5 Hour Energy - Good/Bad?



  • stresco
    stresco Posts: 354 Member
    I work in the IT field so there are times that I have to be up 24+ hours staring at computer monitors... I have tried 5 hour energy and it works, to a point. Yes you will feel an energy boost, but it is only a temporary change. Eventually you will crash, regardless of what the commercials say. One over night marathon I was working in a data center and I took one. Three hours later I felt completely drained and wiped out, so I drank another. That got me going for another 2 hours or so, but when it started to wear off, I crashed and got the worst migraine. Sleeping was painfully difficult when I got home.

    Personally, I say stay away from them unless you need help staying up for extended hours. Eat right and exercise will give you all the energy you need to get through your every day activities.