Finding it hard to stick to with unsupportive partner



  • mandirajoy
    mandirajoy Posts: 7 Member
    That really sucks - my husband was the same way for a while. I sat down with him and had a 3hr heart to heart. I told him how much I loved him and wanted him to be in my life and our future children's lives for a very long time - I don't want to lose him young! I also expressed to him how important to me it was that he be supportive of my healthy eating and exercise stuff. Eventually I was able to coax my hubby to go for walks and then some at home dvd yoga, and then eating better with me...

    Your bf needs to lose weight for himself - not for you; and on the same note you need to lose weight for you too. If he can't be supportive and won't hear you out then you need to just be stronger and do it anyway....shove it in his face that you CAN do it with or without him, just as he's shoving crap food in your face. Tell him that for the 1hr or so that you do your wii workout, he could be spending time with his daughter or something, but express that you really need that time each day and that it's not being selfish - he is being selfish by sitting on his *kitten* all day, shoving **** food in your face, not spending quality time with you or his daughter and being a lazy couch potato and watching tv while you could be looking sexier each day FOR HIM and for you!

    I don't think leaving is the answer right away....especially since there's a child involved. But I think your bf should want you to be happier, healthier, and more involved - if he doesn't want those things for you or your child then he does need to hit the road - but I think initially he needs to know that you're not getting smaller to find someone else and that you still want to be with him, but that you just want your whole family to be healthier. It's not about being skinny, it's about being healthy and happy in life.

    Also - if he's thinking that you might run off to find someone else, maybe he's worried that if he gets smaller and sexier that he might want someone else....people with that kind of thought pattern are usually doing it themselves or want to...just a thought.
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    On the "Doctors" show they did an intervention with some people who had some habits that were killing them. And one of the things they made the people do was to go and pick out out their husbands coffins. That right there actually changed their attitudes around. Maybe ask your boyfriend if he wants to leave his child fatherless because having a fatty liver may lead to worse things like liver disease and than can kill. Hope he changes his attitude. Don't let him discourage you. Keep making the right choices. Show him you are committed to this change you are making.
  • resolu
    resolu Posts: 12

    Or you could donkey punch him in his sleep.

    I'm for donkey punching him!

    Seriously, I had an ex husband who fed me any chance he had. He was so insecure that I would leave him if I wasn't fat. Guess what, I left him anyway. Your bf's insecurities are hurting you. Yeah, go with the donkey punch!
  • Ninatoots
    Ninatoots Posts: 192 Member
    I've been reading this thread for 2 days now and will read the rest later. This place sure does help me stay away from my Hubby's "goodies! We are seniors and I've lived most of my life married to him sense 1964. I asked him to get a small fridge and put a lock on it. He does this and it helps me. He has the combination.

