A Question For Single Women Only



  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    so i'm going to jump in on this. No i'm not single, but I am geographically single. So that just means I'm not looking for someone, but I dont have my partner to go out with me.

    So do you ever feel that others judge you when you go out alone? thats what keeps me from going places by myself. all my friends are married (since you know married couples gravitate to other married folks) or are single males and that just brings on a whole other set of feeling like i'm being judged.

    If anyone ever judged me for going out alone, that's their problem, not mine. I couldn't care less what anyone thought. If I want to see a movie none of my friends or family wants to see, I am not going to let what some stranger thinks of me being alone, stop me from going to see it.

    ^^^This exactly^^^

    I'll go out alone to do the things I enjoy doing. Can't depend on anyone for my happiness. :flowerforyou: Rollerblading, walking, gym, shopping, movies (if I really, really want to see it). I've always been that way. I went to see Grease by myself when I was 11... I watched it about 5-6 times that day. : :heart: John Travolta :laugh:
  • alesashamel
    alesashamel Posts: 11 Member
    Most of the time I do go alone (mainly shopping). But I have never gone to the movies or to dinner alone. Maybe I should try it:smile:
  • 39

    I have always gone out alone, whether it be to a bar or while visiting or living in a new city. I love the freedom of doing what I want when I want. I go to movies alone, dinner alone,camping you name it. I have gone out with groups before, and that is ok, but I just like to do my own thing, and not have to wonder/worry if the people I am with are having a good time. I have been this way since I left my childhood home as an "adult"......18 :)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I'm not single (live with someone), but we work opposite schedules, so I'm on my own a lot. And, yes, I do go out alone.

    I'll go to movies, shopping, work out, the park, wherever. I don't tend to eat out alone (I'll get takeout instead) because I feel weird, but I usually go to restaurants with friends, not the SO, anyway.

    I'm 34.

    I'm not much of a bar person, even with other people, but I may start going to watch football on Sundays, since my team doesn't get shown here on regular TV.
  • 28. Yep!
    Movies, bars, shopping, coffee. I've even gone out dancing once. It's not a problem.
  • hanna1210
    hanna1210 Posts: 286 Member
    25 and single

    I go to movies, shop, work out and travel alone (meet with friends at the end destination, though). Working on eating out alone - it's just not something I've had to do a lot. But all that changes when I move next week where I will know very few people, especially my age, about half-way across the country.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    My favorite alone-time thing is to smuggle snacks and a flask into the theater and watch a chick-flick drunk. It's the only way these films go down easily.

    Best idea ever! I love it, must try!

    I'm 23 and I go out alone.

    Not to dinner though, mostly that is because of food allergies...

    I've been to shows alone, I've gone to bars alone (but I won't hang around too long), I live near DC and I'll go to museums by myself all the time. Honestly, most things I'd rather not have other people's schedule to work around.
  • maria1113
    maria1113 Posts: 508 Member
    Do you go out by yourself? (dinner, movies, bars, shopping, coffee, concerts, etc.)
    Are there some places you're willing to go alone to but not others?
    If you're ok with sharing your age or age range, go for it.

    ..............sorry, that was really 2 questions.

    I go alone to all of those places except bars. I rarely go out to bars and when I do, it's always with a friend :) I don't see point of going there alone, since to me it's more like having fun with my friend than hooking up with anyone.
    I'm 27 :)

    ETA: Oh yeah, it's so much more easier to travel alone, seriously. Love it! :)
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    I like to go out and pretend I am on a date. I'll buy 2 coffees, 2 dinners, 2 desserts. Then I'll take bites gradually from each of them.

    Of course, the conversation has to be good. So I'll talk and pretend I am replying.

    If "she" is funny, I may take her home, and I may get lucky!

  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    My favorite alone-time thing is to smuggle snacks and a flask into the theater and watch a chick-flick drunk. It's the only way these films go down easily.

    Best idea ever! I love it, must try!

    Yeah, sometimes you've just gotta cut loose. Sometimes I'll wander into another film afterward...if I need to sober up. LOL
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,850 Member

    i do this... especially when i want to see a live band. when music is involved i like to be uninterrupted or go with someone who is likeminded. which is rare, and often boring. so alone it is! :)

    actually now that i think of it, there are many times i'd rather go alone than with others?
  • morganhccstudent724
    morganhccstudent724 Posts: 1,261 Member

    Movies: No...or at least I never have been
    Dinner: Yes
    Shopping: Yes
    Museums: Yes

    I'm open to anything...so if I really want to do it then yes...I will do it alone.
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    I'm not single but my husband works 7 days a week and if i were to wait for him to do anything i'd be miserable. :) I love going to the movies alone, bar not so much. I don't mind waiting for awhile at a bar alone. shopping i love doing alone. Dinner i don't mind doing alone although i usually am not alone becuase I'm on all of my "social networks" while eating by myself. Love you guys!
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    Yeps, I've done most things alone. Spent 2 months in the Caribbean on my own. Went to beaches, restauarant's, disco's and bars alone. Mostly you find people to talk to if you want company. Or sometimes its just nice to sit and reflect :)

    At home in London, I prefer shopping alone. I would go to a cafe on my own, for lunch or a coffee, but not a restaurant in the evening as that is more of a social thing for me. And I wouldnt go drinking alone, as I enjoy the social aspect of pubs and would feel kinda sad on a friday night if I had to drink alone. But I have a lovely circle of friends, so there's always someone around to drink with. And most of them are married/coupled which has never been an issue.

    I think if you want to do something, then do it. Life is too short to hold back on :bigsmile:
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    I'm not single but my husband works 7 days a week and if i were to wait for him to do anything i'd be miserable. :) I love going to the movies alone, bar not so much. I don't mind waiting for awhile at a bar alone. shopping i love doing alone. Dinner i don't mind doing alone although i usually am not alone becuase I'm on all of my "social networks" while eating by myself. Love you guys!

    I know, I know. It's for singles only. But for as much as I see my husband, I might as well be single. Im 44yo and when Im not with the kids, Im out and on my own. I love to shop by myself. I love driving anywhere by myself. I love running and working out by myself. I dont go to the movies or a restaurant by myself because I'd rather make dinner and watch a movie on the boob tube... not as expensive either. Usually it's a matter of having someone watch the kids as opposed to me not wanting to do something by myself. With 5 kids, being alone is a luxury.
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,046 Member
    Sometimes I like hitting the bar SOLO! Its fun! and you dont have toworry about your friends etc ...............its all about you!
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,046 Member
    Yes I know its for women only....BUT I like the questions! Hell yeah I go out to bars SOLO every now and then! You can really relax and be yourself with no worries. I have found that youre more approachable that way. People arent intimidated because youre with this huge group of friends etc.....

    This one time....................
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Yeah, I was mostly being exclusive to the single guys. It's socially implied that you don't mind going out alone. In other words, it would be more surprising if men said they *didn't* go out alone.

    I trusted the women to now they could respond with past experiences or current but applicable ones. They did not fail. :)