Truth about Soy,Almond Milk



  • Adrenaline_Queen
    Adrenaline_Queen Posts: 626 Member
    Brilliant topic.

    Soya is hard for your body to digest. Coconut water is good, but I know the taste... Not coconut milk, but water! xx Brilliant for you! xx
  • Dayquasar
    Dayquasar Posts: 182 Member
    So I didn't mean to get you all worked up about this, just wondering where you get your information so maybe I might learn the correct theory on this subject? You seem to know alot on several subjects and do alot of posting to better inform people, so maybe if you could point me in the correct direction of maybe a website or book that you support?

    I just think research of legitimate sources and personal responsibility are a good start. Evaluate their testing methods and the sources quoted to see if it's reasonable to believe in something before you pass it on to people who may believe without questioning.

    I have done this, but someone freaked out on me and I didn't mean to start a rant. If you have looked it up it's everywhere not just wiki for petes sake.
  • To the OP, I don't think anyone "freaked out" on you, they disagreed with the mumbo-jumbo-pseudo-science presented in a Wikipedia article that you chose to post. It hurts to have your opinion critiqued but when you post something as definitive as "Truth" you must expect some reaction. You said there are other articles online. I'm sure there are, there are articles online that support pretty much every theory for and against every substance known to man. ANYONE can post ANYTHING on the internet, and when they preface it by saying that the FDA or "big agra" etc. are working in some kind of New World Order conspiracy to hold down people and make them ill, people get titillated by the scandal of it all and believe it, hook line and sinker.
    The fact of the matter is, almost all food has something "gross" or "scary" about it when you dissect it, whether it's a TV dinner with preservatives, or an organic squash raised in decomposed cow manure and bone meal. I worked for years at a restaurant with a fully-functioning organic farm and the year we started a CSA, we had customers legitimately freaking out because they got a head of kale with a spider in it. A spider, in a pesticide-free plant. Go figure.
    It's good to be aware of what you're putting into your body, but don't buy into every scare tactic or you'll probably never eat again.
  • callmeBAM
    callmeBAM Posts: 445 Member
    None of you have proven anything.
  • Dayquasar
    Dayquasar Posts: 182 Member
    Hey guys, wish this post was deleted, I have changed my opinion on soy after further investigating and reading up on it from MD's etc. anyway I still don't like carrageenan. And I apologize for being so blunt with my original post. Just ignore this whole thread and go on with your regular activities and read up on anything your curious about from reliable sources, don't try to learn things from random people on MFP. We are always learning things, and don't get mad at the ignorant, they can't help what they don't know. And that doesn't mean you know it all either. Goodbye!
  • Hey guys, wish this post was deleted, I have changed my opinion on soy after further investigating and reading up on it from MD's etc. anyway I still don't like carrageenan. And I apologize for being so blunt with my original post. Just ignore this whole thread and go on with your regular activities and read up on anything your curious about from reliable sources, don't try to learn things from random people on MFP. We are always learning things, and don't get mad at the ignorant, they can't help what they don't know. And that doesn't mean you know it all either. Goodbye!

    Soy is genetically modified as most of our food and animal feed as well (wheat, soy, corn, etc etc)

    -Autism has increased 20 fold in one generation.,0,1218038.htmlstory

    GMO danger by Dr Mercola

    Soy Infant Formula

    -Infertility is a rising problem by Dr Rosemary Leonard

    Key words, " 'unexplained' fertility" in the article

    -Genetically modified soy linked to sterility, infant mortaliy in hamsters

    Soy is bad.

    Non GMO fermented soy is healthy BUT we live in an estrogen dominant environment.

    Avoid estrogen at all costs!

    -Esposure to Air Pollution in pregnancy may boost chances of of obesity in kids

    You are what you eat.
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    None of you have proven anything.
