My Sofia



  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Oh ok. I wondered by some of the posters were so confused. Thanks.
  • Gypsy_MerMom
    Gypsy_MerMom Posts: 88 Member
    I don't get it.

    Realy? Why bother posting on post if you have nothing POSITIVE to say?!

    because i don't get it and hoping that there is more of an explanation. In my opinion it sounded like the rantings of a crazy woman who would steal a strangers baby to keep as their own. Once again that is strictly my opinion.

    WOW Lady you don't even know me if it sounds that way to you why even post get a life please I'm 21 I'm not stealing any babies from anyone geez seems like someone didn't get enough hugs as a child I'm done with you and your arrogant "opinions". Do you not have anything better to do then write replies about someone you don't even know about sorry you don't have the kind of love like I do for my UNBORN NOT EVEN GONNA BE HERE ANYTIME SOON daughter ps please don't bother writing anything you're just making your look bad
  • Gypsy_MerMom
    Gypsy_MerMom Posts: 88 Member
    (For my future not born yet daughter for those who don't get it) Everything I do is for my Sofia I'm 21 and I don't have my daughter yet nor do I even have a boyfriend/husband but I love my daughter so much already she's my world it might be awhile till I get to have her or even see her but I love her so much and everything I do I'm doing for her me getting healthy is for myself yes but mostly for her so I can have her soon I'm working hard on my education and trying to finish soon so I can start working and have her and be able to give her the world. I love you my Sofia. Nothing would make me happier then starting a family and having my Sofia but I also know I must wait for a guy that wants her just as much as I do and I will because she deserves a father that loves her and thinks the world of her and will be his princess. I have so much love her that it overwhelms and I can't help but cry a little because she makes me so happy and I can't wait till the day she's with me and I can watch her grow up. I love you mi corazon (sorry people I just listing to Michael Bublé - Daddy's Little Girl and this song always make me think of the love I have for her <3 ) thanks for letting me rant :)

    Awww, that is so sweet! Little Sofia is going to be such a fortunate little girl when she finally comes along. :flowerforyou:

    Thank you so much at least some people still have manners in this world :smile:
  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    I don't get it.

    Realy? Why bother posting on post if you have nothing POSITIVE to say?!

    because i don't get it and hoping that there is more of an explanation. In my opinion it sounded like the rantings of a crazy woman who would steal a strangers baby to keep as their own. Once again that is strictly my opinion.

    WOW Lady you don't even know me if it sounds that way to you why even post get a life please I'm 21 I'm not stealing any babies from anyone geez seems like someone didn't get enough hugs as a child I'm done with you and your arrogant "opinions". Do you not have anything better to do then write replies about someone you don't even know about sorry you don't have the kind of love like I do for my UNBORN NOT EVEN GONNA BE HERE ANYTIME SOON daughter ps please don't bother writing anything you're just making your look bad

    I will reply because if u had read what I posted I said it was just my opinion which everyone has a right to. I was very much loved as a child and even as an adult. I am at one of the happiest times of my life. I thought your post was a joke when I first read it and I didn't get it. Sorry if that offends you but not every person that reads a post will understand it and will say as much hoping for more of an explanation because it's not that they are being rude but that they are interested in what u are saying but they just need more information.