So.. What's behind your screen name ?



  • small_ninja
    small_ninja Posts: 365 Member
    I'm short = small
    2nd dan black belt = ninja (small_ninja sounds better than small_karateka :tongue: )
  • MustBeTheRows
    MustBeTheRows Posts: 377 Member
    Went to the gym with my girlfriend for the first time and I made fun of her for the weight she was doing on bent over rows. The next morning she woke up and said "Baby, my these hurt" (pointing to her triceps). I said "Huh, must be the rows?" at which point it became an inside joke between the two of us and we were saying it anytime something made us go "huh?"
  • mustangmama3
    mustangmama3 Posts: 173 Member
    Im a mom of 3 kids and I love Ford mustangs!!:heart:
  • pumperlady
    pumperlady Posts: 11 Member
    I have a insulin pump-hence pumperlady. No I don't lift weights!:wink:
  • Moonlitedi
    Moonlitedi Posts: 94 Member
    I've had my SN for a long time. The Moonlite part was from a character from Sailor Moon...MoonlightKnight I just spellled it differently because the light version was taken so long ago. Then Di at the end because my name is Diana. Also the moon part well you know the Goddess ^_^ So MoonliteDi was born. Pronounced (Moon light Die)
  • snw_
    snw_ Posts: 237 Member
    Im very fair skinned (norwegian) and my nickname started out as "snow white" then shortened to "snow" and then with punkrock, it was "snw grrrl" (remiving the vowels due to the word "grrrl" and then finally "snw", which has been by online screen name for over 15 years.
  • I took a random quiz called Which Greek Goddess are You? My results where Artemis and I am 24 y.o. Even though Artemis took the vow of being single. I tried for Artemis 24 but it was taken. Then a song by Goldfrapp , has a line in it i love " Oh child of Venus your just made for love" So I made child of Artemis
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member name and birthday...super complex if you ask me :-)
  • snw_
    snw_ Posts: 237 Member
    v, a, f, n, k, c, d and m

  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,850 Member
    Mine is attributable to Belvedere and Godiva
  • akgrown4
    akgrown4 Posts: 28 Member
    mine is because i have four kids born and raised in alaska
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,364 Member
    I dream of simpler time, when the world was brightened by the lilacs that grew in my yard every march/april.

    This was a time that I lived in the house I grew up in (my grandfathers house) and my family was normal.....everything shattered when people started passing away. things have never been then same since, they will never be as good as they were then, and it kills me.
  • Jessaustx
    Jessaustx Posts: 130
    It's pretty f*ing intense. Are you ready? My name is Jess and I live in Austin, Texas.

    Mind blown yet?
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    me too! im Athena, dropped the A and was born in 81.. im boring too lol
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    It's pretty f*ing intense. Are you ready? My name is Jess and I live in Austin, Texas.

    Mind blown yet?

  • nylitak
    nylitak Posts: 18 Member
    It's my name backwards.
  • FitBarbie2986
    FitBarbie2986 Posts: 202 Member
    I love fitness & i have an obsession with barbie..then my birth date :heart:
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    I'm Latina & also need some moral boost for myself. I hate my real name so I opt to use a Spanish phrase for the most beautiful woman of the world :tongue:
  • gwmedicgod
    gwmedicgod Posts: 180 Member
    <--- my initials..... and I'm a paramedic and we sometimes get a "god" complex... LOL...

    best paramedic joke.... "what's the difference between God and a Paramedic???? God Doesn't think He's a Paramedic"..... LOL
  • MacInCali
    MacInCali Posts: 1,012 Member
    My initials are "MAC" and I'll give you one guess as to which state I live in ... Lol