it on this diet!!
    Also I have found that my sodium content is going up a lot because I am doing the turky bacon thing and also some turkey sausage etc.
    What do you snack on??
    I am trying this out, and have only been really serious for the past 4 days, but I am struggling with variety a bit.

    I grew up eating very little red meat or pork. Curious why you don't eat those...allergies, religious reasons? I was raised to believe that they were bad for my health. When I went primal and began to learn more about the food industry, I decided to try them, well sourced, grass fed and pastured. Complete 180 degree turn around for my health by adding in grass fed beef and pastured/happy pig bacon. Couldn't thrive without them now.

    [Note: Spent 9 months Vegan and several years vegetarian, too.]