Trying to get my full 1200 calories



  • I forget to eat ( brain fog)you would think I wouldn't .have a weight problem but I do... when I used to work out i was a very strick eater and found the following to be easy to follow...
    calories Carbs Fat Protein
    Hard Boiled Egg, 2 large 140...................... 1 ..............11................13
    1 slices white toast with parkay spray 70..................... 14............... 1 .................2
    Orange Juice, 1 cup 110..................... 25 ...............1 .................2
    Breakfast TOTALS: 320 ....................40 ..............12 ................17
    Banana, fresh, 1 small (6" to 6-7/8" long) 93.................... 24 ................1 ..................1
    White Bread, 2 slice 133 ....................25................ 2 .................4
    vitawater, 1 serving 2...................... 7................ 0................. 0
    JIF creamy peanut butter, 1 tbsp 95....................... 4 ................8................ 4
    Lunch TOTALS: 341 ....................60.............. 10................ 8
    Mixed Vegetables,stemable,1 serving 60.................... 11................ 0 ................2
    brown rice (1 cup cooked), 1 serving 218 ....................45................ 2 .................5
    Chicken Breast, no skin, 4 ounces 125 .......................0............... 1 ................26
    Propel Fitness Water, Grape, 12 oz. 15 .......................4................ 0................. 0
    1 packet Szechwan sauce - Kroger's, 1 serving 50 .....................15............... 0.................. 0
    Dinner TOTALS: 468..................... 75............... 3 .................33
    Totals: 1,128 ...................175............. 25.. ..............58
    my Daily Goal: 1,210 - 1,560 ............164 - 237 .....32 - 57......... 60 - 128
    Remaining : 82 - 432............... 0 - 62.......... 7 - 32............ 2 - 70
    (leaves room for snack or a protein shake after workout)

    to add a little different taste to menu I would switch every other day..

    Quaker Instant Oatmeal,maple and brown sugar, 160.......................32............... 3.................. 4
    Milk, 3.25%, 1 cup 146..................... 11 ................8 .................8
    Hard Boiled Egg, 2 large 140 .....................1................ 11 ................13
    Breakfast TOTALS: 446 .....................44.............. 21................ 24
    vitawater, 1 serving 20...................... 7 ................0 ..................0
    Lean Cuisine Asian Style Pot Stickers 260..................... 47................ 4 ..................9
    Oranges, 1 large (3-1/16" dia) 86 .......................22 ................0 ..................2
    Lunch TOTALS: 366 .....................76 ................4 ................11
    Mixed Vegetables Steamables, 60 ........................11.............. 0 ................2
    Kraft Lightt Ranch Salad Dressing, 2 tbsp 77......................... 3................ 7................ 0
    Propel Fitness Water, Grape, 12 oz 15......................... 4................ 0................ 0
    Tossed Salad, 1.5 cup 33........................ 7................ 0 ................3
    Beef, round steak, 4 oz 150........................ 0 ................4.............. 26
    Dinner TOTALS: 309...................... 20.............. 11............. 29
    Totals: 1147 ....................145............. 37............. 66
    my Daily Goal: 1,210 - 1,560.......... 164 - 237....... 32 - 57....... 60 - 128
    Remaining : 63 - 413 ................19 - 92.......... 0 - 20........0 - 62
    (leaves room for snack or a protein shake after workout)

    my protein shake was banana....yogurt...berries...whey protein.... flax seed .....skim milk
  • jjbraid
    jjbraid Posts: 54 Member
    I too have extra calories and MFP yells at me saying I am eating too few calories. But here is the question...We get back all of these calories for exercising but nothing else. The sodium doesnt go down, neither does the carbs or anything else. So what the heck do you eat then???
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I too have extra calories and MFP yells at me saying I am eating too few calories. But here is the question...We get back all of these calories for exercising but nothing else. The sodium doesnt go down, neither does the carbs or anything else. So what the heck do you eat then???

    everything goes up in proportion, except sodium. just eat more food.
  • liveinthemix
    liveinthemix Posts: 360 Member
    Believe it or not I'm in the same boat.. my daily goal is for 1950...and I'm at 1065 and have no idea what to eat this late.. being that I'm 300lbs now, I don't want my body to go into "starvation" mode... but then there's that advice I see everywhere "don't eat late at night" Anywho.. yeah..i feel your pain.. if it can be hard for me to even hit 1200..I can totally understand how it can be hard for you to hit it.
  • i have a similar situation, i have close to 400 after i have my dinner. my other problem is, i have went over on carbs, and leftover calories, any suggestions? i'm only on day 3!!
  • Noof91
    Noof91 Posts: 61 Member
    I do have that problem
    and I have found that I don't eat much generally and all my weight seems to be from high calories junk food
    so ya you are not the only one
    but now I am trying to eat more snacks
    and I bought some low calories cookies which I can eat not stop all the day
  • jjbraid
    jjbraid Posts: 54 Member
    I too have extra calories and MFP yells at me saying I am eating too few calories. But here is the question...We get back all of these calories for exercising but nothing else. The sodium doesnt go down, neither does the carbs or anything else. So what the heck do you eat then???

    everything goes up in proportion, except sodium. just eat more food.

    That makes me so happy. I love to eat snacks
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Believe it or not I'm in the same boat.. my daily goal is for 1950...and I'm at 1065 and have no idea what to eat this late.. being that I'm 300lbs now, I don't want my body to go into "starvation" mode... but then there's that advice I see everywhere "don't eat late at night" Anywho.. yeah..i feel your pain.. if it can be hard for me to even hit 1200..I can totally understand how it can be hard for you to hit it.

    eating at night is not an issue. Just aim to hit your cal/macro targets. (and if they're base MFP ones then protein is low so don't worry about going over)

    wwood1968: meat. If you are on base MFP targets and over carbs then you seriously need some protein.
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    Believe it or not I'm in the same boat.. my daily goal is for 1950...and I'm at 1065 and have no idea what to eat this late.. being that I'm 300lbs now, I don't want my body to go into "starvation" mode... but then there's that advice I see everywhere "don't eat late at night" Anywho.. yeah..i feel your pain.. if it can be hard for me to even hit 1200..I can totally understand how it can be hard for you to hit it.

    "Don't eat late at night" is a myth. Eat when you are hungry. If you haven't eaten enough, eat if you're not hungry. Carry it over to the next day. People should be focusing more on their weekly average rather than their daily numbers anyway.
  • liveinthemix
    liveinthemix Posts: 360 Member
    Roger that.. *goes to raid fridge*
  • Mrsmynhier
    Mrsmynhier Posts: 3 Member
    I almost have anywhere between 600-700 when I get home. Then I will fix me a nice healthy dinner and it will take most of it......Although....tonight....I got home....fixed me a salad with 2 hardboiled eggs and 2 T dressing, a baked chicken breast with a peice of reduced fat cheese and some broccoli and I still had 220 calories. I dont hit my calories alot. I could make myself but, I am trying not to eat after 7.