My last day as a smoker!



    DEEDLYNN Posts: 235 Member
    CONGRATS!!! and you CAN do this!!!!

    I quit on 7/4/11. Over 100 days ago...and I have not looked back.

    If you get a chance, check out If for nothing else, make a ticker, and everyday it will tell you, how many ciggys you have not smoked, how many days you have not smoked, how much money you have saved and how many months/days/hours you have added to your life.

    I started from Day #1, every morning transferring money from my checking to a special savings account. Transferring the money that I spent on smokes. I do it everyday, because that is how I bought cigarettes and I had the money there would be no excuses for my little nest egg.

    I now have more than $1500 in that account. It's mind boggling to me, because I didn't have that much disposable income....LOL.

    Good Luck....and great decision to quit!
