
  • oh I forgot a real life compliment from my hubby
    sorry its tmi :embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed:
    Having a serious heart to heart last night about life and marriage and babies and he compliment me saying that since I've lost all this weight our uhm, baby making time', has improved a lot :embarassed:

    Rawr! That is about the most awesome compliment one can receive from their spouse or spouse equivalent! I am actually so looking forward to "skinny sex". So many more....options. :wink:
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    inkredibleshrinkingwoman- I love it!!!

    So, I know I said I wasn't going to run the stairs today but this afternoon htere was nobody in the break room so I decided to do it anyway. I think it actually loosened up my calf muscles a litttle. Also, I used our postal scale and weighed out some reams of paper and used them to "lift weights" today while wiaiting for a whole bunch of stuff at the copy machine. LOL it is amazing how much paper reams of paper weigh when you stack a few together.
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    Julie, I don't know you as well as some of the others, but you have a quiet strength about you. I can tell when you post new picks that your self-confidence has grown exponentially, and that makes me smile.

    Thank you for the lovely compliment. Since I had started my journey, I have discovered how strong I am and all that I can accomplish. Not just strength but in personal life. I am very uncomfortable when I meet a new person or having to go to a place where I never been before. So much I would avoid it at all costs, if I could. But since I lost this weight, I am less nervous.

    RL compliment for me:
    Today I went to the place where I used to work before I became a stay at home mom. I saw a co-worker that haven't seen me in a few months. When I walked up to the counter, she asked if she could help me, then she paused, eyes bugged out, shakes her head and "OMG, Julie!!! I didn't even recognize you. You look wonderful. How good does it feel to be thinner?" :laugh: I said it feels great.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Okay I finally got a chance to take advantage of one of the bonus activities and did 32 minutes of curves and then came home and played just dance for 23 minutes. So I get to double them for today. Yay!!

    I also have a compliment for myself. I like that in order to meet my goals and our teams goals for this month I found a way to use weights(reams of paper) to fit in some lifting at work. It shows me that I am determined to meet my goal no matter what. I am really proud of that.
  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    - Thank you for the lovely compliment. I learned a long time ago either people love me for who I am or they don't but I'm not going to hide anymore. Whether that pertained to my size oompaloompa *kitten*, or my crazy bugbear ideas ;) Didn't make any difference to me. And it was my pleasure to do the spreadsheet for JJ with Becky's Help ;)

    So CrazyStaci you reminded me that I have weights. And that I can do the situps with the weights and now that JJ has authorized it, I can add those in as weight training. ;)That'll make life easier. Thanks :D Try not to implode this week, okay? I worry about you.

    -- Thank you, and you're welcome I'll log it, but you should log one from me too ;) Because the feeling is mutual. ;)

    So todays RL compliments.
    I went down to drop off my 5, 39 gallon bags of clothes. (which btw, I was impressed I could pick up easily with two hands and load into the car, even though they probably weighed 75 lbs each). And got to the center and rang the bell and said "HI I have some items to drop off for the shop!" And she saw the 5 bags and was like OH GEEZ! What is all this from? I said it's my closet. She said Why? I said well when you lose 140 lbs kinda nothing fits. She was so happy she looked like she just wanted to bear hug me. She couldn't stop jabbering the rest of the day saying how great it was and to keep going. Wrote me a nice receipt, thanked me for being organized as I'd labeled everything as to what was in the bag, and wrote up a sheet where they could get information on the sizes of the clothes in the bags (the mfg/store names & websites). She said people come in all the time looking for large size clothing and they rarely have it, so she was very happy. I told her well, next time it'll be a little smaller large size ;) She said 'That's just fine too!!!" :)

    The second compliment is for myself. I am proud of all the errands I did today without a wheeze a puff or a need for a break. At pace, without the damn boot on. Not only that I didn't even think "oh I need to slow down" or "I should be careful" I just went. I was running through Home Depot practically and I could tell people were watching, I don't know why, it's just that second sense you get that heads turn to stare. Maybe that's fat person second sight. Anyway I just went about my business and then checked out and left, I even parked at the opposite end of the store from checkout so I'd have to walk back to the car. Something I never do.

    MY last one is. I think I have already worn out my new running shoes I just bought in July. I'm a little freaked out by this, but parts of the rubber are peeling off already. That's a little freaky to me. Seriously. Freaky.

    I'll do my best with the challenges. :) I hate la agua tho ;) 14 is just about impossible.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Good Morning Lovelies!
    Well yesterday I got in some strength training and then was sitting around board of marking and realised it was 6-9 dancing time! I'm so glad my brother and sister in law gave me just dance. It sure makes me sweat :love: I am really hoping to make it to zumba today but am waiting for my groceries to be delivered. If they get here in time I am all dressed and ready to run out the door to make the class. If it doesn't happen, today might be day off with some wii dancing later and if I can find hubby's hand weights I can finally start 30DS.
    Drink up, its thirsty thursday - its 11 o'clock here and I've had 5 cups already...and on that note....loo here I come!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Carla - inkredibleshrinkingwoman- I like your new screen name. You are doing so great! Don't you just love those compliments from people you haven't seen in a while?! It's a real motivator. Don't stress about the chips - just remember how they made you feel after. You will think twice the next time for sure. Thanks for the compliment., I really do enjoy being active with my kids. It's the person I was when I got married and it makes me sad to think my kids are just getting to know the real me. But - better late than never. I think it's improved my relationship with my husband too & I love for the kids to see this. As teenagers they are at that age where they need to see how healthy our relationship is.

    Staci - way to run those stairs. I should take 5 minutes everyday and do this too. You're inspiring me - I'm thinking about it -- OK - I'm heading over to the stairs now. BRB
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Ack, zumba ended up being 60 minutes this morning instead of 45...which was great for the burn and the feet up the mountain, but mother of god, I thought I was going to die!!!!

    Housework getting done, marking successfully being avoided and hoping to find something around here I can lift to get us some feet that way too. :bigsmile:
  • Its our LAST THIRSTY THURSDAY of the challenge people! This is our chance to make up lots of feet and summit this mountain! Lets GO!

    Remember to drink up, and every glass is worth DOUBLE today when you log it!

    Bottoms up!


    Down the HATCH!
  • Here is a challenge, within a challenge, within a challenge....

    Have you given at least one compliment to every single person participating in the challenge? There is something to be admired in all of us, we are all making changes to improve our health and lives! Everyone here has shown amazing commitment, willingness to try new things, and really stretched themselves this month. These are compliments to be given climbers! If we all took 20 minutes to write out a compliment to everyone here, and then we all went back and acknowledged those compliments, we would be done with that mountain or close to it.

    So....are you in?
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    :wink: Found a brick in the house to get some reps in -trying to be creative as its meant to be my off-weights day
  • My challenge compliment thread...

    Becky, I adore you. You give so much to everyone, your advice, your encouragement and really, I have no doubt, the shirt right off your back if needed. You are an incredibly generous person.

    Bobbie, you make me laugh. You wit and sass on the boards always makes for fun reading. I am glad to be "cool" enough to be your friend.

    Bonnie, you have a quiet strength and willingness to keep trying that is inspiring to me. You are willing to try, and if it doesn't work to try something else. I love that!

    Cyn, you are seriously awesome. I love that you don't ever just stick a toe in to see if the water is ok. You just cannonball right into the deep end. You don't just go buy a bike, you buy a bike then get it tricked out in every imaginable way.

    Greg, you are so steady. Nothing seems to phase you. You roll with our "girl talk" and offer an opinion when asked. Rock on, dude.

    Jane, I just love to read about your day. You have such a consistently sunny perspective. You are making such changes in yourself and it is just awesome to read about.

    Julie, I don't know you as well as some of the other, but I love your boot-kicking attitude and not just because the boots are hot!

    Lane, I can see that you have struggled with this challenge, and yet you keep on logging what you can. I love that commitment and perseverance.

    Lexie, you also have really stuggled this month and not just with the challenge. And yet you keep logging what you can and I love that.

    ReNae, you are so kind. I can't think of a single time you have had anything but a nice word for anyone, including yourself. Thank you for that!

    Staci, you are my hero! Lifting reams of paper and thinking of weights on while you climb the stairs or do situps to count them towards our strength mountain. Brilliant and dedicated! LOVE IT!

    Steph, you are brilliant. I love that you thought to do Just Dance during the 6pm-9pm time so you could get double points, even though you are off school and it probably would have been easier to do during the day. Thanks for thinking of the group sweetie!

    Brisa, I really appreciate that you have tried so hard to fit this challenge in amongst your school and family life. I know it has been hard and you have struggled to keep up and I just wanted you to know that I noticed and thank you for it.

    Carla, you have done such a great job with complimenting others! So I am going to compliment you on it! You have made sure to give them out liberally and I really appreciate it!

    Pam, you are a water drinking MACHINE baby! Thanks for helping rack up the feet on that mountain! Great job!

    Eileen, you are so strong it just amazes me. You have faced down your demons and not let them turn you bitter or mean. You are funny, sunny and cheerful and I love it. I would however, like to see you log some dancing points before the end of this challenge. You have earned yourself some boogeying time with the hubby. Go get your groove on girlfriend!

    Tina, I love that you changed your name from one that made you depressed to one that inspired you. Way to take control of you life and destiny, lady! InKredible is right!

    Jackie, I love that you are willing to dabble in a few of the different mountains even though they might be really new to you. That was what this challenge was all about and I love that you took advantage of it!

    Linda, its been a rough month and I love that you stayed with us through it. I hope you are finding your mojo again and hope to see you posting more. The more I participate in our conversations the more committed I am to this. So start chatting!

    Same with you Amy! Lets hear from you! And wow, are you able to drink down the water! 26 glasses in a day? A-maze-ing!!!!!

    Andi it looks like you also have tried just about everything once. Love it! Thanks for giving them all a shot!

    And one for me....

    Today I got up on a ladder and put some boxes up high for storage. I usually wait until my daughter is here to do that, but today I had mom hold the ladder and did it myself. I felt so strong and capable to be able to do that. Woot!
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    I can compliment too.

    Bobbie- I love that your sense of humor has come out in your posts. I love that eventhough there may be struggles you are ready to make us laugh.

    Carla- I am impresed by you exercise. I noticed on the spreadsheet that you are doing more than a little of each activity. Bravo.

    JJ- I love you dedication to the challenge. It is a big one with lots of bits and pieces and you managed to put it all together and give us a reason to explore new exercises.

    Cynthia- I love your This is me like or not I don't give a feck attitude. I love that you are the first to stand up for someone when they are getting down on themself and the first to give a little chewing out if they need it.

    Jane- I think of you as the little ray of sunshine. I love your sunshine-y attitude.

    Julie- when I start to doubt myself I read some of your posts and think that youare the little voice in my ear saying yes you can.

    Tina- I love how your confidence has grown during this challenge so much so that it warranted a name change.

    Becky- I know this might sound kind of weird or strange but I just want you to know that you matter to me. I have often just checked in to see if you have posted yet and how you are doing. You are growing and it shows. You will make it girl.

    Greg- I love your attitude and you willingness to adapt. Your knee started hurting so you started in with the pool. Loves me a man in the pool.

    Lexie- I love you determination to not let life sidetrack you. When things get a little crazy I can always see that you have scheduled time for you. (I think I needed to do a bit more of that this week)

    ReNae- I love the cheerleader in you. The way you always say Way to go! I knew you could do it.

    Steph- I call you the little bounce-y ball. You don't let a bad day or anything stop you, you just say Well, that didn't work lets see what does. Yo are able to bounce back and get right back on your program.

    Eileen- I admire your inner strength/determination. I like that yo are committed to do better and be healthier for you.

    Bonnie, Lane, Brisa, Jackie, Linda and everyone else I didn't forget you but I am at work and actually have to work now. But I will be back.
  • I can compliment too.

    JJ- I love you dedication to the challenge. It is a big one with lots of bits and pieces and you managed to put it all together and give us a reason to explore new exercises.

    Thank you for complimenting so many Staci! You did a great job and I appreciate your willingness to jump in and get us a little higher up that mountain! (And yes, that is another compliment!)

    I have been dedicated to this challenge as I knew we could do this. It is a very big one and it had a lot of pieces and I am still sure we can get to the top of all those mountains with a little effort and determination. Thanks Staci!

    ETA: I got a bunch of real life compliments this evening at Knit Night. I was sitting down knitting when a lot of the ladies arrived. I got up towards the end of the night to ring someone up and they all started talking about how my jeans were baggy and that they thought this was the second set of jeans to get baggy. It was funny and sweet and really nice to know that they are keeping track of my jeans and how I am doing.
  • If you haven't posted your numbers in a while, please try to get them updated really soon. It is hard to tell where we are and where we need to concentrate our group efforts without all the data. Thanks so much!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    JJ - thank you. This challenge has given me an excuse to drag out the wii a lot more and I am hoping to keep it up once I got back to school on Monday. Will definately be doing some today as its a great distraction from the marking that I have been avoiding all week!

    Staci - thank you, that description means so much to me. In the past I was a professional quitter so its nice to have it acknowledged that I am no longer that person!!

    And now:

    Bobbie - you have racked up some serious strength feet this month that is so impressive! But I don't think your strength is just physical. You are a strong woman with a great attitude and I'm glad to have gotten to know you.

    Carla - I tip my hat to anyone who goes on vacation and contributes to a challenge still! You should be proud of how you have changed your life. Well done!

    JJ - I luvs ya, ya know that and I love what you have done with this challenge. You have pushed us, and encouraged us, utching all the way. I'm thankful you were creative enough to come with an idea to push outside of our comfort zones. You are an inspiring woman.

    Cynthia - I luvs ya too. You are a witty, sarcastic woman (right up my alley) who says it like it is but is also fiercly loyal at the same time. I always look forward to what you have to say and it always leaves me witha smile on my face!

    Jane - You just plug along woman, sure and steady. You are making great progress. I love reading your status updates (its nice having someone in the same time zone!) as you are always positive and upbeat, a ray of sunshine in dreary old England :)

    Julie - I confess, I'm competative by nature and you keep me driving forward. We have passed milestones together and your success drives me to keep up with you, you high-heeled machine you :bigsmile:

    Tina - I love the name change and that you are able to now take a much more positive spin on life. Changing our attitudes is one of the biggest keys to success so well done you!

    Becky - you know I loves you and I know you will be back with us when you are in that place again. That said, you are my bouncy ball, you bounce back no matter what life throws at you and you let us all in on your journey. You are honest, kind and sincere.

    Greg - Mr Canuck,what can I say. You are the male cheerleader is this pyramid! I love the comments you leave. You always manage to make me feel good about myself. You are plugging away and not letting your knee be an excuse. You da man!!

    Lexie - y a know I loves ya :o) I love that you have acknowledged the need to make time for yourself and schedule it in. Putting it out there in order to make yourself accountable is truly admirable. Keep it up lovely lady!

    Renae - you represent where I want to get to. An active woman who balances work, family and a healthy lifestyle. Thank you for being that role model.

    Staci - You are an energizer bunny - you just keep going and going and going!

    Eileen - quiet strength, grit and determination are the words that come to mind when I think of you and I hope that if I was ever faced with the challenges you have faced, I could be like you.

    Bonnie - you are a quiet member of our group but you can always be counted on for your sincerity. I feel with every post you make that you are growing in confidence. And you post some most impressive cycling numbers you bike stitch witch you!

    Lane - you never give up and I love that. You have faced challenges of being injured, balancing work and family but you never give up!

    Brisa - You are so positive and sunny. With that disposition, i know you be a success at whatever you try your hand at!

    Pam - Another quiet member but always so sincere. You are a quiet strong force.

    Amy - Your numbers on the spreadsheet are so consistent! Well done at being that dedicated!

    If I missed you sorry!!!

    RL compliment: Saw an old friend yesterday who said I looked great (just said thank you) and that my posts on facebook about the gym inspire her to get out and be active. I like being that inspiration.

    About me: My bum has shrunk...considerably! I never thought I would say this but it looked rather cute and tiny in my gym bottoms yesterday!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Bobbie, you make me laugh. You wit and sass on the boards always makes for fun reading. I am glad to be "cool" enough to be your friend.

    Thanks, JJ. If I don't keep humor in my life, I will probably shoot myself. I am probably the least patient person in the world, except in the classroom. So, I have a hard time behaving myself on the boards with ignorant adults...lol Glad I can keep you amused :laugh:
    Bobbie- I love that your sense of humor has come out in your posts. I love that eventhough there may be struggles you are ready to make us laugh.

    Thanks Staci. Like I told JJ, I have to laugh. There is too much to bring us down in this world, that if we can't make a reason to laugh, we're all but sunk.
    Bobbie - you have racked up some serious strength feet this month that is so impressive! But I don't think your strength is just physical. You are a strong woman with a great attitude and I'm glad to have gotten to know you.

    Thanks Steph. I do feel like I'm getting stronger, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Finally realizing that I have the greatest say in what my body does has helped me gain perspective on many other aspects of my life. It's helped me prioritize and figure out what I really want and to let go of the things I had put over my own head that maybe aren't that important.

    I'll have to come back later to do some complimenting of my own, since I'm supposed to be working :wink:
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 717 Member
    bump....and will be back later!

  • ok, just had to scroll back so many pages! sorry girls been insanely busy with school/halloween soires etc,

    accepting of some very lovely compliments forgive me for not knowing names, i should by now eh?:

    bobbie wrote:
    nfat, you are becoming a swimming machine! I watch your times go up and up and up and think, wow, I need to get in the pool! Know that you are a motivation to me.
    thanks very much, that's nice of you to say, dont think i've ever had anyone say i've motivated them!
    and thank u so much for helping me change my new name, i have to say, i feel better about posting at all with this name

    StaciO wrote:
    Tina, I want to compliment you on your bravery for telling your husband your weight.
    thanks! now i can't stop telling him what i'm weighing at every turn :)
    AND she also wrote:
    Tina- I love how your confidence has grown during this challenge so much so that it warranted a name change.
    thank you!

    erh2000plus Wrote:
    Tina - I love that you have grown out of your "nfat" and that you are being honest with yourself and your hubbie!
    thanks so much!

    steph wrote:

    Tina - I'm proud of you for letting your husband in the way you did with your weight loss. It must feel wonderful to own that moment and know that you are not going back there again and that you are doing so with his love and support. What a strong woman you are.
    aw shucks thank you...strength growing

    AND she wrote:
    Tina - I love the name change and that you are able to now take a much more positive spin on life. Changing our attitudes is one of the biggest keys to success so well done you!
    totally agree and thank you, you are truly inspiring!

    carhicks wrote:
    Tina (nfat) - Thanks for sharing the tip about the gum and parties. I want to compliment you on eating healthy and still enjoying yourself at a party. I am still having trouble with that one and hope to try the gum trick next time.
    thanks you...yeah, parties can't be about the food for me any more, and another thing i consider is, it's not forever, it's for another year, and in a year, WHEN i'm at my goal weight finally for the first time in 41(42 by then) years, i can save calories for special treats....it's just another year i can do that standing on my head

    JJ wrote:
    Tina, I love that you changed your name from one that made you depressed to one that inspired you. Way to take control of you life and destiny, lady! InKredible is right!
    thank you! and thank YOU for inviting me into this challenge - who knew a group of strangers could motivate me to move more, drink more water(i'm trying) and stay on track more than people i know in real life

    now for some RL compliments:

    remember the backhanded "belly is bigger than your boobs" compliment i got at the party last week? well the same woman - who truly thinks she's giving me a compliment says at a coffee morning this week:

    "wow, you can really see the difference in your arms...before they used to be here (and she puffed hers out) and now they hang down straight!" - seriously people, friends like this, who needs compliments? i just smiled and nodded and wished for it to be over

    another one:
    my snooty-mc-yummy-mummy neighbour saw me today in a shirt that wasn't black, ORANGE! wearing it for halloween - and because i'm back in it - and she says - "have you lost weight?" i say yeah, 65 lbs - she says "holy Sh&t! you look great, and you should stop wearing your baggy clothes i had no idea!"
  • Our last challenge weekend!

    First off...please make sure your entries are up-to-date in the spreadsheet. It is really hard to tell where we are with missing data, so please do your teammates a favor and add in your numbers.

    Next...here is where we are:

    Water: We are 842 glasses of water away from the summit. That is 281 glasses of water that need to be drunk per day over the next three days.

    Dancing: 15,76 minutes of dancing/zumba/aerobics/wii that need to be done in the next 3 days.

    Compliments: 9739 feet to go. This equals out to EVERYONE giving out 17 compliments per day from now until the end of the month. Or giving out 10 compliments per day and acknowledging 2 of your own. This seems huge, but can be done with everyone's help.

    Strength: 5324 feet to the top. 100 feet per day from each person would get us here.

    Biking: 1964 feet to the summit or 123 miles.

    So here is the weekend challenge (it starts NOW and goes until midnight on Sunday!)

    Water, if you drink 10 or more cups of water in a day, it doubles it. So if you drink 9 glasses of water you log 9. If you drink 10 glasses of water, you log 20! 11 cups = 22. 12 cups = 24. So drink up!

    Dancing, this is the biggie for getting it done. I am going to double it for the weekend again, any song you want. So if you dance alone, every minute counts for 2 feet. If you dance with someone or during our group dance time of 6pm-9pm in whatever time zone you happen to be in, it counts for 4 feet. We REALLY need people to contribute to this one. Every minute counts! Dance a little while you are making dinner tonight. Or tomorrow morning while you are waiting for the shower to warm up....or very carefully while you are in the shower. Or while you wait for your toast in the morning. Just dance a few minutes...pretty please?

    Compliments, we ARE going to make it to the top of this mountain. No ifs, ands or buts about it people. I refuse to believe we are not generous enough in spirit to do this. I have already removed all limits on this. I am also going to add another incentive. This one is going to work like the water. If you give out 5 or more compliments in a day, in doubles all your compliments. So if you give out 4 compliments and accept 1 you log 60 feet up that mountain. But if you give out 5 compliments and accept 1, you log 140 feet up the mountain! This INCLUDES compliments that you give to yourself. No excuses people. None will be accepted for this. There is NO REASON we cannot find the time, love and admiration for ourselves and each other to do this.

    Strength, we have a paltry 5324 feet to go up this mountain. I am going to give us a little push and if you do 50 feet or more for this mountain, it will double it also. 100 reps with a 10# weight. That is 20 per leg, 20 per arm, and 20 sit ups holding the weight.

    Biking, I know this was a big mountain. I am going to offer double for any biking you do alone, and quadruple for any biking you do with someone else, any kind of biking...road, spin class, recumbent, stationary. If you are at the gym and there is someone else on the bikes at the same time as you....you are biking with someone, even if you don't know their name.

    Lets get 'er done climbers! We are within summitting range of all of these mountains with some effort. I really want to get to the top of all of them and I believe it is possible if people are willing to commit and do the work to get there.

    I would like to recognize a few people that have done outstanding jobs....our current climbers that are breaking trail for the rest of us and leading the pack:

    Water-Amy has drunk 572 glasses of water this month. Right behind her is Julie with 549 glasses of water. Wonder how many potty breaks this has translated to over the month? :laugh:
    Walking/Running/Swimming-Jane has logged 3034 feet or 95 miles this month. Close on her heels is Cynthia is 2051 or 64 miles. :smile:
    Exercises-Tina has done 4846 exercises this month. Staci is cloing in on her lead with 3283 exercises this month. :love:
    Dancing-Zena with 1430 minutes. Staci is also getting closer but has a lot of boogeying to go to take the lead on this one with 826 exercises. :drinker:
    Compliments-Bobbie with 1150 feet up this mountain. So close she can almost taste the lead is Cynthia with 1060 feet. :bigsmile:
    Strength-Jane with 5484 feet towards this summit. Cynthia is a long way back with 1882 feet up this mountain, but could still take the lead with a few afternoons at the gym! :happy:
    Biking-Jane with 2294 feet or 144 miles towards the top of this mountain. And very close behind her is Becky with 1852 feet or 115 miles. :flowerforyou:

    ETA: I am counting all of that as compliments for you ladies! So acknowledge and accept them please! :bigsmile: