Things NOT to do at the gym...



  • taco_tap
    taco_tap Posts: 152 Member
    Lugging around a gallon jug of bright yellow liquid. Not good.

    What is this liquid? maybe its pee so if they get drug tested for roids, they are prepared..?

    did i cross the line?
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    I have a ton of them.

    Lugging around a gallon jug of bright yellow liquid. Not good.

    Not re-racking your weights.

    Dropping the weights. Really? We know you're a big muscle head, we get it, you have to prove you're a jerk too?

    Sitting on a machine endlessly texting. I need to finish my superset!

    How are these?

    i love at all the golds gyms it has big big decals that say if you arent strong enough to put the weight down dont pick them up

    my pet peeve in the cardio cinema which is like a movie theater with cardio machines instead of chairs people that come in and have conversations
  • Grunting doesn't bother me, it's a way to help people breathe while lifting heavy weight. Girls with make-up also don't bother me, because I frankly don't give a damn. What does bother me is the people who go to the gym and don't TRY and don't want to sweat! All they want to do is walk real slow on the treadmill and talk to their friends who are doing the same exact thing. Why go to a gym? Go outside and do that, it's not hard! :grumble:
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I have a ton of them.

    Lugging around a gallon jug of bright yellow liquid. Not good.

    Not re-racking your weights.

    Dropping the weights. Really? We know you're a big muscle head, we get it, you have to prove you're a jerk too?

    Sitting on a machine endlessly texting. I need to finish my superset!

    How are these?
    Dropping weights definitely, if I'm dropping weights it's because I was stupid and probably injured myself, not because I just finished a set and don't feel like actually putting the weight down.

    And people who HOLD ON to the treadmill while walking. Do you have some magical invisible support that you hold onto while you're walking the streets? Also, holding on just so you can set the incline all the way up to max doesn't do anything, drop the incline and LET GO, you'll have a much better workout. Also, if you're walking slow enough so that you can read that novel you brought with you, just go sit down and read, you aren't doing anything to help yourself by walking 1 mph and holding onto the machine so you can read...
  • agwilker
    agwilker Posts: 104 Member
    -Distracting clothing. Aside from the aforementioned booty shorts. I saw a guy (thin) with a legitimate sports bra on a few weeks ago. I couldn't look away.
    What I don't get is people who complain that wear the distracting clothing. Isn't that the point? For people to look at you?
    -Wearing construction boots/work shoes caked in dried dirt on machines
    -Loud personal conversations. My favorite was when this lady said "I don't know how poor people survive without a/c." Meanwhile, my a/c was non-functional at the time. Apparently "poor" people don't go to the gym.
  • DaniellePF
    DaniellePF Posts: 308 Member
    -Distracting clothing. Aside from the aforementioned booty shorts. I saw a guy (thin) with a legitimate sports bra on a few weeks ago. I couldn't look away.
    What I don't get is people who complain that wear the distracting clothing. Isn't that the point? For people to look at you?
    -Wearing construction boots/work shoes caked in dried dirt on machines
    -Loud personal conversations. My favorite was when this lady said "I don't know how poor people survive without a/c." Meanwhile, my a/c was non-functional at the time. Apparently "poor" people don't go to the gym.

    LMAO--too bad you didn't take a picture of sports bra guy. I love it! Makes me think of one of those "people of Wal Mart" e-mails! You might be a redneck IF...... :-)
  • I hate it when people use the weights wrongly, And lift way to much weights than what they can handle, because they think they are superhuman.

    And when people watch you doing your weights (awkward) and they have the cheek to comment on your technique, after watching them do it soooo wrong.

    Some people in my GYM will end up with a rock hard muscley right side and a weak skinny left side lol.

    Oh and when people grunt i dont mind, But there are some 'showoffs' in my GYM that over emphasise and sound like there making love.............. to a vagina made of barbed wire

    OHHHH, ARRGH, EUUUGH... God damn it, your only on the rowing machine. !!!

    dangerdelamasturbationRoux-thumb.jpgLove the GYM, hate the other members lol.
  • taco_tap
    taco_tap Posts: 152 Member
    Wearing construction boots/work shoes caked in dried dirt on machines

    There was a guy who dressed like an Abercrombie model, expensive holey jeans, stripe polo and he was on the leg press.. that can't be comfortable. Also saw a guy running in jeans on the treadmill.. Makes me tilt my head...
  • agwilker
    agwilker Posts: 104 Member
    -Distracting clothing. Aside from the aforementioned booty shorts. I saw a guy (thin) with a legitimate sports bra on a few weeks ago. I couldn't look away.
    What I don't get is people who complain that wear the distracting clothing. Isn't that the point? For people to look at you?
    -Wearing construction boots/work shoes caked in dried dirt on machines
    -Loud personal conversations. My favorite was when this lady said "I don't know how poor people survive without a/c." Meanwhile, my a/c was non-functional at the time. Apparently "poor" people don't go to the gym.

    LMAO--too bad you didn't take a picture of sports bra guy. I love it! Makes me think of one of those "people of Wal Mart" e-mails! You might be a redneck IF...... :-)

    Oh, I wanted to. Unfortunately I left my phone in my locker. I've missed quite a few good photo ops. haha
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    I don't care about makeup and grunting. It doesn't affect me.

    I DO care when people sit on a machine texting.... get off if u are going to text!

    My workout partner asked a man to use the lat pulldown he was sitting on in between his sets and he said "Wow, you are determined to use this machine today. Go ahead have it for the rest of the day." She paid the same membership and he does not own it.

    Also, when guys stare at me and I can SEE them staring at me.
  • taco_tap
    taco_tap Posts: 152 Member
    Also, when guys stare at me and I can SEE them staring at me.

    Be courteous.. if you're going to stare, at least dont let the ENTIRE gym know... A glance is cute, nice to be noticed.. an obvious stare is creepy.. just creeeeeeepy!
  • loku
    loku Posts: 3
    it's really annoying when people stop working out on a machine, leave their stuff (bottles, iPods, towels etcr.) on it and basicly go away for a wee chat with a friend ._____.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Sweating up the machines and NOT cleaning them after you get off! So nasty!

    Definitely this! So gross!
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Know what really annoys me, is when women leave their freaking dirty towels in the showers. WTF!!! Can't you pick up after yourself?
  • jgic2009
    jgic2009 Posts: 531 Member
    Sitting on a machine between sets. If you are doing that, you are wasting my time and yours.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Approach a female and say, " have been working out a lot! Can I see your boobs?"
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    People who set up their workouts with free weights and don't use them right away so you're left with using a different weight (weight hogs)

    People who sit on a bench after a set and wait like 5 minutes before they get up and move to a different machine or bench (bench hogs)

    People who sit on one bench while they have their weights sit up on a different bench

    People who stand in front of the free weights and do their set while you have to reach around them to find the weight you need.

    People who leave weights on the bars

    People who blast the tv while you're tryin to listen to music

    People who start talkin to you while you're in the middle of a sit.

    People who ask how soon will you be done with such and such machine or weights ect.

    People who walk around and stand in your area

    People who only come in to do a few workouts and leave

    People who take forever on a machine while they sit and rest between each sit

    people who dress up to workout (only seen it a few times....Really do you need lipstick and earrings @ a gym?? Or how bout that fancy workout outfit???)

    Those are all that I can think of.
  • taco_tap
    taco_tap Posts: 152 Member
    Approach a female and say, " have been working out a lot! Can I see your boobs?"

    Hows that approach working for you? I wonder how many gyms you get kicked out of..
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Approach a female and say, " have been working out a lot! Can I see your boobs?"

    Hows that approach working for you? I wonder how many gyms you get kicked out of..
    Pepper sprayed twice...hit with a 5lb hand weight once.

    Working out swimmingly.