Eating healthy makes me not wanna do fun things :/



  • takehimaway
    takehimaway Posts: 499 Member
    I won't lie; the first time I ever tried deep fried Oreos.. I ate nine of them. -blushes- They were delicious. I feel the same way. I want to go out with friends, and I enjoy good food, so.. Why not go eat? I'm addicted to french fries, cheese, and gravy, so maybe.. I should try eating something else. I just don't know anything else that tastes so good.
  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    1. Eat before you go
    2. Take some fruit/snacks with you
    3. Allow yourself one calculated treat that will last a while (buy an ice lolly or something)
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Nothing to contribute sorry as all of my answers have been said.

    But deep fried oreos!!! Wow. Is this an "only in america" thing?:tongue: I'm keen haha
  • alleyag
    alleyag Posts: 142
    Nothing to contribute sorry as all of my answers have been said.

    But deep fried oreos!!! Wow. Is this an "only in america" thing?:tongue: I'm keen haha

    Chris they deep fry everything here. You take anything you want wrap it in pizza dough and deep fry in oil. Cover it wig powdered sugar and you have yourself a heart attack on a plate. Freakin delicous. I've eaten 20 in one sitting along with a deep fried reese's big cup. Mmmmmmmm sooooo good.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Wow. I am speechless. I'd still give it a try though. Probably not 20 though :tongue:
  • A cheat day won't hurt. As long as it's just ONE day. PLUS, you are walking throughout the fair. :D
  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    Whenever I go to the LA or Del Mar County fair, I always just go to the falafel stand.
    Just bring a limited amount of money with you (cash, versus a card) so you will only buy what you need and be done with it.

    LOVE this idea! If you only have enough cash to buy one treat, then you can only buy one treat! Work that into your daily plan, account for the calories you'll burn walking around all day, and get your buddies on board with your weight loss plan. Make sure that they're people who will support you in your efforts and not try to coax you into eating things that you'll regret later. Oh and finally, drink lots of water and don't go there hungry! Good luck, I hope you're able to go and enjoy yourself. I know exactly how you feel :(
  • Kimblesnbits
    Kimblesnbits Posts: 321 Member
    Thanks for all your replies! Im pretty proud of myself only managed to have 2 and a half fried oreos and a couple bites of a fried snickers lol. On top of that just a half of a small bbq pork sandwich, and 1 beer! yey :)