Pregnancy - October 2011



  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Hello everyone!
    My name is Rachel. I'm 18 weeks pregnant today. I have been a member of my fitness pal since January. I was doing well and almost to my goal weight before I got pregnant. I have had a hard time accepting getting bigger, and gaining weight. I'm super excited to be pregnant, and want a healthy baby first and foremost. I haven't been weighing myself at all because I'm worried if I think I gain too much weight. I will restrict my eating and I don't want to do that. I'm trying to eat only when I'm hungry and eat healthy good food choices. I have been pregnant 3 other times, and gained exactly 25 pounds each time without worrying about it. I have been to the doctor have only gained about 5 pounds. This is normal for me as I tend to put on most of the weight in the 3rd trimester. Any suggestions?
    I had a really hard time with thoughts of weight gain and my body getting larger again as well. Mostly because this was a surprise pregnancy. I made sure to weigh at least once a week so I could stay mindful and not say "f**k it". And I also didn't set the "accomplishment bar" too high for myself either. I estimated I'd exercise 3-4 time a week at the most. Just eating what is right for your appetite is fine. Still do portion sizes. I didn't really count calories in this pregnancy, but I did know what portions my body is allowed (meat is only 4 oz per serving, etc) so that's how I kept an eye on things. Stay active as long as you can that is safe for you and baby. I ran until I was 20-some weeks and stopped because it became painful. I'm just shy of 37 weeks and have only gained 27 lbs. This is the lowest I've gained in my full term pregnancies. My first was 50 lbs and my second was 65 lbs so I'm super proud of myself.
  • ~HAPPY*HALLOWEEN~:tongue:

    Hope everyone has a Safe,Happy,and Fun Halloween and don't eat to much candy lol....
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    bleh! I can't stand the thought of sugar right now. Happy Halloween guys!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 524 Member
    mukie89~ My doc told me that it is too intense (she does it too). I (personally) think she is out of her mind! I have danced all my life and have been zumbaing for years now 1-3 times a week. If I stop now, not only will I gain a ton of weight, but my body will start falling apart just in reaction to lack of movement as a dancer. She has suggested that "they" wouldn't like to see my heartrate over 140 and would only like me to walk and bike lightly. 140 is my warm-up! There is a girl in my class that was in class until the day before she delivered and now she puts the baby in a carrier and still does it! I know everyone is different and I shouldn't compare myself to others, but I really think I will be fine. I know I'll have to calm down a bit, but I don't think stopping is a good idea.
    Sorry that your body is fighting back too. :frown: You are getting close tho! I have a stationary bike at home that I love! Happy biking!

    i am a nurse=midwife and i would tell you to keep doing it and modify as you need to. Listen to your body! chances are as you keep exercising your placenta will be even more effective and usually women who are very active will even have bigger babies eventhough they don't gain a ton of weight. ok, for the disclaimer...i don't know anything about your pregnancy or your health history but if you aren't having any problems there is no reason to stop!

    Thank you midwifekelley2350!! That makes me feel better.
  • jsmith2377
    jsmith2377 Posts: 208 Member
    Hello ladies. I hope everyone is having a good Halloween! I can't believe it will be November tomorrow already! It seems like October just flew by.
    I have been having some morning sickness lately and I am just hating it. Last night I just laid in bed and was terrified to move because I knew if I did, I would puke.
    I'm also having mood swings. I got sooo mad at my husband yesterday. My in-laws came in to town on Saturday and they wanted to go to the casino by our house first thing Sunday morning. I didn't want to go because of the cigarette smoke and I just don't gamble (nothing wrong with it, just don't like losing my money). So, I stayed home with our son and my husband went with his parents to the casino. I was under the impression they would be gone for a few hours. NINE HOURS LATER they came home. All of Sunday was gone. They didn't have to get up in the morning, bright and early to go to work. My husband took the week off of work so he didn't either. I still had to run out and get a few things for the next day and so I had to go out after dark and I really don't like to do that.
    Plus, we didn't have time to go get my son's pumpkin and so they just said 'Oh we'll go get it tomorrow while you're at work'. Geez, shouldn't I beable to be there for that. My emotions were on high alert when they came home. I really felt like I was going to have a melt down because I totally got the shaft.
    My husband spent the whole night trying to make up for it, because he could tell I was upset. I am much better now but I thought I was going to explode.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    I made a new thread for November, ladies! Here's the link!
  • Guess on over to November we all go..:smile: