Stomach crease/line!



  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,321 Member
    i don't know or see what you mean. you have a small pooch..or really a natural looking stomach that isn't fat at all. you look like a real woman with natural curves. maybe you're going for the flat washboard stomach and obsessing. so you see a ??? i guess a crease. ...cause you look pretty great to me.
  • Additionally avoid sugars, MSG and unhealthy foods in general as much as possible. I'm 43 and have suffered with these lines on my stomach and inside my elbows for my adult life. I've always lead a very active life, went to numerous GPs asking for help with no avail. I'm now doing the research that's finally available online and finding out what the causes are and how to rid these lines.

    I'm extremely addicted to chocolate (all and any kind) and this sounds funny but it has disrupted my life to the point of not funny. And yes posture played a role too. Though my posture has never been that bad, desk jobs years ago I'm no longer in contributed.

    Unfortunately for me, I have had these lines so long that they are so drastic and deep now that they probably won't go away. However, I'll keep trying and now with doing the research I can and am using the proper tools such as:
    1. Drinking lots of water 2. Moisturizing the lines with vitamin E oil 3. Trying to pay closer attention to my posture 4. Eating healthy (trying harder to cut chocolate and all bad food from my diet) 5. Exercising 6. Cutting Stress from my life 7. Sleeping right all around 4. Living a balanced happy life (not letting such lines affect me , just dealing with them as they are)

    I hope this helps any of you to get rid of them and to not worry about them. I know it's easier said then done but maybe with time we can all become more comfortable with our self-conscious faults that give us character and make us who we are. Here's a link on utube of a very brave lady showing her lines even though she's very uncomfortable to do so.
  • Edensienna
    Edensienna Posts: 180 Member
    Before I had children I had a very slim and toned tummy but it has the crease you speak of.

    It never bothered me, I have a long torso and its just a natural crease from bending or sitting. Once I put on weight it was no longer prominent.

    Your tummy is awesome. I hope to achieve such results in time :)
  • james6998
    james6998 Posts: 743 Member
    Random question... But... Doesn't matter how much I weigh I have an ugly crease on my stomach! I'm assuming it's from my posture but it seems like nothing I do gets rid of it.

    Here is a pic taken a couple weeks ago of my problem area. See that pesky line!


    Does anyone else have something similar? Any ways to get rid of it?

    PS will it be gone when I have a six pack? :D
    ACK mine is much worse and i can't remember the time i didn't have them.
  • I have that too. When i lost about 20 pounds a while ago, it was less defined.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    FYI guys this post was from 2011. Here's what I look like now-


    Somewhat there still. Definitely from posture.