200+ Hot For Halloween!



  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Happy weekend everybody.

    From a positive start yesterday, the day deteriorated to a plate of chips and a bowl of porridge for tea - mm not the healthiest me thinks.....

    Sarah: so very pleased to hear about your friend and I think you aer fab to think of the bike helment/flashing lights etc - I would suggest that those who know you (including us) are also blessed!!

    Kendal: thanks for the piccies of the pea coat - my next question, of course, is why 'pea'?. Love your new photo.

    Lacey: sorry you are feeling poorly - with all of the bugs people are going down with I am hoping that we will all get them over wit hat the beginning of winter and stay healthy throughoutt he rest of it.

    Kristina: thinking of you and hoping all is well xx

    Hubby now home - yippee - and we are off to Go Ape in less that three hours - scary......Have a great wekend all....
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Ok, enough of this MIA stuff...I'm BAAACCCCCCKKKKK! I needed a break from the seriousness of this whole weightloss thing to realize that I feel better when I'm serious about it. So, I'm heading to the gym this morning after a week's hiatus, and I'll be back later to catch up with all of you lovelies :-)

    BTW: After a week off exercise and foodwise, I'm still posting a loss this week (weird, I know).

    ************************************************Weigh-in 310.4******************************************************************
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Gotta love this weather - I got to scrape ice off my car this morning!!! But the UNDER ARMOUR ROCKS!!!! 27 degrees out and I was toasty :) trying to walk/run with a hyper 3 year old is interesting. He wants to stop and explore and jump in all the puddles. I carried him piggy back style for 3/4 of a mile (he's 30 pounds)... His foster mon was brave/strong enough to carry him on her shoulders. The last 1/2 mile was the best - we wore him out, so he stayed in the stroller holding the dog's leash and yelling at us to "go faster"... He was cute when he tried running with us. All in all, we made 3 miles in an hour with lots of stopping/standing. We ran into mom and her walking group and visited for at least 5 min.

    Now I'm off for 24 hours of mother - daughter time on our bus trip. Wish I had more time to respond but real life is calling. Mom had warned me that the bus will have jello shots for sale - how many cals in a jello shot? I don't think I'll log cals today...
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    YEAY Its Saturday. You know what the best thing is about Saturday and Sunday mornings? Not hearing an alarm clock. Yeah buddy! I hate turning that damn thing on every night lol.

    Since we are going to Portland next weekend for the Halloween Zoo thing and staying with my bff and her family, this weekend is all about cleaning the house up and making sure things are taken care of.

    There is an inkling of blue sky out there..so am also thinking a walk at minimum some time today. Now that the crazy stuff is over at work for a few weeks and I can get back on track with running, I am feeling the major itch to get outside.

    Victoria - where are you ladies going?? How fun that they sell jello shots on the bus and that your mom is so cool to want them! The under armor stuff for winter does totally absolutely rock!

    Bobbie - welcome back girlie! Sometimes a few days away does work to make you realize that you DO want this doesn't it!

    Annette - that going Ape sounds fantastic. I am totally afraid of heights, but there are a few courses like that up near Portland and I really really want to do them this summer. If I've got one thing from MFP and the people here is to take more fun chances and put myself out there more when it comes to physical activity.

    Sarah - that is wonderful news about your friend! And I love that you wore your bike helmet in there with flashing lights and a bow. I would do something like that too.

    To the peacoat lovers - I love the look of them but not the bulk. I am more of a long sleeve shirt and down filled vest with a scarf and beenie type girl. My emu boots when its super cold and I'm good to go. But here in Oregon its not like it gets super cold here. There are maybe three weeks here that get in the 30's.

    Hailie - you must be the one who asked about how young to have an SO is..since I am teaching my kid she can't have a boyfriend or kiss boys until she has graduated college I am not a good one to ask lol. hehehe. I had my first boyfriend my senior year of highschool. I am a strong believer that people shouldn't get married until they are at least 25. Yes I know its more about maturity, experiencing the world, etc..but why jump in so early? Of course I didn't feel that way when I was younger and have a marriage and divorce to show for it.

    Kendal - yeay on the promotion and keeping busier at work. Its nice to learn and do new things so you don't feel stagnant. Congrats!!

    Pam - if I lived near you, I'd help you make the quilt and sew. I have two sewing machines and a ton of fabric and this really amazing german thread my mom got me some years ago in really vibrant colors. I should start making purses or totes or something. I don't like working off patterns but can make my own and have several quilt tops that need to be quilted. Hmm..that may be something fun to take up for the winter.

    KErry - both my husband and I are jealous of your beer festivals and time. THats what having a kid does I guess lol. Enjoy it girl and don't get on the scale till next weekend!~

    Amy - well girl it is what it is with Loki. Its hard to rehome animals but sometimes it definitely it is for the best. Labs or some kind of retrievers are good running dogs. Since we are getting Princess Leia Buttercup for Gracie for Christmas my dreams of having a bigger dog are put off. Sigh.
    Oh Did I tell you guys that?? We are getting a french bull dog from my brothers girlfriend? THats what we are naming her.

    Megan - triple yeay for knowing you are on the mend! Those little signs are the best feelings aren't they! Ipads are pretty rad. I love mine.

    OKay thats all I got time for. I'm going to make my menu for the week and get into town to get groceries and also my oil and wipers changed today if the line isn't too long.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Lacey - the jello shots are FREE but ou have to win them by naming 3 things in 5 sec... We've had 3 rounds so far. I'm an Eagles member and this a group trip stopping at 5 Eagle clubs then spending the night at a casino in Mount Pleasant, MI.... It's really just a drinking trip... Trust me - the bus is not sober or quiet. The 1st stop was happy hour with buy one get one free drinks. We are having fun.
  • hey all, hope everyone is having a good weekend, work was insane today. didnt have a great day food wise today, the chipper just called to me, ah well back on the wagon in the morning
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Victoria that sound super fun!!!

    I got all the groceries and such done. It went like this: drive13 miles to target, then bank then across town to trader joes then to cold stone to use my groupon then to another bank then to bbe place to pick up chili for dinner (I'm a damn good cook but no one makes chili like this place) then gas then 13 miles home. It took me about 3 hours and it was nice to be out by myself. Because both mu husband and Gracie are cranky nasty today. And that's really my job lol hehe.
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Bobbie - Welcome back!

    Victoria - MAJOR envy about your bus trip!

    Well, on night shift the other night i was chatting with one of the women i was on with about diet and exercise etc (she'd been telling me how great i'm looking, and like everyone says "How have you done it??" I love replying with "hard work.") and i was saying how i really want to start doing some resistance and weight stuff. She suggested i join the rec centre gym, and i was like "Yeah, i used to go there when i lived over that side of town, but I live on this side now, it's halfway across town!" She looked at me, laughed and said "Wow... you're really starting to sound like someone from Whyalla now!"
    It did then occur to me that to drive to THE OTHER SIDE of town takes ten minutes... therefore halfway across town is only five... and i used to drive at least 15 minutes to the gym... longer in traffic!

    So yesterday i went and joined the gym. I think i just needed that kick in the pants to realise it really is only a stones throw away... seriously, it's only 6km there from my house! I've got an appointment with the memberships consultant on monday because i received a thingy in the mail about $1 per day if i came back... so i'll be seeing what that's about too.

    In other news, isaac and i FINALLY tidied up the back area today, swept and raked up all the leaves, moved the dogs' bed, and brought our outdoor setting out of the garage. it was lovely!!

    Haven't been eating great this weekend, but the scales aren't screaming "SODIUM" too bad, so i should be able to remedy it by next weigh-in!!

    Hope everyone's had a great weekend!!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Good morning, ladies! I guess I didn't post yesterday but I don't really have any good reason why. We went to Gabe's soccer game at 9 am and there was frost on the ground and it was 26*F- brr. Then we went bowling with a couple of dads and kids from Gabe's team. It was fun, I didn't really know either of the dads and it was cool to get to know them and let Gabe hang with their kids. After that, we came home and I played the XBox Kinect game I just bought yesterday, Rise of Nightmares. It's your standard zombie killing game but it's cool cuz it's a Kinect game so you stand/crouch/kick/slash/punch/etc in order to get through the game. It took a while to get the hang of it and it definitely isn't for kids (there's a good bit of bloody gore and scary zombies and some f-bombs too) but it was fun and I got a bit sweaty just playing for an hour or so. We capped the night off watching Pirates of the Caribbean on Stranger Tides. I sneezed and coughed my way through the day and then propped myself up on practically every pillow in the house and took NyQuil and passed out. I don't feel ANY better today. My face feels like it's going to explode!

    Hosanna: Good for you for joining a gym!

    Lacey: Alone time is important. I think Princess Leia Buttercup is a perfect name for a dog!

    Psycho: I'm back on the wagon with you.

    Victoria: Your bus trip sounds like a lot of fun!

    Bobbie: Great loss this week!

    Annette: How was the Go Ape?

    Kerry: Your proposal story warmed my heart - how sweet!!!!!

    Oh, I ate like crap yesterday and didn't log so I am putting here in the written word - I WILL be back on track today. I'm sick of being on the wagon a day or two to be followed by a day or two of not eating right and not moving. It's keeping me right around 190 right now but it WILL get me a higher weight if I don't knock it off NOW.
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Go Ape was brilliant. It took three hours to get round the course and I only landed in a 'snotty heap' once on the first long zip wire. Did everything they had to throw at us and succeeded at it all. Feeling really, really, positive about the fact I acheived it. Had no concerns about hubby - and he obviously took it all in his stride but I am super proud of Amy - she just got on and did - no girlie squealing or anything - I love her so very much. Oh and then this morning she gets herself downstairs and ices the cake she made for her daddy, arriving upstairs at 8am with cake - iced - breafast and a cup of tea for the birthday boy. She is gorgeous!!!!!!

    Food intake not too much to be proud of and I don't know how to log exercise for yesterday (but I must say it was a good abs workout without knowing it as I can sure feel them today). Out for lunch today - so that will be another rubbish day (going to one of those chinese buffet things) but there is always tomorrow.

    Kristina: hello lady. Hope you are well, thoughts and prayers are with you. Weigh in for today: 173 - hopefully I will be able to say 'YES' for my 175 goal for the end of this thread.

    Amy: I hear you on your bad food day - but I'm a looking for your diary girlie - I have fessed up to my intake - will be looking for yours...........Accountable is accountable regardless!!!!!! Oh - and feel better soon.

    Bobbie: glad you back and congrats on your loss.

    Hoseanna: enjoy the gym - currently working on hubby re membership to ours - aiming for NY

    Lacey: love the name for the new dog and yeah for getting everything done yesterday

    Hope: today is certainly a new day - get back logging girlie.

    Victoria: your coach trip sounds fun - hope you not feeling too poorly today!!!

    Once again I need to extend you all a thank you - as with Lacey, you have helped me realise everything is a possibility (not so long ago I would never have contemplated go ape - let alone done it and now here we are looking to see where we can do the next one). so THANK YOU:drinker:

    Oooh: just updated my ticker and worked outt hat from earilie this year I have lost 20lbs - how very exciting - yeah xxx:happy:
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Annette: You're right. I didn't log yesterday and I should have. I've gone back and put in everything I can remember eating yesterday. It was mostly bad stuff but it is good for me to SEE it in my diary. I'm glad you had such a good time "going ape".
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    The trip wasfun!!! We are a hour from home. I spent $70 at the casino in 2.5 hours. Not a bad loss. I feel great today. I only drank at the 4 eagle stops and had 4 jello shots on the bus. Some people were drinking hard stuff on the bus - they look pretty rough today. We woke at 8, went for a 30 min swim, showered, ate too much at the buffet and are headed home. Cinnamon Raison bread should be banned from buffets - I had 2 toasted slices!!! Yummy... I'll try to catch up soon.
  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    I'll be playing reading/replying catch up later tonight hopefully. :)

    Wanted to pop in quick to say I'm passing on this week's weigh in... TOM (Hey, not pregnant! *happy dance*)
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Five Guys Burgers = not friendly. I ate half of a cheese veggie burger and now I want to give it back, if you know what I mean. No grease in this tummy for almost six months...that was a little overkill for a first time. ew. I'm cured for sure.

    In other news, Bikram Yoga has been awesome for my body, including my digestive tract. But don't do it in a VERY quiet room when you are bloated and gassy...just sayin'. Think I need to find a new studio. :blushing: