Unconditional Support!



  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Well another day begins! I am doing better. My foot is better and I can walk/run a bit but I'm going slow till I see the doc and really find out what's going on. I had to wait for an appointment. I am eating more protein now and maybe that will bump things up. I drank so much water this weekend I feel like I might float away. I can't do that when I'm working. Off for part of the day today so I will drink away. (That sounds funny) Who has some good success stories from the weekend?

    I think my biggest success story would be that I'm .2lbs away from my second goal of 135lbs! I'm gonna be extra good this week and cut back on the ice cream (boy do I love my ice cream) and figure out a schedule where I can put in the Shred now that I have more of a routine.
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    I don't know where everyone has gone. But I met my second goal today of 135lbs! I have officially lost 12lbs :)
  • profjan6
    profjan6 Posts: 333
    Great!,,,you must be thrilled!
  • heyitskaydee
    heyitskaydee Posts: 27 Member
    is it too late to join? i would love to be apart of this support!

    current weight :140
    goal weight: 130
  • Friend me too please! I need so much support and i also want to give others support!
  • sally2303
    sally2303 Posts: 20 Member
    oooh been a while since I have updated!
    Dont really feel like I am getting far weight or shape wise, however have noticed my work pants are a tad looser... I can pull them down to my hips now but when I got them they were a good fit on my waist! My little NSV for you

    Although, I must say that is has by far become a lifestyle change for me now. It has only been two weeks (I think - not really counting) but I dont feel like I am on a diet! I am eating the things I love, in moderation, exercising more than I ever have before and I am truely loving it.

    Anyone else have a NSV they would like to share??

    Love Sal xoxo
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,894 Member
    Hello all,
    I just arrived home from a month long vacation and actually lost 1 pound. It doesn't sound like much, but I was worried I had gained. I can't believe it. It must have been the activities that I was doing. Keep at it everyone. I know that added some exercise everyday had helped me immensely. Just using the stairs instead of the elevator helps. Keep hanging in there everyone.