Costume Changers Forum (Week 3)



  • jsprax
    jsprax Posts: 31
    I've caught some kind of flu bug and have ZERO energy !! I keep thinking I feel better, then go to get out of bed and feel lightheaded again like I may pass out - urgh! This is going to mean a few days with no walking for me, but hopefully once the bug runs its course I can make up missed miles with a few long hikes the weekend or something!
  • LilysMom28
    LilysMom28 Posts: 236 Member
    I got my Halloween costume yesterday! Time to get down to business! It is just a smidgeon tighter than I want it to if I can just lose these last few pounds by Halloween, I will be all set to go! :-D

    I bought mine too this past weekend!!! talk about extra motivation!!! :)
  • knkmfp
    knkmfp Posts: 295 Member
    Stayed the same this week, 3rd week in a row. I'm starting to get a bit demotivated, not to mention puzzled. And grumpy, I've been seriously grumpy all day.

    Also it rained all day, so didn't get my cycling in. Will have to make a serious efort to catch up at the weekend.
  • mrivera713
    mrivera713 Posts: 232 Member
    I don't know how to get the code for the banner. Can anyone help me, please?
  • I upped my ticker to 200 as well since I'm biking and walking.

    Game On! :glasses:

  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    bump to find later!

    ohhh and I am on the 200 challenge!
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    Take this URL and place it in your signature page:



    and replace the "xxx" with "img"
  • It's nice to see how well everyone is doing :)
    I upped the mileage on my runs this week, and I'm suffering slightly for it. I have dodgy joints that I need to be very gentle with, and I think I increased a bit too fast. Still on track for the challenge though.
  • ejb245
    ejb245 Posts: 195 Member

    So you are joining us and increasing your goal to 200 as well? :happy: :tongue: :flowerforyou:

    I've actually made my goal 250. I seem to be doing about 50 miles a week minimum right now. It's Thursday and I've already done 45.5 miles. But unfortunately, I'm not losing any weight. I've been logging everything this week and have been great on calories, eating 4 or 5 times a day, but my sodium is a little bit high. Plus, I've really ramped up the exercise with spinning twice a week, running outside 1-2 x a week, elliptical 1 or 2x a week, and a bit of strength training, so maybe its water retention in muscles that weren't really worked much before or muscle gain. I swear my thighs are smaller but that might be wishful thinking! :tongue: I'm going to try and remember to get out the measuring tape and see if my mind is playing tricks on me. :)
  • That 5% is going to be tough... but 100 miles will be quite the accomplishment anyway. Keep it up everyone!
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,374 Member
    Well the weather *finally* cooled off a bit here, so I was able to walk more outside which felt great. Logged lots of miles on the bike, so I think I'll challenge myself to another 100 miles after I finish up the first hundred - 200 miles by Halloween :)

    The weight loss is veryyyyy slow but feeling hopeful that I'll be able to reach the goal by H'ween.
    This challenge has really helped keep me motivated, so thanks again, Elana!

    Because I am counting everything I do, I wear a bodybugg so I am counting my daily steps, I will join you and up mine to 200 miles by Halloween. My goal for this week is to do 3 bike rides which would be 60 miles for just my bike rides, but then I add my goal of 10k steps per day which is 5 miles each day... It all adds up pretty quickly. I'm going to change my goal to 200 miles!

    I'm with you! I count everything. My goal is to track my day and make myself over all more active. I don't wear a bodybugg but I wear a pedometer all day every day. Sometimes I get in more steps than others but most days I'm over 10000. I'm going to join the 200 mile club! I'm at 50 miles in the first 2 weeks. I hope I'm not over extending myself! LOL
  • jepo27
    jepo27 Posts: 56 Member
    Well Autumn has finally arrived in the UK and so has my obligitory MEGA cold/Flu....I feel awful :-(
  • mrivera713
    mrivera713 Posts: 232 Member
    Well the weather *finally* cooled off a bit here, so I was able to walk more outside which felt great. Logged lots of miles on the bike, so I think I'll challenge myself to another 100 miles after I finish up the first hundred - 200 miles by Halloween :)

    The weight loss is veryyyyy slow but feeling hopeful that I'll be able to reach the goal by H'ween.
    This challenge has really helped keep me motivated, so thanks again, Elana!

    Because I am counting everything I do, I wear a bodybugg so I am counting my daily steps, I will join you and up mine to 200 miles by Halloween. My goal for this week is to do 3 bike rides which would be 60 miles for just my bike rides, but then I add my goal of 10k steps per day which is 5 miles each day... It all adds up pretty quickly. I'm going to change my goal to 200 miles!

    I'm with you! I count everything. My goal is to track my day and make myself over all more active. I don't wear a bodybugg but I wear a pedometer all day every day. Sometimes I get in more steps than others but most days I'm over 10000. I'm going to join the 200 mile club! I'm at 50 miles in the first 2 weeks. I hope I'm not over extending myself! LOL

    We CAN DO! We need to PUSH FORWARD! :) YEAH!!!! THIS IS SO MUCH FUN! Sorry for the caps, I'm just so excited!
  • I just rode 20 miles on my spin bike. I love the empowering feeling after a good workout. This challenge is Awesome!!!

  • jsprax
    jsprax Posts: 31
    Finally out of bed, I have 0 miles to add to my count tomorrow morning! I got a nasty flu last Monday night/Tuesday morning that just continues to linger and has stripped me of all my energy so I haven't been out for a walk at all ! I've been in bed, no exercise what so ever - boooo! I'm bummed about missing a whole week of logging miles, I wonder if I can still make the 100 !
  • mrivera713
    mrivera713 Posts: 232 Member
    Finally out of bed, I have 0 miles to add to my count tomorrow morning! I got a nasty flu last Monday night/Tuesday morning that just continues to linger and has stripped me of all my energy so I haven't been out for a walk at all ! I've been in bed, no exercise what so ever - boooo! I'm bummed about missing a whole week of logging miles, I wonder if I can still make the 100 !

    I'm glad that you are out of bed...

    You can still do it... You CAN do it! You CAN do it! Tell yourself that YOU WILL do it! YOU WILL YOU WILL YOU WILL!
  • LilysMom28
    LilysMom28 Posts: 236 Member
    I don't want to weigh myself tomorrow :ohwell: I just want to eat. There are cookies and milk calling my name from the kitchen and I'm so close to giving in. Last week I only lost .2....I'm pretty frustrated. Ugh I guess we will see what the scale says in the morning....