Weight training without a gym



  • I'm wondering what the best way to start with weights would be for someone in my position. Is it possible to do good weight work with dumbbells or bodyweight? And when I say "good weight work," I'm not looking for crazy results. I run two miles every other day and do yoga on the off days, and I feel like I'm ready to add something a little more vigorous, esp. to help with running and yoga.

    Absolutely! We have a home gym and I love it. Our set up has grown as our housing has changed, and now we have a very large den with half the room dedicated to our "gym", but we started small.

    There are a lot of things you can add that don't take a lot of room- adjustable dumbbells, resistance bands, stability balls, etc... We started with just those things. Added in a weigh bench eventually, and then went on to add a treadmill and a rowing machine.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    When you say a good weight set are you talking about like a home gym with a bench and moving weights? Because a bar (not olympic) and some plates don't take up much room, my sister actually stores two basic sets in her coat closet.