Feeling Frustrated!!



  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I will admit the last day or so have not been so healthily, but I was trying to eat more calories on my busy schedule.

    After looking at your food diary I can understand why you aren't losing weight. You are not eating foods that fuel your body correctly. You are eating a lot of processed foods and it appears that you are usually eating fast foods.

    Switch to lots of veggies and fruits, lean meats and whole grains. Cut out the Moolattes, the pizza and the other junk. You are ingesting a ton of sodium and not much nutrition.

    Read Tosca Reno's books on the Eat Clean Diet or look into something by Gillian McKeith...those will scare you into eating right. With all the fast food you eat, read, or rent the movie, Supersize Me and see what that does to you.

    Best of luck

    Even going back over a week ago I hardly see any fruits or veggies and the sodium levels are way over what you should be consuming. You are best to do some research on your own as to what sort of things you should be eating. Or talk to your family doctor or a nutritionist.
  • blueeyedangelar
    blueeyedangelar Posts: 119 Member
    Thanks for the info.... Will do!
    I will admit the last day or so have not been so healthily, but I was trying to eat more calories on my busy schedule.

    After looking at your food diary I can understand why you aren't losing weight. You are not eating foods that fuel your body correctly. You are eating a lot of processed foods and it appears that you are usually eating fast foods.

    Switch to lots of veggies and fruits, lean meats and whole grains. Cut out the Moolattes, the pizza and the other junk. You are ingesting a ton of sodium and not much nutrition.

    Read Tosca Reno's books on the Eat Clean Diet or look into something by Gillian McKeith...those will scare you into eating right. With all the fast food you eat, read, or rent the movie, Supersize Me and see what that does to you.

    Best of luck

    You can eat more calories such as Turkey, Tuna, Roast Beef etc but with the added benefit of protein and fuel your body works harder at breaking down.
  • channa007
    channa007 Posts: 419 Member
    my goal is 1400...I earned over 1200 in exercise yesterday....so I was trying to use them...LOL look at my others days as while and let me know what you think.....be honest I love it!
    I looked over your diary briefly. What I've noticed is lots of junk type food and also perhaps your daily calorie goal is too high. I'd try dropping it down to 1500 or so daily as well as get more protein in your diet as well as eat healthier foods. If you're doing insanity, then you can eat back your work-out calories. Just my opinion.

    My bad didn't notice that right away. I went back a little further and your days look much better. I'd still up your protein and try cutting back a little on the carbs. It looks like you're hovering around 70g. On the go I love the Teriyaki Turkey Burger at Carl's Jr. if you have one around you. Pretty filling as well as low cal. Whey protein would also be great.
  • blueeyedangelar
    blueeyedangelar Posts: 119 Member
    Thanks,.....I think I am going to try to get more calories from my protein shakes.
    and I really need to start packing my lunch again.....I work in a small town and there isnt much to choice from so I usually eat at Subway or Quiznos.....sodium is high but healthier then other places.....I need to stop that.!

    my goal is 1400...I earned over 1200 in exercise yesterday....so I was trying to use them...LOL look at my others days as while and let me know what you think.....be honest I love it!
    I looked over your diary briefly. What I've noticed is lots of junk type food and also perhaps your daily calorie goal is too high. I'd try dropping it down to 1500 or so daily as well as get more protein in your diet as well as eat healthier foods. If you're doing insanity, then you can eat back your work-out calories. Just my opinion.

    My bad didn't notice that right away. I went back a little further and your days look much better. I'd still up your protein and try cutting back a little on the carbs. It looks like you're hovering around 70g. On the go I love the Teriyaki Turkey Burger at Carl's Jr. if you have one around you. Pretty filling as well as low cal. Whey protein would also be great.
  • blueeyedangelar
    blueeyedangelar Posts: 119 Member
    Thanks for all the replies and ideas.....I love it I need to hear what I am doing wrong..........bring it!
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    How do you set that up in your dairy? if it is possible to do that.......LOL
    I will try making myself a protein shake in the morning and after my workout.
    What always gets me going is increasing my protein and decreasing my carbs! I eat 40% prtn 30 carb 30 fat. and my carbs only come from good sources (no bread) :sad: (like fruit, brown rice, potatoes)

    I sent you a message about it!
  • blueeyedangelar
    blueeyedangelar Posts: 119 Member
    Does 120 a day for protein sound right? I might need some idea on how to get that much.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    meat, nuts, protein shakes, eggs, beans....