6wk 6pk by jillian michaels



  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member

    She really annoys me in this video so far. I turn the volume down real low so I don't have to hear here. I hate when she says, "crank it", "rip it", "you're aspirational", and "let's go pick on the barbie." Yeah I'm ready to move to level 2. I hope she's not as annoying during that one!!! Q

    Ha ha, I was also thinking this today - I get to swop on sunday and I'm also ready to move on if only to listen to her saying something else! Though somethign tells me she will be showing off even more with Bea/ Bashira *suspicious smiley* I had wondered why you cna't shut her up completely like you can on NMTZ and BFBM but to be fair you do kind of need to hear her saying when to switch exercise and a lot of it you are on the floor so can't actually see what is going on (well, I can't as I have a portable player on the settee in the playroom!)

    susanjackson - yay, we are doing another challenge together! Do you think you now have killer buns and thighs? :bigsmile:

    Must admit, I'm close to half way through and can't see that big a change in my midsection yet. Though this week my food intake has been really bad, so whan I'm eating better it may work better!
  • ketrell
    ketrell Posts: 55 Member
    I'm currently doing 30DS and I'm on level 2. Yesterday i incorporated 6wk 6pk but so far I'm only doing 15min of it but only until I'm done with the shred. Then im doning the entire 30min.
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member

    She really annoys me in this video so far. I turn the volume down real low so I don't have to hear here. I hate when she says, "crank it", "rip it", "you're aspirational", and "let's go pick on the barbie." Yeah I'm ready to move to level 2. I hope she's not as annoying during that one!!! Q

    Ha ha, I was also thinking this today - I get to swop on sunday and I'm also ready to move on if only to listen to her saying something else! Though somethign tells me she will be showing off even more with Bea/ Bashira *suspicious smiley* I had wondered why you cna't shut her up completely like you can on NMTZ and BFBM but to be fair you do kind of need to hear her saying when to switch exercise and a lot of it you are on the floor so can't actually see what is going on (well, I can't as I have a portable player on the settee in the playroom!)

    susanjackson - yay, we are doing another challenge together! Do you think you now have killer buns and thighs? :bigsmile:

    Must admit, I'm close to half way through and can't see that big a change in my midsection yet. Though this week my food intake has been really bad, so whan I'm eating better it may work better!

    Hey Shoppie - No I probably don't have Killer Buns & Thighs, however I do think she tried to kill me on this one! :sad: Especially Level 2. Wow! What a workout! At the end of the week I will take my measurements and see how many inches I lost, though.

    Are we going to be posting measurements and weights on this one?
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Not sure re: measurements etc - I will if everyone else does! Its all comparative really isn't it, I'm at goal which probably sounds heavy as I'm 155 - but I'm also 5'9....

    Interesting (maybe?) factoid for today - I was wearing my HRM and for pretty much the entire first time through my heart rate was actually below target trianing zone. It was only high for the first 4 moves (the standing ones plus burpees) as soon as you lie down for long levers that was it. But then second time around my heart rate was right up there, and went over target in most of the HIIT bits so I reckon the vast majority of the burn is that second time through. So from now on I am going to try cranking through the first circuit quicker than she does - I know it well enough now!!
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member
    Day 2 Level 1 complete! :smile:
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    hi all... started level 1 day 1 :)) fun stuff
    EPICSRT Posts: 222 Member
    Started today as well! Level 1!

    Doing the second round I did get a little off on some of the exercises because of the increased speed.
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    Started today as well! Level 1!

    Doing the second round I did get a little off on some of the exercises because of the increased speed.

    agree, same here. 2nd round threw me off :)
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    hey guys, i started a new thread so we can start fresh, here is the link:


    you can post your updates on that one and we will update our progress weekly. woohoo let the fun begin
  • CALake
    CALake Posts: 269 Member
    Just started level 2 today. I feel it a lot more in my legs than my abs. Definitely more cardio, but I'm not sure how much more ab work. We"ll see after 3 weeks, right?