Is my body going into starvation mode?



  • caveats
    caveats Posts: 493 Member
    A bag of rice and a bag of beans will go a long way toward adding nutrition to your meals, and they are usually very, very cheap at Walmart (in fact, probably cheaper ounce for ounce than the Spam). A really easy way to add flavor to the beans is to add some chopped Spam to the pot you're making the beans in or to substitute chicken broth for water. No, it's not the most balanced meal, but it would be better than what you're eating right now.

    For vegetables, buy a small bunch of green onions (usually less than $1) and keep them in about an inch of water in a jar at home. If you use the tops of the onions, they will keep growing in the jar and you will always have fresh green onions on hand (they will go well chopped up and tossed into your noodle soup). Also, frozen bulk bags of vegetables will often come out to be cheaper than fresh or canned, so check to see if they are on sale. It's really easy to add a handful of those to your ramen as you're cooking them (and only use half the seasoning packet ... a lot of the horrible stuff is in the seasoning rather than the noodles themselves). Also, I will usually add an egg to my ramen noodles ... easy protein!

    Hang in there ... I recently lived on unemployment for 8 months before going back to school and having to stick to a student budget again. Coupons will definitely go a long way. But eating healthier can be done even on food stamps; it just takes some creativity. :)
  • Everything I have was givin to me. I don't have a penny right now...i will on the 12th though...the food banks close by the time i get off work and i have to be clocked in by the time they open
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    Well when you do get the financial help needed, as others have said, buy healthier foods, you're only depleting your body of the nutrients it needs with the food you're eating now. I know it can be hard, so good luck.
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    You're eating enough to lose weight in a safe manner but your exercise is putting your net calories in the range where you will start to starve. Starving will take quite some time, however. The good thing, though, is that you'll probably only do it once. :-)

    From your diary entries, you're eating enough calories to lose weight very quickly. If you've got 119 pounds to lose, you've got a huge amount of food stored and, now that you don't have a lot of money to buy food, you can put that stored food (fat) to good use.

    Since you've got a week and a half before you get public assistance, cut out the exercise, spend your money on a bottle of multi-vitamins, and enjoy your weight loss.

    My weight loss progress is here:

    As that page shows, on a low calorie diet (based on my size I was eating fewer calories than you), you just might lose weight very quickly. I was losing weight for seven months, and I had a superb weight loss experience, like hundreds of thousands of others who have eaten a diet of 800 to 1000 net calories per day to lose weight. Your diary entries put you in that range as long as you cut out the exercise 'til you can buy more food.

    OK, what's the outlook if your calorie level stays at the current level?

    You'll drop weight very quickly but you'll suffer a variety of serious medical problems. The end result, if you continue it, will be a slow death.

    This link will provide additional information:

    Good luck to you!
  • Really;;;;; I eat alot sometimes and sometimes not!!!!!!...BUT however I do take my vitiamins daily and health drinks and its been working for me..I workout more when eating more and less when not..I switch my routine around...tho you will lose and choose new ways as:flowerforyou: time goes by!!!!!!.. We all are here and we all are learning every day!!!!...