2nd week here, failed miserably during the weekend :/



  • Increase your calorie deficit during the week by an extra 200 or 300 calories.

    Let's say you like to get completely sloshed on the weekend (I know I do) and you wind up having about 1000 extra calories of extra drinks and nachos. First you should log it to figure out exactly how much you've had. Second, over the next five days you can get rid of that extra 1000 calories by cutting down an extra 200 calories a day, which isn't all that much.

    I'd need to know your stats if I wanted to give you a specific idea of how much to cut back, but the basic principle is going to be the same; it doesn't matter how many calories you consume on a single, isolated day. The most important thing is that your daily calorie average is below what you need in order to lose weight.

    Here's a quick chart.

    Person A

    Sun -1500
    Mon - 1500
    Tue - 1500
    Wed - 1500
    Thur - 1500
    Fri - 1500
    Sat - 1500

    Total = 10500 calories/week (average of 1500 cals/day)

    Person B

    Sun - 1300
    Mon - 1300
    Tue - 1300
    Wed - 1300
    Thur - 1300
    Fri - 1300
    Sat - 2500

    Total = 10300 calories/week. (average of 1471 cals/day)

    Not only does Person B compensate for their binge day on Saturday, but they're actually 200 calories lower per week than Person A, which means they'll lose weight slightly faster (to the tune of an extra pound every 18 weeks).
  • annalynne88
    annalynne88 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks, guys! I know I should slow down the drinking, but I can't just stop it suddenly. I came to this website to make myself accountable in dieting and exercising, but I think I can still do the fun things in portions. Thanks for the advice :)
  • binariiangel
    binariiangel Posts: 146 Member
    Hey guys,
    I know what you mean about misbehaving on weekends. But if you think about it, if you deny your body all the things you love, then you're more likely to fail. So I suggest having a splurge day, I also read on the "Eat This not that" news letter that splurging actually shocks your metabolism so when you are good, and are working hard to make sure you stay within your calories that it shocks your system and you're less likely to plateau. But just remember not to let your cheat days run into your cheat days! Best of luck to you guys! <3
  • annalynne88
    annalynne88 Posts: 12 Member
    Hey guys,
    I know what you mean about misbehaving on weekends. But if you think about it, if you deny your body all the things you love, then you're more likely to fail. So I suggest having a splurge day, I also read on the "Eat This not that" news letter that splurging actually shocks your metabolism so when you are good, and are working hard to make sure you stay within your calories that it shocks your system and you're less likely to plateau. But just remember not to let your cheat days run into your cheat days! Best of luck to you guys! <3

    Exactly!! :)
  • laurielou04
    laurielou04 Posts: 231 Member
    I'm not a huge drinker so I don't have anything on that part but in terms of eating out. Maybe you could eat in some, and when you go out to eat, check the calorie info before you go. Most restaurants will have that info online and a lot of times you can modify it to however you want it. :)

    Hope this helps.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    It takes a little while to get into it. But if you stick with it you will find yourself making better and better choices even when you go out. Always think before you order or reach for anything. :flowerforyou:
  • I think weekends are hard because you generally aren't sitting at work or in front of a computer on these types of sites. I agree with what was said, you just have to take calories from the other days. Also, if you are weighing in on Mondays, change it to Friday mornings when you won't be bloated from beer/etc. I drink vodka/sodas with lime which are way less cals than most other mixed drinks (soda water is zero cal). Throw in an extra workout on those days, calculate your drinks/cals before heading out and watch out for the late night eating after a night of drinking (nachos always sound delicious at 3 AM!).

    :) Good luck, you can definitely do it, it just takes some planning ahead.
  • I completely understand - weekend starts Friday when i sit down with a glass of wine that more often that not ends up with the bottle! I have a stressful job, 3 children , a husband, 2 dogs and a house to take care of.

    I drank 3 bottles of wine last weekend and have realised Ive got to do something about it.

    I plan to not drink for 10 days and then restrict myself. Not sure how it will go but Im piling theweight back on and its not pretty