HPV Vaccine



  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Yes, good idea, but not something that needs to be legislated - just like working out and eating - personal choice. And the sex with just one forever...safe, yes, boring - you're right again - unless you find someone VERY special!!!

    But (not looking for a big argument, just presenting the facts) we PRACTICALLY force all kids to be vaccinated as it is. No we do not require it for all children. But if you want to send them to school, any school, your kids better have had their shots.

    And that's a good thing, we haven't nearly wiped out polio from the face of the planet by making the shot optional. By making all parents vaccinate their kids we go a very long way towards eliminating horrible and life threatening diseases that were once a common part of life for a great many people.

    Vaccinate. Don't listen to anyone who tells you "how they personally feel" about it. Listen to doctors. Listen to scientists. They've actually done the research and know what they're talking about.

    There are Doctors that are warning against the vaccine. My OB/GYN will not give the vaccine to anyone. They don't even carry it in their office because there are too many dangers and it doesn't necessarily guard against the virus.
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    I work in a team that administer the HPV vaccine, I wish my own girls were young enough to have got this wonderful and life saving vaccination, it is ground-breaking and safe, there are very few side effects and in all the many hundreds of girls we vaccinate every year, we have had two with mild effects, both had no long term issues and the effects were mild and did not involve hospital admission

    In my personal opinion, and this is my PERSONAL opinion, the majority of parents who opt their daughter out of this free and life saving programme do so in the strange belief that it somehow encourages sex or promiscuity, some of the comments we get are occasionally verging on the obsessive.. ...

    I also get my flu jab, would be mad not to
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    I refused it for my daughter. They were doing it through her school, and you should be aware that if you have a latex allergy you cannot have the vaccine. My daughter has a severe, and I mean severe, allergy to latex. One touch from a latex glove and it's like she was burned with acid. I wonder if there are latex free condoms?
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I wish they had this vaccine when I was younger. Two of my friends were affected by HPV which, by the way, is genital warts! My daughter will have this vaccine in addition to a lot of honest sex education.
  • jenscot25
    jenscot25 Posts: 124 Member
    I wish they had this vaccine when I was younger. Two of my friends were affected by HPV which, by the way, is genital warts! My daughter will have this vaccine in addition to a lot of honest sex education.

    Genital warts are one strand. Not all forms of hpv causes genital warts. just FYI
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    The tip cap and the rubber plunger of Cervarix®, the new HPV vaccine, may contain around 10 per cent dry natural latex rubber.

    This may make it unsuitable for anyone with a severe latex allergy. These individuals should refer to their GPs to discuss the possibility of being given a latex-free alternative.

    Merck Sharpe and Dohme (MSD) manufacture Gardasil - a latex-free alternative.
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    The human papilloma virus (HPV) is the name given to a family of viruses that affect the skin and the moist membranes (mucosa) that line the body. Mucosa are found in the:
    cervix (the neck of the womb)

    There are over 100 different types of HPV, with around 40 types affecting the genital area. These are classed as high-risk and low-risk depending on the type of conditions that they can cause Infection with some high-risk types of HPV can cause abnormal tissue growth as well as other cell changes that can lead to cervical cancer (cancer of the cervix).

    Infection with other types of HPV may cause:
    genital warts: small growths or skin changes on or around the genital or anal area. These are the most common viral sexually transmitted infection (STI) in the UK.
    skin warts and verrucas
    vaginal cancer or vulval cancer (although these types of cancer are rare)
    anal cancer or cancer of the penis
    some cancers of the head and neck
    laryngeal papillomas (warts on the voice box or vocal cords)
    Some types of HPV are transmitted through sexual contact, which can cause genital warts and cervical cancer.
    Combined with cervical screening the HPV vaccination is an important step towards preventing cervical cancer. It is estimated that about 400 lives could be saved in the UK every year as a result of vaccinating girls before they are infected with HPV.
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    I refused it for my daughter. They were doing it through her school, and you should be aware that if you have a latex allergy you cannot have the vaccine. My daughter has a severe, and I mean severe, allergy to latex. One touch from a latex glove and it's like she was burned with acid. I wonder if there are latex free condoms?

    Yes there is - Lamb skin.
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    I refused it for my daughter. They were doing it through her school, and you should be aware that if you have a latex allergy you cannot have the vaccine. My daughter has a severe, and I mean severe, allergy to latex. One touch from a latex glove and it's like she was burned with acid. I wonder if there are latex free condoms?

    Yes there is - Lamb skin.

    Thank you! I've discussed with her about when she begins having sex (she's 15, and totally not interested) and told her that when the time came I'd have to research if there was an alternative, so thank you for letting me know.
    We only found out about her allergy when she was in Brownies, and they made some craft using a latex glove.
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    Lauren8239 did you see my post about the latex free HPV?
  • IslandGirl072906
    IslandGirl072906 Posts: 14 Member
    Wow, I think this got so far off the purpose of the original post. But to get back on topic, yes, I think it is a good idea to get boys vaccinated as well. I didn't vaccinate my son because I thought it was just for girls. I recently had one of my daughters vaccinated and that's when I discovered boys can get vaccinated too. I wonder why they don't promote vaccination for boys like they promote it for girls?
  • livnlite
    livnlite Posts: 520
    Sex with only one partner does NOT sound like a perfect world, in my opinion. Sounds rather boring, actually!

    I am guessing your are very young and have yet to experience real love. Someday, maybe .. you will have a completely different perspective.