Running mess up monthly cycle?



  • kated930
    kated930 Posts: 132
    I can't pinpoint what exactly happened to me, but mine has completely stopped. Im running a lot and doing long distances which probably has to do with it. My Dr said that it might be the case, but she's not worried- but I kinda am!!!
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    Could be just a fluke if it was just one cycle. I have charted my cycles (since I am using Natural Family Planning) for years now and when I started training for marathons, towards the end of the training and after the marathon, my cycle was a bit off (longer). But then soon returned to normal. After my fourth marathon, you would never know that I ran a marathon based upon the impact to my cycle. I think that the longer that you run, the less any negative impact on your cycle. (... unless we are talking extremes.) I think that the body adapts. Personally I believe that my running has helped my cycles become shorter, more regular, elevates my mood and takes my mind off of the cramping... maybe even improves my cramping/bloating and general malaise (aka "blah") feeling.
  • Katanthus
    Katanthus Posts: 346 Member
    My last one was 42 days ago and short, but the most recent one was 7 days long. I would have more luck predicting the lottery numbers than predicting when my next period will be.
  • that's normal because of the new exercise. but if it STOPS see a doctor straight away. that means you are putting too much stress on your body and it is really really unhealthy. anyway, saying that female athletes don't have a period is wrong. they only don't have a period if they clinically somehow stop it.
  • jadesign19
    jadesign19 Posts: 512 Member
    My doctor was ready to do an ablation or take my uterus . I got scared and decided to start running. My cycle is was lasting 9-12 days with maybe twoo weeks in between. Heavy so much that I wouldn't leave the house. Running, and diet, has helped me get this under control. I've had three consistent cycles, 4-5 days long with only 1-2 days of heavy bleeding. I'll take it! I've decided to hold off on any procedure.:smile:
    Plus, I even run when I'm having my cycle. Alleluia!