AWESOME POSSUMS......10 Wks and 20lbs (CLOSED GROUP)



  • Try not to beat yourself up too much. Life happens and all you can do is take it one day at a time. Today has happened just remember tomorrow is a brand new day =]
  • Twins2007
    Twins2007 Posts: 236 Member
    Absoutely true!

    We are all humans...The important part is stop, think, re-evaluate and Go!

    You guys are ALL doing AMAZING :)

    I cheated this am and weighed myself before Monday...And I have gained a pound :-0...

    Before I let the "I am a fat slob who will never lose the weight again and doomed to be a size 14-16 forever" crazy train get out of hand too much, I stopped, took a deep breath and said to myself: One day at a time..One meal/snack at a time...

    Have a great week-end Ladies :)

    E xo
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    Mon- Check
    Tue - Check
    Wed- Check
    Thur - Check
    Fri - Check


    Mon 26th- 15 Pushups - Check Plus 10 extra!
    Tues 27th- 30 Burpee's - Check... Damn those things are hard, Love em though
    Wed 28th- 40 Squats - Done on Thursday with 40 extra!
    Thur 29th- 20 Pushups - Check plus 10 extra
    Fri 30th- 60 Jumping Jacks -Damn 60? thought is was 30, I did 45... got 15 more to do! Also did 30 sit-ups :bigsmile:
    Sat 1st- 20 Lunges each leg
    Sun 2nd- You choose

    1) Break into the 140's
    2) Run at least 3 days this week- Mon, Wed, Sat
    3) Log EVERY day in my food diary (really slacking on that lately) Mon, Tue, Wed,
  • Did today's challenge and day 17 of 30 DS. Gonna try to go for another run tomorrow.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    Crap! I forgot to do the rest of my jumping jacks! I did 50 sit-ups for my choice today and I did my lunges cause I didn't get them done yesterday. As for my goals... Water is hardly ever an issue for me. I tend to drink tons of water when ever i'm somewhere stable like home or work. If I'm out and about it's a little harder. I need to remember to take water with me more. Logging my food is apparently an issue for me on my days off. I get busy doing other things and don't take the time to log in. I don't think I'm doing too bad on my calories though. I love these extra exercises! My muscles have been sore all week because I'm working different areas than I normally would just from running or whatever I routinely do.

    Mon- Check
    Tue - Check
    Wed- Check
    Thur - Check
    Fri - Check
    Sat- Check
    Sun- Check


    Mon 26th- 15 Pushups - Check Plus 10 extra!
    Tues 27th- 30 Burpee's - Check... Damn those things are hard, Love em though
    Wed 28th- 40 Squats - Done on Thursday with 40 extra!
    Thur 29th- 20 Pushups - Check plus 10 extra
    Fri 30th- 60 Jumping Jacks -Damn 60? thought is was 30, I did 45... got 15 more to do! Also did 30 sit-ups
    Sat 1st- 20 Lunges each leg Done Sunday
    Sun 2nd- You choose- 50 Sit-ups

    1) Break into the 140's- We'll see what the scale says tomorrow:tongue:
    2) Run at least 3 days this week- Mon, Wed, Sat - Wish I woulda done more but goal met:smile:
    3) Log EVERY day in my food diary (really slacking on that lately) Mon, Tue, Wed, - Gonna have to work a little harder on this one:ohwell:
  • Twins2007
    Twins2007 Posts: 236 Member
    Bad week-end...Go one workout in but was at my mother's (which is a trigger for compulsive eating for me) and ate too many sweets and baked goods...

    I MUST remain AWARE every time I put something in my mouth if it is helping me towards my goal...or not.

    DREADING the weigh-ion tomorrow...:(

    E xo

    P.S. GOT PMS?! ;)
  • I didn't do that well with the challenges this week... although I have lost weight. I am so much more motivated to do the challenges for this week!!! I am looking forward to weighing myself in the morning!!!
  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    Well, I worked out most of the week. Ate really good but was horrible about logging... then the weekend came. I threw my sis in law a baby shower and had friends over until really late last night. We had a lot of bad food and lots of drinks. :/ I will not be surprised if I gained weight to be honest. It was a way awesome weekend but I'm annoyed that all that working out through the week may have been for nothing. Tomorrow night I'm going to Cracker Barrel with my girl friends. I want to make good choices but I'm so scared!!! I don't have a plan!! Ahhhhhh!!!!!!
    Thats my rant for the day. haha
  • I got a run in today before the rain =] Did that and 30 DS. For today's challenge i did 10 lunges(each leg), 45 jumping jacks, 15 push ups, and 200 crunches. My roommate is having a hard time adjusting to our move so we went out for pie -_- i know tomorrow's weigh may not be what I want but I know that I did well for at least 80% of this week =]
  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    I just did Ripped in 30. I did week 1 one more time since I didn't get to work out all weekend. I will check back later for today's challenge because I don't see it yet. I thought Ripped was only 20 min but my DVD player says it's 36 min. haha. It really doesn't seem very long at all.
  • Twins2007
    Twins2007 Posts: 236 Member
    Uh Oh...

    Worst than I thought...I gained...4 pounds this week.

    This is making no sense....I have lowered my calories, worked out and drank lots of water...

    Could a week-end be that bad?!

    Anyway...The scaled started plateauing in June and then I became discourage which acted up my compulsive-emotional eating (viscious cycle of weighing and binging) and I just feel out of whack!!

    My goals this week:

    1) Drink 8 glasses of water per day
    2) Respect my calorie limit
    3) Log in my food
    4) step off the elliptical and go to Bikram Yoga 3 times.

    Have a good week everyone!

    E xo
  • Did day 19 of 30 DS and going to the gym after work.

    Weighed in at 222 today(not the same as friday but a loss none the less=])
  • joi1407
    joi1407 Posts: 79
    Hi all,
    I'm very impressed with you sticking with the challenges, well done.
    I've not been well, therefore only did cycling one day last week and otherwise nothing serious and my logging was bad too. on the upside, well sort of, was my weigh in this morning, but i know it's down to me eating very little or not keeping it down... which was not the plan.
    but, feeling much better and looking forward to challenges this week. my personal ones:

    a) one work out a day, cycling or one of jillians dvds or power walking. starting with cycling now!
    b) logging my food properly(and staying within my calorie goals
    c) not getting upset by having a fun Fri OR Sat and going over a little, it's not going to ruin my loss!

    Water is not an issue for me as i drink 1.5-2 liters a day anyway but not logging it.

    Have a good week everyone


    Oh, and for the record, my weight today: 134.5lbs
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    Damn, I'm up .2lbs:sad: 153.8....I guess I'm just gonna have to step it up a little!
  • ta198488
    ta198488 Posts: 20 Member
    My Monday morning weigh in registered 165 lbs. I was so hoping for 164 but it seems food is too available for me over the weekend. Good luck to all of you & we will try harder next time
  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    My weight stayed the same this week. :/ I'm bummed because I worked out so much during the week but I didn't log hardly at all what I ate because I was so busy! No preplanning either sooo that is what I will be working on this week. I am going to step up the working out too by working out twice 3-4 times a week with running in the evenings. Hopefully next week will have some results. I FEEL good though so I'm not too disappointed. :)
  • clarahackworth1999
    clarahackworth1999 Posts: 15 Member
    Well as of this morning myweight is still the same..No change! I didn't do well with my eating over the weekend but I did manage to complete all of the challenges....
  • Stayed the same. Looks like I gotta kick some butt this week
  • Twins2007
    Twins2007 Posts: 236 Member
    Today was a great day for food...

    Monitored my hunger level and planned my day to avoid making bad decisions...

    It was difficult for me not to work out (huh?!) but I need to concentrate on my food right now as i have been consistent with working out and have only managed to lose 7 pounds since June (plateau from hell anyone?)

    Wishing everyone a great night!

    E xo
  • lauehorn
    lauehorn Posts: 183
    Down over a lb this week! Feeling good.