How can i stay 1200 and not going over? please help



  • I loveeeeeeeeeeee to eat and i have thyroid problems and im always hungry :( But i need to loose this baby fat tummy i have. Can anyone with the same 1200 goal tell me what you eat please.

    When im at work I dont eat much and my mind is off food. (I work at a daycare also babysit)

    This is my todays goal so far. I have 850 plus what im eating now and i have not added it yet.

    Goal Food Exercise = Net
    1200 475 - 125 350

    Need help.

    The most hard times is at night after 8 I am hungry so i just drink some COLD water.

    Hi!!! I recently posted a similar question... I too am trying to lose the baby weight. Alot of those who have alot more experience told me that I should increase my calorie intake because 1200 is usually not enough and so the body goes into starvation mode and stores fat... so far it proves true for me. When i ate more calories i lost 7lbs in one week... maybe you could look up some of the threads on here... i'm new here but i'm trying to help!!! HTH!