How Judgemental are You??



  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    I am not a judgmental person, but I am not typical. I was bullied throughout elementary school and high school and it really affected how I viewed most people and the world around me. It made me pay more attentions to a person's actions that the things they were saying.
    I dont' know you or too much about you. What I am guessing is that you are somewhat insecure and need to know that people find you attractive. I used to be insecure too. People who are bullied tend to be insecure and have low self-esteem. You dont' need a survey on MFP to find out how judgmental people are and I doubt that is why you asked the question. You just want to know that people are paying attention to you and that people think you are attractive and special.
    I know saying "it doesn't matter what others think" isn't what you want to hear, but it is the truth. YOu have to feel like you are special. Until you start to believe in yourself you are always going to feel this way. Hope I did not hurt your feelings, I was not trying too.
  • Moofey
    Moofey Posts: 444
    I feel special and beautiful and dont give a rip what people think :) 90% of the people on here think I am posting this to get attention. Why do I need to get it from people online, anyway this post really needs to go away.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I feel special and beautiful and dont give a rip what people think :) 90% of the people on here think I am posting this to get attention. Why do I need to get it from people online, anyway this post really needs to go away.
