stuck and so annoyed.



  • Start zig zagging your calorie intake....completly broke me out of a plateau
  • Heatherbledsoe
    Heatherbledsoe Posts: 106 Member
    Just curious, but are you still loosing inches? My body has a tendency to stall out from time to time as well. I just recently started taking measurements and monitoring those.
    Another thing, you can shock your body by eating a "cheat meal" - a lot of experts recommend doing this to surprise your body and tricking it.
    Also, are you doing the same routines? If so change them up.
    Another good rule of thumb is to watch your sodium and sugar intakes.

    Remember, you have come too far to give up on your healthy goal. There are several things that you can do if you have hit a plateau.
    If you want, you can send a friend request.
    Best of luck!!!

    I dont really know, I have never done measurements..i probably should though. I did a BF% and it was 31 that was about 3 months ago. So im not entirely sure, i should get a new one done...and that would be great! thanks :)
  • mochaphobic
    mochaphobic Posts: 92 Member
    Thanks to everyone who has posted here. I'm obviously not the original poster, but I too have stalled out and am getting frustrated. Although it's only been weeks since I started, I was starving so badly the first month that I was sick from hunger. Now my body has adjusted to the new calorie level (1300) and I am gaining and losing the same 2 pounds. Very frustrating! I have 35 more to go and I can't drop my calories any lower and still feel good so I am going to have to try some of these tips. I know I have a low metabolic rate so I'm def. going to have to work on raising that up so I can burn more calories. Currently I don't have much energy to exercise but I'm told that my energy levels will rise once I start working out so I'm going to start this weekend. Keeping my fingers crossed....
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Thanks to everyone who has posted here. I'm obviously not the original poster, but I too have stalled out and am getting frustrated. Although it's only been weeks since I started, I was starving so badly the first month that I was sick from hunger. Now my body has adjusted to the new calorie level (1300) and I am gaining and losing the same 2 pounds. Very frustrating! I have 35 more to go and I can't drop my calories any lower and still feel good so I am going to have to try some of these tips. I know I have a low metabolic rate so I'm def. going to have to work on raising that up so I can burn more calories. Currently I don't have much energy to exercise but I'm told that my energy levels will rise once I start working out so I'm going to start this weekend. Keeping my fingers crossed....

    What does MFP give you for a daily calorie goal in order to lose the 1lb/week. The great thing about 1lb/week (goal) is that the experts say this is the way to go to keep the weight off for good.

    If you are feeling low energy and lethargic chances are your body is not getting what it needs to run everything properly. If you are looking for healthy (and tasty) recipe ideas that give the nutrition info--easier to log--check out Everyday Food magazine. It's amazing.

    Sounds to me (without knowing for sure) that you are eating way too little for your body to let go of any weight. If you're not giving your body what it needs (i.e. eating a deficit to a deficit that MFP already gives you to lose 1lb/week) you are not going to lose anything. And long term, you could do more harm than good!

    Let us know what MFP tells you to eat per day...I'm curious what it says for you if you adjust your settings for 1lb/week loss.

    I've never been hungry on this program, btw and I'm also very active.
  • I just read thru your diary, while your doing awesome maybe its just not enough? I know I started trying to eat more wholesome foods, even though they have a higher calorie count/fat count. For instance, I started incorporating avocado into my eggs in the morning. It was so hard for me to eat a huge breakfast like that, but I did notice during the day I could eat the "normal" way I was eating, but I was able to eat some more of my exercise calories & get better rounded foods in. I have been trying really hard to cut out packaged stuff too. I'm a glutton for the Fiber One bars, but I think they started making me reliant on processed foods again, something in the beginning I was really hung up on to get rid of those bad habits. Just suggestions, I honestly have no clue what it is because I'm in the same boat!
  • mochaphobic
    mochaphobic Posts: 92 Member
    Sounds to me (without knowing for sure) that you are eating way too little for your body to let go of any weight. If you're not giving your body what it needs (i.e. eating a deficit to a deficit that MFP already gives you to lose 1lb/week) you are not going to lose anything. And long term, you could do more harm than good!

    Let us know what MFP tells you to eat per day...I'm curious what it says for you if you adjust your settings for 1lb/week loss.

    I've never been hungry on this program, btw and I'm also very active.

    MFP said to eat something like 1200 calories originally but that was too hard so I bumped it up to 1300 and adjusted the protein, fat, fiber ratios to what the nutritionist wants me to be eating (I am pre-diabetic.) My biggest problem was the awful hunger the first three weeks. I cannot go more than 2-2.5 hours without eating or I do feel sick, even when my blood sugar numbers are well controlled. I drink water and I feel sick. (I think it's the chemicals that are always being poured into our water here because I never had issues when we had well water.) Now I'm adjusted to the 1300 calorie level (was eating probably twice that w/out realizing it) and I'm not as hungry as I was. I did lose a little this week, about 1/2 pound, so I'm happy with that. Adding in exercise seems to be the key for me. I am very aware of the minimums and I love eating too much to starve myself. And except for the first week, I have only lost .5 - 1 pound a week. As for my energy levels, they have been low for years and my dr knows that my thyroid is very low, but hasn't wanted to treat me because I'm just at the minimum normal mark, so they just keep drawing blood every six months to see if it is changing. They seem to believe that if I exercise more, my thyroid will normalize and I'll feel better all around so...