having alot of hair loss lately... pls help



  • I personally have this problem ALOT. I know for a fact that its due to not having a thyroid.
    biotin, hair skin and nails vitamins, garlic, prenatal, all of these vitamin supplements help.
    Also, when its your "bad" season, dont wash your hair as much, avoid wearing tight pony tails and braids, use a wide tooth comb ALWAYS. brushes rip out your hair.
  • I personally have this problem ALOT. I know for a fact that its due to not having a thyroid.
    biotin, hair skin and nails vitamins, garlic, prenatal, all of these vitamin supplements help.
    Also, when its your "bad" season, dont wash your hair as much, avoid wearing tight pony tails and braids, use a wide tooth comb ALWAYS. brushes rip out your hair.

    how do you know when its your "bad season" becus i dont recall my hair ever falling out this much. ive always had a really thick braid
  • tresye
    tresye Posts: 36 Member
    they have a vitamin called Biotine
  • Hi there,

    You should go to the doctor ASAP and have them check you out for nutrition deficiencies! I was having this same problem about a year ago; I would pull out huge gobs of hair while shampooing, a LOT more than usual.

    I tried all the biotin and other supplements and special shampoo, but nothing seemed to help. Finally, I was desperate, and mentioned it to my doctor during an appointment for something else.

    My doc did some blood work and determined I have a severe Vitamin D deficiency. (I’m fair skinned, burn easily and work at night, so I don’t get/avoid sun.) My doctor prescribed an emergency mega dose of Vitamin D, and a regular dose of over-the-counter D that I now take daily.

    But guess what? Right away, my hair looked healthier. Soon, I noticed I hardly lost ANY hair in the shower.

    So, please, go to your doc right away! I think you’ll be glad you didn’t waste your time on products that don’t help … and it might be a quick fix like it was for me!
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    This doesn't sound good.
    See a DR before anything else happens.
  • I am no doctor but have been through this myself........ For me it was not getting enough essential fats....... olive oil, fish oil, etc., as well as too little protein! We are on diets and trying to lose weight but we must get our essentials. The vitamins that others mentioned are great and you can add Omega Oils as well! Too many people on diets do not get enough of these........not only do you lose hair but your joints and major organs suffer, too!! We want to lose weight but we want ot be healthy and vibrant as well!!
    Good shampoo and cinditioner are key as well..... cheap ones can wreck your hair.... you get what you pay for!
    And........ you should always check with your doctor with concerns that seem to linger!
    Healthy Dieting Everybody!! :wink: