protein shakes for lunch?



  • aegira
    aegira Posts: 201 Member
    so i just bought a protein shake... is it okay if i use this to replace my lunch, as i only get 10 minutes? which is nowhere near long enough to eat anything!

    If that's all you can have then I think it is good because at least you are having something. :smile:
    I sometimes have an isowhey shake because I just don't get lunch breaks ever and I work 40-50 hrs a week, so I figure if I can chug one of these down it a) gives me some nourishment and b) I don't go looking for the wrong type of munchies because I'm content :wink:
  • fragilegift
    fragilegift Posts: 347 Member
    I have no answer to your question, but I'm going to check out the labels on the Up & Go and Sustagen next time I'm in the supermarket!
  • I love having them in a pinch. As long as they don't become an everyday meal, you should be okay. It really depends on your calorie count and if you are trying to lose weight or gain muscle mass, too. A lot of people have made great suggestions about trying to mix it with peanut butter toast or a muffin. I find, no matter how many grams of protein, I am still hungry after the shakes. My brain can't shake the fact that it is a drink - and should have some food with it.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    That sounds like quite a lot of calories for two scoops of protein powder? I'm guess it must be flavoured and have a fair amount of sugar in it then?

    I've just started using protein powder. I'm using Nature's Way natural instant protein powder which was the cheapest one that i found at woolworths and is made of soy protein isolate - so it's a quality protein (although when i'm through with this one i think i'll look for a whey isolate especially since i suspect this one might not be GMO free).
    It has 117 calories in 2 scoops.
    It doesn't have any flavour (although it tastes a little like soy milk).
    I have it for breakfast mixed in with skim milk, yoghurt, chia seeds and whatever fruit i want (banana, mango, berries etc). That's my breakfast and it has been keeping me full for ages. And it's great as i don't have much time for breakfast so put it in a milkshake cup and drink it on my drive to work.

    Tonight i'm going out for dinner with friends and won't want to be tempted to eat (well almost anything) at the place we are going to. They don't really even have any healthy salads there. So i think i'll make up a protein smoothie before hand, and then i'll be full and just have a brucetta and some soda water or something so i don't look like an idiot not having anything. I'm trying to eat my main meal at lunch these days anyway.

    So i reckon give it a go for work... but make sure you don't have much sugar the rest of the day and make sure you get lot of vitamins and minerals from fresh fruit and veg whole grains and lean meats for your other meals. And maybe once you've run out of this tin, try some other brands and give them a go.

    nuts are a good quick, nutritious snack too.

    But what kind of job only gives you 10 mins for lunch?! That is crazy mean. Is it because you're on a short shift? If so then maybe eat before and after instead even if it is weird times?

    that is the same one i have,... maybe it is so many cals cos i have it wt milk instead of water?
  • Ange_
    Ange_ Posts: 324 Member
    ah yes, you're right. I wasn't counting what it was mixed with. I mix mine with different things on different days too so i rather use just the powder value and then add whatever.
    well i hope it got you through your work shift!